My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 178 1 stick of incense is so big

Chapter 178 A stick... such a big incense

The road in the military camp was muddy, and the soldiers passing by had solemn faces. The sound of cars and horses came in and out of the camp gate, bringing up turbid water. Outside the camp, some soldiers were still marching.

This is a kind of marching method of the Wei army. When it gets dark, the front troops camp to rest and recuperate, while the rear camp continues to move forward. Three or four hours later, the advancing troops camp, and the troops and horses who have rested catch up with them and alternate.

If there is an ambush, all soldiers and horses will not be folded in.

At this time, the Wei soldiers in the front team no longer cared about the wet and muddy ground, and most of them stayed by the campfire to keep warm, or stayed in their tents to take a nap, waiting for the bugle call to break out the camp.

Near Hai hour, in the large tent of the Chinese army, the clan generals who commanded [-] holy troops were looking through the battle reports that had been sent recently. They waited until the soldiers and horses from the counties and counties that had been encircled together were attacked and defeated by the other side.

It made him feel some pressure. To have such an opportunity, it was obvious that the other party's leading generals were extremely experienced.

"...Destroying them one by one is a good method. Cutting off the eyes and ears of Chendu County and making the soldiers in the city tremble is a strategy to attack the heart. It is true that he has fought in big battles and is a veteran of war." Zhao Guiyan sorted out the recent news one by one and handed it over. To the soldiers in the tent, "Transfer it to Wang Zhiwen, the supervisor of the army, and by the way, send a fast horse to inform Chen Quan on the west road, asking him to pay attention to the enemy's troops and horses on the west road."

Not long after the soldier left, the tent curtain was suddenly opened, and a fat man walked in with his feet covered in mud, swinging his boots at the entrance of the tent.

"Hehe, Zhao Langjun called me to see Hu Xuanwu? But you have to wait for me to clean up the mud first, so as not to have mud everywhere later."

"No, come in and sit aside."

He didn't like the playful look on the other party's face, but the other party's humbleness and address made him quite happy.The other party was recommended by a close confidant. He had also passed the examination of using troops and leading troops. He did have some real qualities. However, at such an age and with no reputation, he originally wanted to just throw him into a team and become a captain, but he couldn't. This old guy was good at getting things done. He served Shangguan comfortably and was very good at flattering him. After several contacts, Zhao Guiyan had someone check his background and found out that he was from Chazhou, so he was transferred to his subordinates.

When he came out this time, seeing that he was old and still wanted to make a name for himself, I simply gave him the job of escorting food and fodder.

Zhao Guiyan waved to the old fat man who came in and asked him to find a low stool nearby and sit down.

"Don't laugh in the army. It's not formal. I miss you at your age, but you still want fame and wealth, so I ask you to transport food and crops. Why are you walking so slowly? Don't tell me it's because the ground is muddy!"

An Lushan patted the mud spots on his body, giggled, and then carefully dug into his clothes for a moment, and took out a palm-sized stone inkstone. It was simple and unpretentious, with only a few lines carved on the edge.

"Mr. Zhao doesn't know something... I picked this thing up on the way, so it delayed my trip."

As he spoke, he gently placed the stone inkstone on the desk.

Zhao Guiyan picked up the stone inkstone and patted it on a book, "An Lushan, put away your tricks. Now we are marching to fight. We will enter Chendu County soon. The scouts came to report the reinforcements sent by several surrounding counties. They were We are defeating them one by one, and the situation is grim. If we are defeated, I cannot explain it to Your Majesty. No matter how difficult the road is, the food and crops must reach Yongcheng in time!"


An Lushan dragged his heavy belly and stood up suddenly to accept the promise!
"I will write down the crime of delaying food supply for you today. I will argue with you after the battle is over."

After admonishing, Zhao Guiyan raised his hand and waved to the other party.After a while, when An Lushan went out, he picked up the inkstone and looked through it. He carefully touched the bottom of the inkstone with a distressed look in his eyes.

He is thirty-five years old. He is not tall in stature. He has a half-inch beard and a fair and graceful face. If it were not for the armor, he would be more like a gentleman in the library holding books and chanting them. In addition to military books, his favorite is military books. They are the four treasures of the study.

