My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 116 Xiliang Heavy Cavalry

Chapter 116 Xiliang Heavy Cavalry (please subscribe)

When the sky was dark, it began to drizzle, and Longyang County, which had experienced a great battle, was shrouded in water vapor.

After the street ban was lifted, people gradually began to walk around on the streets, but they did not dare to walk casually. They watched groups of soldiers rushing past in the rain with vigilance.

It was the second day after the war, and it was unbelievable for the people in the city to go out on the streets. When they went out to fetch water and buy groceries, women from nearby houses gathered by the wells and whispered about the attack on the city. Occasionally, there were soldiers The horse passed by the alley, and everyone shut up at the right time. When the footsteps faded away, they started talking nonsense again.

"Oh, I was so scared yesterday. I fought when I said we were going to fight."

"Isn't that right? The guy from my family was conscripted to the city wall, but when he came back, he was completely naked, without even underpants. He was sent back by a few rebel soldiers because they saw him sneaking around on the street... ugh , why are you taking off your robes when you go to the city wall?"

"Is it possible that your family members are working as husbandmen in other people's homes..."

"This damn guy... doesn't plow his own land, but goes to plow someone else's!" A stout woman walked away angrily, carrying a small bag of corn.

The remaining women snickered a few times and continued talking about market gossip.

"This morning, I heard that General Wang, who was sent by the imperial court, died in battle yesterday."

"Oh, what a pity. Why did you lose your life to a foolish king?"

"Who told you that the emperor is a coward?"

"It's not Hunjun, why do so many people turn against him?"

In the midst of the small talk in the market, soldiers and horses were passing by on the streets outside. The cavalry recruiting craftsmen were running around. After the siege, the four gates needed to be repaired. The corpses on the city walls also began to be moved today. Donkey carts and boards were used to bury them in the countryside. When they passed the city wall, they would be claimed by the people guarding there. If there were any relatives among them, they could take them back and bury them themselves.

On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, no one is to blame.

Some people who found the bodies of their relatives hugged the bodies and cried loudly near the city gate. For a time, the sound of crying could be heard from all four gates.The corpses of Bingzhou and Xiliang soldiers were cremated together, and the ashes were stuffed into clay pots with their names written on them. They were returned to Ding'an City and handed over to their relatives, and then they were given pensions.

The government officials also came back one after another this morning. The bodies of the prefect's family were also found when the soldiers searched the government office again. Several members of the family were stuffed into several large jars of pickles.

The police officer led a group of civilians and began to clean the blood stains on the streets and city walls. More than 2 surrendered soldiers in the city were concentrated in the military camp outside the city. Another 3000 people broke through the east gate that night and fled back to the counties.

In Longyang City, people were noisy, the groans of carriages, horses and wooden wheels, and the cheers and screams of soldiers sounded from time to time in the streets.Su Chen rode through the street and looked at the gradually recovering market. He finally had a smile on his face and turned around the intersection leading to the east city gate. Now all the military camps have been moved to the eastern suburbs.

There are still two military camps, Bingzhou and Xiliang, five miles apart, occupying the north and south terrain of Longyang, forming a horn with the city.

Su Chen turned around and glanced at the corpses hanging in a row on the gate of the city tower. He turned back and smiled: "The Huangshen Religion has sent out so many masters this time. I'm afraid that the whole family will lose money. I just don't know how to teach them." How high is the martial arts of the leader in the middle, can he defeat you?"

"Humph, I'm not afraid of death, why should I be afraid of these green forests?"

Dian Wei carried both halberds on his back and could keep up with the slow-moving horse with his casual steps. He didn't pay attention to Su Chen's questions at all.

"It's better to be careful. Let's go to Xiliang Military Camp first."

When we got up this morning, most of the generals in the government office went to deal with post-war matters. Only Su Chen was the last one to open his eyes. It was already three o'clock in the morning when he got up.

After two miles to the northeast, the outline of the camp was already visible. After yesterday's battle, the number of Xiliang soldiers was less than 79, with 620 casualties, including [-] killed directly in battle, [-] seriously injured and [-] left. As soon as the injuries were different, he was basically unable to participate in the ensuing fight.

The soldiers guarding the camp gate saw the cavalry coming from a distance. They stood in two rows and straightened their backs with their spears. Su Chen nodded to them one by one and asked where Dong Zhuo and Li Jue were.

After getting the answer at the school grounds, I rode directly there. Before I got there, I heard the sound of clanging, and pieces of gorgeous armor were being sorted out in categories and combined with other parts into a set.

Among the mountains of armor, there were also many armors for war horses. Li Jue had an excited smile on his face and was gesticulating with Dong Zhuo.

