I may have taken a fake system

Chapter 410 The tragic experience of an illegitimate child

Chapter 410 The tragic experience of an illegitimate child

"It seems that Young Master Lin's memory has been slightly damaged, but don't worry, Young Master. I happen to have heard about this situation. Why don't you let me treat Young Master."

Reaching out to stop what Bai Lian was about to say, Liu Fuyun pulled out three silver needles as long as modern mutton skewers from his sleeves and said with a smile.

Ignore where Liu Fuyun got the equipment for the moment, but it is undeniable that the deterrent power of this kind of sign, whose boundary with the murder weapon is no longer obvious, is really strong!Bai Lian and Wang Shuangquan both had a flash of pity on their faces, and they secretly offered incense to Lin Si.

Although they didn't know what the second lady's intention was, nor how she managed to stuff the silver needle, which was almost as long as her forearm, into her sleeve, they had seen her smile before.

His smile was so bright and his voice was so soft, it was almost scary!
Lin Si's eyes had just focused a little bit, and when he saw the three long needles in Liu Fuyun's hand, his breath suddenly became confused, and he couldn't help coughing twice on the spot.

The violent vibrations in his chest made it more difficult for him to breathe, and the wounds on his body burst and oozed more seriously. A trace of bright red also overflowed from Linsi's lips.

In this state, he actually managed to control his facial muscles to show a smiley expression.

"You are indeed on the same side as them."

His identity has always been a secret, and many of his friends do not know his true identity.But the few people in front of him knew that his surname was Lin, and they happened to appear here and fished him out. Who else could it be besides those who were chasing him!
Although I don’t know the purpose of bandaging his wounds, no, before they said a few words, these people revealed their true colors and took out the murder weapon to kill him!

"You guys should give up. Not to mention that I don't know where the dirty plot is. Even if I knew it, I wouldn't tell you! You despicable people, if you want to kill, hurry up and don't bother with these methods. No, I won’t be fooled!”

This passage is powerful.

Liu Fuyun, system: "."

Bailian: "."

Wang Shuangquan: "."

The three people exchanged glances again, and this time there was a sense of speechlessness on everyone's faces.

Among them, Liu Fuyun's mood was the most complicated.

Yesterday, she gave this guy some life force to keep him alive. In order to prevent him from being burned to death by the high fever, she spent a little more in the middle of the night.Later, these energies were just dormant in Lin Si's body, and would only be triggered when his life was threatened again. Unexpectedly, this guy actually activated those vitalities in a moment of excitement, and even regained his strength. She spoke for such a long time in one breath, she was wasting this energy unnecessarily!
Lin Si was also shocked that he suddenly recovered a lot of physical strength, but when he tried to take action, the feeling of powerlessness from the serious injury resurfaced again. He had just raised his body and fell back again. Blood spurted out.

"Host, you always say that people have persecution delusions. Look, Mr. Lin's is the most serious one." The system was silent for two seconds and said very seriously.

Not only is he suffering from paranoia, but he also feels a little bit mentally retarded.

And "I won't give you the pictures." They clearly didn't ask anything, this guy did it all by himself.

There were three people outside the carriage and one person inside the carriage. The two parties looked at each other for a long time, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

In the end, the gentle and lovely Miss Bai Lian coughed lightly and said earnestly: "Mr. Lin, your high fever has not gone away, but your head is still dizzy? Why don't you rest for a while? We will do the specific things later. Let’s communicate.”

"Cough cough cough" Lin Si wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth he coughed a series of times, which was so miserable.

His thoughts are now in chaos. Mr. Lin, who has not yet realized what he said, has only one consciousness in his heart that is the most determined, that is, they must not be allowed to succeed!
Liu Fuyun silently put the three long needles back into his sleeves.

If you're mentally retarded, just be mentally retarded. It's easy to talk about anything without losing your memory.

Before anyone could react, she jumped onto the carriage and suddenly struck out, directly cutting the back of Lin Si's neck, causing the comrade who had not yet woken up to fall into an unconscious state again.

She didn't have time to communicate with the mentally retarded person, so she might as well let him comatose and calm down for a while.

Seeing Lin Si who had fallen back and was breathing weakly, Bai Lian got into the car with her eyes twitching and treated his wounds again.

"Let's set off first. There will be more people on the road at dawn. Let's leave here first." Liu Fuyun clapped his hands and sat directly on the wooden board outside the carriage.

There was an injured person in the car who smelled of blood, and she didn't want to stay in there for long.

Wang Shuangquan naturally had no objections to this decision. Safety last night did not mean safety all the time. There was a problem person lying in the car. The sooner he left, the safer it would be.He quickly packed up his things, then sat next to Liu Fuyun, whipped his horse whip and drove the carriage forward.

The next stop is Xuzhou, and they are getting closer to their destination.

"Host, according to Lin Si, he seems to be being hunted because of some plot."

On the way, the system and Liu Fuyun discussed this.

"Speaking of pictures...we still have one on hand." The cool breeze blowing in front of him carried the fragrance of green grass. Liu Fuyun sat without anything to do. He simply closed his eyes and released his mental power to sweep around. "Remember that the Zhang family was exterminated by the Baiyun Sect? It was also related to a treasure map."

When she took the envelope from the secret compartment of Zhang Guanyuan's study, she didn't know what it was, but later she discovered that it actually contained secrets about the Donglai royal family.Dongnae Imperial Tomb is a legendary place. It is said that there is infinite wealth hidden in the imperial tomb. If you get the things inside, your wishes will come true. Therefore, many people are frantically searching for this place.

Baiyun Sect is the craziest one among them.

In order to obtain the map showing the location of the imperial mausoleum, they slaughtered all the Zhang family, extremely ruthlessly.

Now when Liu Fuyun heard the word "map" from Lin Si's mouth, Liu Fuyun's first reaction was that map.

"Anyway, Lin Si regards you as a bad guy. I guess he won't answer you well no matter what you ask." The system smiled and said in a bit mean tone. "I was working on making hidden weapons just now. I don't know what I'm going to do when I wake up later."

"It doesn't matter, it's not me who is being hunted anyway. The worst I can do is throw him out and let him fend for himself." Liu Fuyun snorted and said casually.

She doesn't have as much patience as Bai Lian. Even if the hidden weapon is just anesthetic, she never has a good look towards people who try to attack her.

(End of this chapter)

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