"This old guy really knows what he wants, and he always touches my heart. If you were younger, the general guarding one side would not allow you to sit there. It's a pity that you are old, and His Majesty doesn't like old generals very much... You, work well under me and respect me, haha."

Zhao Guiyan looked back and forth at the stone inkstone in his hand. Although it was worthless in the eyes of others, Zhao Guiyan rubbed every texture on it with relish.

Outside the military camp, An Lushan, with a flattering smile on his face, bowed and nodded from time to time to the general who also greeted him in the same way, and stayed there until he left.

"I will honor you well...provide you with food and fodder..." After leaving the camp, he still kept a smile on his face and muttered to himself one after another.

In the next two days, the flattering old man in his mouth returned the grain to Yongcheng on time. Zhao Guiyan maintained constant contact with another detachment on the West Road led by Chen Quan, who led [-] soldiers and horses from the capital. Together they enter the boundary of Chendu County.

The 4 people were divided into more than ten echelons, and the advancing route occupied mountains, fields, and plains. Along the way, they collected the remaining soldiers who had been defeated before and arranged them as laborers in the rear camp.

More and more scouts were sent out, and news came and went hundreds of times every day. After all, the Yan army on the opposite side was also experienced in many battles, so he had to be careful.

After several days of marching, he built the recommended route into a continuous advance. While rushing on the road, he asked the craftsmen at the rear to make tools and made full preparations for the attack. However, it was only more than 200 miles away from Chendu County, except for some incidents that occurred from time to time. In the scout battle, the opponent's army does not fight or confront him at all.

According to the news from the scouts, the opponent's troops had arrived one after another at least around [-], but there was no sign of attack for several days. This made him feel as if he had exerted all his strength but was hit with nothing.

The sound of horse hooves, footsteps, and the sound of flags all continued to ring on the advancing front. Zhao Guiyan lowered his head to glance at the latest news, frowned, then raised his face, looked at the array advancing in front, and shuttled of scouts.

He said to the generals following behind him:
"What is the Yan army trying to do? Are they constantly darting back and forth in front of us to spread suspicion?"

The general closest to him at the rear smiled: "The general guesses that they are observing us and looking for a place to attack."

As a general of the Feng Sheng Army, he is luxuriously dressed and naturally has good combat prowess and vision.

Facing the famous Yan army, the generals of the Feng Sheng Army did not look down upon it, nor were they lazy. However, this strategy of moving around made them feel quite passive, as if they would attack somewhere in their army at any time.

Because of the small number of horses in the Central Plains, the customary military formation felt strangely anxious about attacking the Wei army head-on.

"Their scouts are very powerful. Of the fifteen scouts sent by our army before, seven were injured and three were killed. Most of them were plotted by the other side. In the scout battle, we were at a disadvantage. The other side was fully prepared. Even if the army oppresses the other side's scouts, it cannot escape being monitored by them."

Among the generals, a scribe wearing a robe and leather armor said softly: "In the two days since we arrived in Chendu County, several battalions of soldiers and horses on the other side have changed several places, and they are still darting back and forth in front of us." "They. It's confusing our sight and confusing our ears." Zhao Guiyan also had his own opinions on these, and his hoarse voice struggled to squeeze out of his throat: "If you follow their footsteps, you will be led into a trap. Stop with silence and continue as usual. Approaching Chendu County, the two main forces are facing each other close to the big city. We will win the first battle!"

He said and smiled.

"The King of Xia thought this was the Kingdom of Yan, but he forgot that the Central Plains was a land of literati and knowledgeable. Many of the tactics he could think of were recorded in military books and how to crack them.

It doesn't matter that he has soldiers who can fight a hundred battles, and he has powerful generals, but now he keeps retreating, so he creates a suspicious formation, which shows that he doesn't dare to underestimate our army. I really hope he hears the news of the defeat of his army that has fought a hundred battles. What a look! "

The words analyzed by both sides contained a hint of encouragement. The surrounding generals looked at each other briefly and responded with a heavy voice, but they were not optimistic about this war.

Zhao Guiyan marched with the war horse, his figure swaying slightly. As a general of the clan, even if he was not optimistic about the war, he could not say it out loud. The face of the emperor and the clan was there, and he could not retreat!

