I, a fisherman, it makes sense to catch Kyogre, right?

Chapter 42 42, there is Lada and Inspector Mongoose in the front, and there is Overlord Flower in th

Chapter 42 42, there is Lada and Inspector Mongoose in the front, and there is Overlord Flower in the back. The secret realm is really dangerous.
The Lada tribe is a group of elves that mainly live in groups.

If you see a Rattata in the wild, there is no doubt that there are at least 40 Rattata around it.

Secondly, Lada, the leader of Little Lada, is 0.7 meters tall and weighs 20 kilograms. He has a big appearance and a pair of huge front teeth that can easily break even stones.

In addition, it can be seen from Radha's appearance that he is not a good-tempered elf.

The combination of their large numbers and bad temper makes few elves in the wild willing to provoke the Radha clan.

Perhaps they had run too far, and some of the Rattata no longer had the strength to run any further.



In desperation, the leader of the Rada screamed, signaling the other Rada to stop.

At the same time, in Qin Ming's eyes, three standing elves walked out of the grass chattering in Qin Ming's eyes. These were none other than the mongoose inspector who was good at catching Rattata and Rattata for food.

[Elf: Inspector Mongoose (Leader)]

【Gender: Male】

[Attribute: General]

[Feature: Strong Jaw (Because the jaw is strong, the power of biting moves will increase.)]

[Level: 32 (Elite Junior)]

[Potential: Elite Level]

【Carrying items: none】

[Skills: Shaking sand, impacting, staring, tit for tat, self-motivation, biting, throwing mud, angry front teeth, slamming]

[Genetic Skill: None]

【Status: General】

[Individual value qualifications: HP (27), attack (13), defense (31), special attack (25), special defense (17), speed (20)]

[Note: Elf with average qualifications. 】


Seeing the strength of these three elite mongoose detectives, Qin Ming understood why the Rada were running away.

Elves are actually just like animals.

Rats are afraid of cats.

The natural enemy of the Lada clan is the Meerkat Inspector, who is also good at hunting Lada.

It was precisely in order to avoid natural enemies that the Rattas left their original habitat and came here, and the Meerkat Inspector happened to be the kind of perseverant elf, so the current scene was created.

"Gouzi, let's go a little further outside."

Qin Ming took Riolu and carefully escaped to the edge of the battlefield. He did not want to get involved in the battle between the two groups of elves.



The leader of the two ratas screamed to intimidate the pursuing Meerkat Inspector.

It's a pity that the three meerkat detectives were not intimidated at all. Instead, they excitedly showed their fangs and prepared to fight.




Perhaps they were chasing all the way, but the mongoose detectives couldn't hold it any longer, and they all used one move to attack and attack the two Rada leaders.

Forced by desperation, the two Rattas could only fight back angrily.



They all used their angry front teeth to attack.

Clang! !
Clang! !
Two Rattas and three Meerkat inspectors fought together, and the scene was chaotic.

But obviously, three versus two would definitely be beneficial to Inspector Mongoose.

In the melee, the Meerkat Inspector also used his angry front teeth to bite Lada, but it was obvious that the Meerkat Inspector with the blessing of his strong jaws had the upper hand.

During the confrontation, the male Lada leader lost several of his whiskers due to the collision. Suddenly, the male Lada's movements became sluggish, and his yellow body was immediately besieged by the mongoose inspector.

The breath of the Lada clan is not like human hair.The beard is an important organ used by the Lada clan to maintain balance!
Once his beard is cut off due to fighting, Lada's movements, which cannot maintain balance, will become sluggish.

Beards can be said to be the lifeblood of the Lada clan, and it is precisely because of this that Inspector Mongoose attacks mostly towards both ends of Lada's cheeks.

The balance of the battle slowly shifted towards Inspector Mongoose.

Rattata on the side saw the two leaders in trouble. Although he knew that he was not strong enough, he resolutely launched an attack, using his protruding front teeth to help attack.

As soon as the extremely large number of Rattata joined the battlefield, the situation was immediately stabilized.

At the same time, Qin Ming also led Riolu away to the outermost edge of the battlefield.

Facing the two groups of elves fighting fiercely on the battlefield, Qin Ming waved to Riolu beside him and said, "Gouzi, let's go."


Riolu agreed and continued walking beside Qin Ming.

Who wins between the Radha clan and the Meerkat clan?

Qin Ming actually didn't care much.

The wild elves fight, and there is no telling how many things will happen in a day in the wild.

The wilderness is different from the city. The city is quiet and peaceful.

Elves with trainers don't have to worry about eating or drinking, they can just play or train happily every day.

But it's different in the wild. Elves will run around to grab territory, food, or, like Inspector Meerkat, hunt for prey.

Fighting is the main theme in the wild.


As he led Riolu to the designated destination, Qin Ming's nose felt a little itchy and he sneezed as he passed by a patch of low grass.

At the same time, there was a faint sweetness filling the air.

Instinctively, Qin Ming felt something was wrong!

He focused his gaze on Riolu beside him and asked, "Gouzi, do you feel anything?"

Riolu, who has the power of waveguides in his body, will speak in advance whenever he encounters any abnormal situation.

This has been proven before.

But at this time Riolu shook his head and said there was nothing unusual: "Leo~!!!"

As the faint sweetness entered the body through the nose, Qin Ming felt that his body began to become a little weak.

"not good!!"

"This is paralysis powder!!"

Qin Ming bit the tip of his tongue, and the huge pain instantly made him mentally clear.

Looking at the surrounding grass, I saw a few special flowers about 80 meters away.

If you look closely, you will see that they are not flowers at all.

But 5 Overlord Flowers!

Upon observation, we found that there were three males and two females.

Three male Overlord flowers hold the blooming buds and constantly show their favor to the two female Overlord flowers. At the same time, the flowers above their heads continue to overflow some light yellow pollen.

This light yellow pollen can cause paralysis in humans and elves. It is the raw material used for the Overlord Flower super-concentrated paralysis bomb!
During the courtship period, the Overlord flower will emit pollen unconsciously, which is not an active offensive behavior.

Because in their opinion, the bigger the flowers on their heads bloom and the more pollen they have, the more they are liked by their own race.

If pedestrians passing by are not careful and excessively ingest this paralyzing powder, they will not only fall into a state of paralysis, but also cause certain damage to human nerves.

First, the Radha clan and the Meerkat Inspector clan fought, and then the Overlord Flower secreted paralyzing powder.

The wilderness is indeed a place full of danger at all times.

It's no wonder that Shencheng University has to train for up to two weeks before organizing secret military training.

"Dog, let's go!!"

Qin Ming, who was aware of the situation, took Riolu and sped away.



(End of this chapter)

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