Chapter 220 Trisolaris and Tomoko!

[Eradicate the tyranny of the Three-Body Problem, and the world belongs to mankind! 】

Looking at this inexplicable sentence in the pop-up window on the computer, Ding Yi had a question mark on his face.

No, he never downloads messy software or browses color websites. When he usually surfs the Internet, he only occasionally conducts academic exchanges with scientific researchers from other countries or checks literature.

How can this be poisoned?
After briefly complaining in his heart, Ding Yi stretched out his finger, intending to cut off the power of the computer first, and then call a professional to come and take a look.

After all, there is a lot of scientific research information in his computer. If something goes wrong, the losses will be huge!

But before Ding Yi could take action, the text on the pop-up window changed again.

[Don’t you want to know why the results of particle acceleration experiments are so different from the theoretical calculation data? 】

Seeing this line of text, Ding Yi stopped subconsciously.

Ding Yi himself has recently become taciturn because of this problem, and has been unable to come up with a reasonable explanation even after thinking hard. His girlfriend Yang Dong has also recently become taciturn and has some mental problems because of this problem.

Ding Yi even heard that there were already some physicists abroad, so he committed suicide!
This problem can be said to be a serious problem that has troubled Ding Yi, his girlfriend Yang Dong, and even many elite researchers in the physics community during this period!

If it cannot be solved, then physics will have no future at all.

Even more seriously, maybe physics has never existed at all, which would be a huge blow to the entire human civilization!

So even if he didn't think the "virus operator" on the other side of the computer had any reasonable explanation, Ding Yi still planned to talk to the other party first.

Ding Yi glanced at the pop-up window on the computer. There was no input port or anything like that, and he was wondering how he should communicate with the other party.

At this time, the text on the pop-up window changed again.

[You just need to speak directly, I can know your answer through the computer camera and microphone]

Ding Yi:.
Ding Yi was a little restless. After all, anyone who knows that every move he makes will be exposed to the eyes of others will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Ding Yi made a decision in her mind. If she changed her computer in the future, she would have to ask someone to remove the camera and microphone first!
But now, Ding Yi still plans to clarify the doubts in his heart first.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Do you know why the results of the particle acceleration experiment are inconsistent with the calculated data?"

Ding Yi came up with three questions.

Naturally, Su Yu expected this, so he directly used the words he had planned in advance to deceive Ding Yi.

"I come from an organization called Fire Chasing Moth. You can call me by my codename [Yu]."

"As for what our purpose is, I have just told you that the current preliminary purpose of the organization is to eliminate the tyranny of the Three-Body Problem, and the final purpose is to let every inch of territory in the endless galaxy be filled with human influence. banner!"

Ding Yi:? ? ?
Am I suffering from a mental illness?Or some kind of cult organization?
I am talking to you about scientific issues here, but you are telling me about conquering the universe?
Also, what is the Three-Body Tyranny?
Ding Yi said that she had never heard of this thing.

And Ding Yi's face, with doubt written all over it, was naturally seen by Su Yu through the computer camera.Su Yu was not surprised by this. At this time, ETO, the Earth's Trisolaran organization, had not yet been exposed. Only a few people on the entire Earth knew about the existence of Trisolarans, and Ding Yi was not among them.

So Su Yu began to explain patiently.

"You look confused, don't worry, I'll explain it all to you in detail."

"Let's start with the question you are most concerned about. Why are the experimental results of particle acceleration so different from the calculated theoretical data? Is there a problem with your particle accelerator, or is the data calculation wrong?"

Ding Yi shook his head. These two may have been investigated many times!

There is no fault in the particle accelerator itself, and the data calculation results have been verified using numerous supercomputers at home and abroad, and there are no problems with either.

If the problem was just that simple, then this problem would not have troubled so many physicists around the world for so long.

It is precisely because of this that this unreasonable anomaly confuses and even scares many physicists.

Therefore, Ding Yi stared at the pop-up window on the computer, wanting to know what the problem was.

"The fact is that there is nothing wrong with the particle accelerator. Although your experimental results have errors, they are still within the normal range. The real cause of this abnormal phenomenon is that someone interfered with the particle collision process."

Ding Yi:! ! !
"Impossible!" Ding Yi retorted subconsciously, "It is true that someone has made this speculation before, but it is completely impossible."

"Once the particle accelerator starts running, it cannot be opened until it completely stops cooling, and those high-energy particles will be accelerated to close to the speed of light. Even God cannot stop it. Who can interfere with this process?"

"An alien?"

However, the words that followed on the pop-up window almost made Ding Yi choke to death on the spot.

[You are so smart. You are indeed a top physicist. You guessed the answer right now. 】

[Yes, it was the evil alien Trisolarans who interfered with the results of the particle collision experiment! 】

Ding Yi: w(Д)w
Come on, he just said it casually, are they really aliens?
[Three-body people used dimensional technology to expand and transform some microscopic particles in two dimensions, and then launched them to the earth. These microscopic particles can use quantum entanglement to achieve real-time communication and report things on the earth back to the Trisolaran star. At the same time, It is also responsible for locking down Earth's technology. 】

[As you just said, it is impossible to stop high-energy particles moving close to the speed of light, but what if what changes is not the high-energy particles in motion, but the particles that stay in place, waiting to be hit? Is it much easier? 】

[This is how sophons sneak into the particle accelerator, and then use themselves to collide with high-energy particles, changing the experimental process, making it impossible for you to obtain correct experimental results. 】

[As a result, human research on the microscopic world will stop here and will not be able to make progress, and basic physics will not be able to further develop. 】

[And as long as basic physics cannot progress, human technology will be locked at its current level. 】

Ding Yi:! ! !
 continue coding

(End of this chapter)

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