"Generals, do you think the other general will think that we are trying to create suspicion to confuse him?"

In the lobby of the inn, Guo Jia took a sip of tea with a smile. The bandages wrapped inside could be vaguely seen in the gap between his clothes. He put down the cup and stood up and walked to the map in the sight of the generals.

"Actually, Jia just wants to make him doubtful, and then let him confirm his guess... and believe it. After all, there are still ten thousand Youyan troops, he will definitely feel that we don't dare to move, after all, it is for To protect our formation."

A sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "In the past few days, the Xiliang Army has also gathered in the suspicion formation. It's time to take action. Attack at several points of the Feng Sheng Army, so that the Feng Sheng Army general will realize that he guessed correctly. .”

Then he looked at Zhao Yun and Zhang Yi between the seats on the other side, and then asked the two generals: "Work with Jia to capture the opponent's [-] troops on the west route!"

Zhao Yun's beard and hair still had some white stains, but they were much less white than when he came. He and Zhang Yi looked at each other, stood up together, and raised their hands: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will definitely eat this army of Wei Jun!"

"No, Jia and the king will accompany the two generals to fight against the [-] main force of the Wei army. The Youyan army will eventually suffer too many casualties."

The weak scribe smiled even brighter: "Jia Ye hasn't used tricks on the battlefield for a long time. I want to find the feeling of following Duke Cao back then."

"Don't look at Gu, Gu is not the King of Wei!"

Su Chen waved his hand towards him, but then his smile faded and his expression became serious: "This is a true battle for the Youyan Army. I hope the two generals will let more soldiers come back alive!"


Zhao Yun, Zhang Yi, and the three generals who served as backup, such as Qi Youhu, Zhong Ji, and Cao Lingchi also stood up and handed over.

Soon, military orders were issued to all camps in Youyan.

Only [-] shield warriors and a few straw men were left in the original riverside camp, which were placed everywhere. The parked ancestral hearses were all pulled away.

Teams gathered one after another and moved quickly through the mountains and forests, while the ancestral hearse was escorted and moved westward close to the foot of the mountain.

In the wilderness south of Chendu County, the Wei army was marching horizontally. This afternoon, news continued to spread that several teams marching through the mountains and plains to the east were attacked.

The scouts' intelligence stated that the Xiliang army that was constantly interspersed was like a ferocious beast that smelled blood. It kept attacking them in waves, and small-scale battles broke out in various places.

However, with the frequent fighting, Zhao Guiyan felt that his previous predictions were accurate. They had been looking for weaknesses in the Feng Sheng Army's march, and they had deliberately exposed several weaknesses to let the other side take action.

Judging from the strength of the opponent's attack, it was close to the full strength of that army.

"Whether the other side is making false accusations or attacking in the east, both sides have the opportunity to kill each other's troops. Everyone, please use your best speed to defeat this Xiliang army of Yan State!"

The commanding cavalry galloped out, and the troops marching horizontally suddenly changed their formations. The western front line quickly resembled the head of a snake, marching rapidly to the northeast, forming an encirclement.

During the two days of fighting in the east, in the northwest of Chendu County, there were signs of a large number of marches in the mountains, forests and plains. The sound of footsteps and horse hooves resounded dullly throughout the mountains and fields.

In the dappled sunlight, Su Chen looked at the news that was constantly being sent back on the ancestral coffin, and then handed it over to Guo Jia, who was sitting beside him. The latter was looking at the news in his hand with a smile, and then stood up. He had already changed into a suit. Wearing armor and carrying a Han sword on his waist, he looked high-spirited.

"The other party is willing to exchange a son with us."

The scout flew away. Su Chen looked at the sinking sun, narrowed his eyes, and listened to the clang of the souls in the ancestral coffin. He said softly: "Next, let's see what your plan is."

"Then let's light a fire." Guo Jia stroked his beard and said with a smile.

In the voice, Su Chen turned around and shouted into the car: "Taoist Master, have you made the incense you want?"

The car curtains moved.

Li Tiangang rolled his eyes, patted the powder on his hands, and raised a large incense stick with a thick wrist.

"A poor Taoist can only make such a thick one. Will three sticks be enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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