Then, he picked up a piece of armor for a war horse, asked someone to put it on his horse, and banged it a few times with his big hands. "Dong Gong, these six hundred sets are just enough for the Flying Bear Army. Now we have the Xiliang Iron Cavalry."

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, the two turned around. When they saw Su Chen and Dian Wei, they immediately greeted them with a smile and raised their hands: "Why doesn't the general take more rest?"

"Generals don't rest, how can I sleep?" Su Chen dismounted and returned the salute, then walked past the two of them, looked at the armor, and smiled: "Marquis Wen, are they not going to compete with you?"

As he spoke, he also patted the armor of Li Jue's horse: "Good thing, yesterday Wang Chengwu led a heavy cavalry charge into the formation, and he almost succeeded."

"Haha, I want it, why don't I give it to my son Fengxian?" Dong Zhuo patted his bulging belly with a proud smile on his face.

Li Jue came to Su Chen's side and whispered: "Dong Gong actually told Lu Bu that with these armors and horses, he would cancel the incident of stabbing Dong Gong to death."


Dong Zhuo frowned and coughed twice, and Li Jue quickly stood up straight.However, it can be seen that Dong Zhuo was willing to lower his face and ask Lu Bu for it in person, and he was indeed greedy for these vests and iron armor.

Because of the complicated workmanship, the workshops in Ding'an are not yet able to produce such ones, but the captured ones can still be used after some repairs.It just matched Li Jue's [-] flying bear army.

"When repairing these armors, you might as well add iron buckles on both sides of the armor of the war horses, and use iron chains to connect the war horses with each other. If the heavy cavalry charges together, the iron chains in the middle can also scrape the enemy soldiers layer by layer. On the contrary, if iron awls were inserted into the iron chains, the power of the charge would probably be even better."

Su Chen's suggestion was based on the Iron Pagoda of the Jin Kingdom, but the cavalry armor was definitely inferior to the opponent's. He just picked up a cavalry iron armor with bright colors and gorgeous decorations. It was simply a magnet for attracting the opponent's arrows, and went towards When placed on the battlefield, it is too conspicuous.

"General, your suggestion is good, but if one war horse falls, won't it pull down the other horses together?" After all, Li Jue is the commander of the Flying Bear Army. He knows the shortcomings of the cavalry, so he can naturally think of them Disadvantages.

"Add a sliding opening to the iron buckle. If a rider falls, the iron chain will slide down and break free from the opening. Then the iron knight next to it will not be affected."

With that said, Su Chen had a whim and asked Li Jue to call the Flying Bear Army to choose the right one for each horse.

In the morning sunshine, six hundred Flying Bear troops gathered at the school grounds. They came one by one to select and then put armor on their horses. There were many scratches and bloodstains on these armors, but it did not affect their wearability.

The leather-armored light cavalry that originally appeared on the school grounds disappeared, and what appeared again were Xiliang's heavy cavalry clad in iron armor. On the fully armored horses, the cavalrymen put on their iron helmets and pulled down their face shields.

Suddenly a murderous aura emitted.

"Now..." Su Chen rode in front of them, "You are the real Xiliang Flying Bear Army, the real elite."

The six hundred cavalrymen who had been given names raised their swords in their hands, wearing iron masks, or clapping their spears.

"Long live the Great General!"

The surrounding Xiliang infantry also shouted, and the roar echoed throughout the entire Dazhai.

Since the Bingzhou Army had wolf cavalry, the soldiers of the Xiliang Army finally untied their knots and had their own cavalry. Although the number was small, on the battlefield, it was an existence that no one dared to look down upon.

Su Chen then got on his horse and went to the Bingzhou military camp. After checking the situation of the wounded soldiers, he began to capture the five counties under Longyang, because after the First World War in Longyang, the defeated troops who fled back reported the fighting situation here to other places. The county government officials did not wait for the troops from Bingzhou and Xiliang to arrive, but the magistrates and lieutenants from the five counties came to Longyang in person to present the city.

Later, they were met by Su Chen in person. After some encouragement, they cursed the court for allowing the barbarians to enter the customs. They also talked about opening warehouses to transport grain to the army, and then hurried back to the counties.

Su Chen has always maintained a cautious attitude towards these people and does not take them seriously, but he must get the grain and herbs.

At the same time, after receiving the news that Wang Chengwu died in battle and Longyang County was lost, the emotions of the emperor, civil and military officials in the Yanjing court were on the verge of collapse. The people in the city gradually became panicked. Without the five counties of Longyang as a barrier, Yanjing was now Directly exposed to the rebels' front.

For a time, Yanjing was in a nervous state from top to bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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