I, a fisherman, it makes sense to catch Kyogre, right?

Chapter 16 16. There is a huge difference between wild elves and trained elves.

Chapter 16 16. There is a world of difference between wild elves and trained elves.

In the game, you can gain experience by defeating your opponents.

It's just that sometimes, the opponent you defeat is too different from your own elf, and the experience you gain is limited, but you won't have no experience.

Obviously in reality, this set of rules in the game does not apply.

Qin Ming has tested this before and concluded that if you defeat an opponent continuously within 24 hours, you can only gain experience once. Experience cannot be accumulated by repeated defeats.

This was also the reason why Qin Ming was somewhat reluctant to fight the little fist stone just now.

It is one of the rules of this world that you can only gain experience once in 24 hours.

After getting rid of the small fist stone that was in the way, Qin Ming took Riolu and continued on the road.

After climbing over a low hill and entering a corner, I heard a loud noise coming from the front.




Following the sound, I saw five animals about half a meter tall, with their main bodies made of navy blue stones, jumping around on the ground.

These five elves are Ishiwanko who live in this area and are closely related to Xiaoquanshi. They also belong to the rock system.

Qin Ming focused his eyes on one of them and activated his exploratory eyes to check the specific data.

[Elf: Ishimaru]

【Gender: Male】

[Attributes: rock, ground. 】

[Feature: None]

[Level: 11 (novice level)]

[Potential: Normal level]

【Carrying items: none】

[Skills: impact, sand removal, hardening]

[Hereditary skills: None. 】

【Status: General】

[Individual value qualifications: HP (11), attack (13), defense (19), special attack (15), special defense (17), speed (28)]

[Note: A stone ball with very ordinary qualifications that can be seen everywhere. 】


Originally, these five stone balls were gathering together and chatting happily, but with the appearance of Qin Ming and Riolu, the atmosphere changed.

It seemed that they were very dissatisfied with Qin Ming's and others' interference, and they kept shouting at them to expel them.




He didn't pay much attention to Shiwanzi's expulsion of Qin Ming. Instead, he took the initiative to look at Riolu next to him: "Gouzi, you are going to fight five opponents at once this time. Are you confident?"



Riolu patted his chest, and then assumed a fighting stance, his red eyes carefully watching every move of the opponent in front of him.

Seeing Riolu's actions, the Ishimarukos suddenly became angry.

The elves of the rock type have bad tempers, so there is a common saying that they are stinky rocks.

And Riolu's fighting stance was a provocation to them!
Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Naturally, Ishimaru, who had the advantage in terms of numbers, could not intimidate Riolu who was working alone, so he immediately used a move to hit and run towards Riolu.

[Crash: Use the entire body to slam into the opponent to attack. 】

The collision skill can be said to be the most basic skill. Basically half of the elves know this move. After all, this move has no technical content, it just bumps into the opponent.

It's just that because Ishimaru is a rock elf, his body is relatively hard, and even the most basic impact has a relatively good effect.

In terms of numbers, Qin Ming's side was obviously at a disadvantage, but Qin Ming still let Riolu face it alone.He took a few steps back, specifically leaving enough space for Riolu to perform, and at the same time issued an instruction: "Gouzi, don't get entangled with the opponent in the first round. Use your speed advantage to avoid the opponent's attack."


Riolu agreed and concentrated on avoiding Ishimaru's impact attack.

The elves of the rock type all have one characteristic, that is, they are generally slower, perhaps because they are heavier.

Ishimaru's speed racial value is only 15 points, while Riolu's speed racial value is not very fast, only 60 points, but the difference between the two is four times.

In addition, Ishimaru does not use rolling to increase his speed like the small fist stone, so even if Riolu does not use lightning flash to increase his speed, he can easily avoid the opponent's attack by virtue of his speed advantage.

"Gouzi, have you seen the stone ball on your right!"

Qin Ming, who was always paying attention to the battle situation, keenly discovered the opponent's loopholes and immediately issued an order: "Use the cross chop to attack!"

"After a successful hit, don't be reluctant to fight. Immediately distance yourself from your opponent again."


Riolu moved quickly, striking Ishimaru with his palms like the wind, causing extremely effective damage, and then regained the distance.

Ishimaruko, who was hit by the attack, wanted to chase Riolu, but when he turned his head, he found that his opponent was far away, so he could only continue to use impact to attack Riolu.



The remaining four stone balls also used collision, but unfortunately the difference in speed made it difficult for them to catch up with the agile Riolu.

During the chase, Qin Ming once again found an opportunity to issue an attack command: "Now, repeat the attack on Shi Wanzi who was injured just now!"


Riolu hit the Ishimaru who had been hit hard with another cross attack. Ishimaru was continuously hit with extremely effective damage and had a weaker defense than the small fist stone. He lost all his physical strength and fell down, his eyes spinning in circles.

[Tip: You, Riolu, defeat your opponent Ishimaruko and gain 180 experience points.]

While defeating their opponent, Riolu once again distanced himself, and the Ishimarukos continued their mindless pursuit.

Even though the opponent had a huge numerical advantage, Qin Ming still sent Riolu to defeat many. This was because wild elves had weaker combat effectiveness than elves trained by the system.

Wild elves fight more by instinct and rarely think. Of course, they don't know how to think because their main themes are different.

Elves with trainers have their food and drink prepared by the trainer. There is only one thing they have to do every day, practice to make themselves stronger.

But wild elves are different. The first thing they have to do every day is to survive.

The first thing I do when I wake up is to find something to eat.

Only when they are full will they think about other things.

This is the result of different main themes.

Moreover, wild elves rarely pull, and only attack in a straight line.

Because when competing for territory with other elves, the stronger one often has an advantage and can intimidate the other party.

The tougher they are, the less they dare others to invade, or take the initiative to give up their territory, which makes the wild elves somewhat savage in character.

But trained elves are different. They know how to deal with their opponents in the most efficient way at the lowest cost, instead of being brainless and tough.

And in terms of skills, wild elves can only learn skills that are learned after leveling up.

But the trained elves are different. The trainer will specifically let the elves learn skills that they cannot automatically understand because of different opponents and different environments.

For example, the Thunder Fist and Freeze Fist among the Farmer's Three Fists are not among Riolu's automatic comprehension skills, but they can be learned through later system training.

But there is no way for a wild Riolu to learn.

Finally, it is the most important point.

Wild elves rely more on instinct and their own judgment when fighting.

But often, the authorities are obsessed.

As a bystander, the trainer can assess the situation and command the elves to use the most reasonable moves based on different situations. From a tactical level, the trainer is already stronger than the wild elves fighting alone.

Because of all the above, Qin Ming felt confident and bold enough to let Riolu fight one-on-five.



(End of this chapter)

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