My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 208 Betting on the fate of the country, the army of five countries

Chapter 208 Betting on the fate of the country, the army of the five countries
Above the main hall, the moment they heard the battle report, the officials were in an uproar, kneeling on both sides and whispering.

"The Yan State has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses pressing down on the border, but they move so quickly...can they keep up with the baggage and food?"

"...It is also possible to feed war with war."

"Such a fighting method is really shocking. King Xia of Yan State is really good at using troops!"

Listening to the whispers below, Wei Emperor Zhao Chuanting sat on the dragon chair with his eyes closed, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly, and the veins on his forehead were faintly bulging and bouncing.

Su Chen had cheated him years ago, and he had ruined his energy-raising efforts. He almost fell ill from anger. Now that he was listening to the murmurings of the ministers, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he slammed the armrest.

"What I want is your love for your retreat strategy, not for you to praise the King of Xia of the Yan Kingdom!"

Below, a group of whispering figures quickly straightened their backs, sat back on the futon, and looked at the imperial steps with serious expressions.The invasion of the Yan State army swept away the three states, and the civil and military officials in the hall naturally felt a sense of urgency.

Discussions about strategies to respond to the enemy are about to begin. In the side halls on both sides of the Jinluan Palace, a large number of officials and eunuchs are coming in and out carrying official documents. The war events that have been reported are being copied down. There are also bookmasters who licked the tips of their pens and held blank books. Standing next to the Golden Palace, listening to the speeches of the civil and military officials and the emperor, and preparing to record them.

The first person to walk out of the queue was Yuan Feng, Minister of the Ministry of War. "Don't worry, Your Majesty. The ministers just discussed it just to get to know the King of Xia of Yan State better."

"Then I'll listen to what Yuan Qing has to say."

Except for the three governors who have deployed defenses on the battlefields of the Three Prefectures, basically all the people in the Wei Kingdom who can lead troops to fight are here. However, there is one person who is the uncle of the Wei Emperor. He is now seventy-five years old and is able to fight. He is stationed in Huizhou, southwest of Luyang.

The emperor sat upright, looking seriously at Yuan Feng below, who bowed down with his hands arched.

"Your Majesty, the troops of Yan State are unpredictable. The soldiers of Yan State are extremely ferocious. They cut through the waves all the way. It looks like a mighty army. In fact, from the perspective of the veteran, it is the children of Yan State who do not understand military affairs. One hundred thousand soldiers and horses were divided into three groups, but the large force turned into three small forces. , there are only 3 people in each route. In the early stage, the fast and slow attack did have an advantage. However, as it goes deeper into the hinterland of Wei Dynasty, the supply is stretched, and there are more and more reinforcements around, its fatigue will become apparent.

First, the supply of troops is depleted. The more we fight, the fewer we fight and it is difficult to replenish it.

Secondly, if the army goes deep alone, it will be difficult to supply food and fodder. Once it reaches a stalemate and cannot advance, morale will be severely damaged.

Thirdly, since ancient times, all attacks have been justified. The children of the Yan State drove their troops arrogantly and unreasonably. There were no disadvantages in the strength of their troops. However, once they suffered a series of defeats, the morale of the army was shaken, and the soldiers would inevitably complain. "

"Haha, what Yuan Qing said, I almost feel like I have defeated the opponent."

Zhao Chuanting waved his hand with a smile, interrupting the other party's words. He stood up, with a strong and straight posture, standing on the imperial steps like a mountain, and then summoned the eunuch to push the map over.

"The defeat of the three governors in a row has brought great shame to the Wei Dynasty. However, I don't blame them for one thing. The skilled soldiers in the north are indeed much stronger than the few soldiers and horses under their command."

In the solemn atmosphere, the majestic emperor walked down the imperial steps step by step, and his black dragon robe dazzled everyone's eyes.

"...But it's good to lose a few battles. It can make me and the other ministers no longer blindly confident and make us feel in danger." With a majestic voice, he walked to the map spread out with yellow silk. In front of him, he looked at the densely packed arrow marks on it and read for a while: "Such a tactic of using fast to fight slow is something we rarely see in the past. After all, among the six countries, only Qi and Liang can have as many war horses as Yan."

"Your Majesty, what Yuan Shangshu just said is that it is better for the opponent's army to go deep into the country alone than to fortify the wall and clear the country!" A military minister strode out and said with cupped hands.

The emperor in front of the map folded his hands and nodded thoughtfully, "This is a good method, but it is just a strategy and cannot defeat the enemy!"

The pressing issue at the moment was not only to repel Yan's three-pronged attack, but also to counterattack in his mind, to bring out the majesty of the Wei Dynasty and revive the decadent spirit of the imperial court that had been too peaceful for many years.

He frowned, but did not appear to be in a hurry. He looked at the map in a low voice: "...I'm afraid it won't work to divide and annihilate them. The Xia King of Yan State has his own support if he dares to divide his troops into three groups."

After the words fell, the hall became quiet.

After a moment, a general walked out and handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, why not gather them together and annihilate them? Looking at their attack route, it is obvious that they are heading towards Luyang, so why not just outside Luyang and decide the outcome!"

As soon as these words were spoken, not only the civil servants objected, but even a group of martial clan clans were shocked. Zhao Guiyan and other clan clans hurriedly walked out, "Your Majesty, you can't do it. This is too risky. Once the Yan army gathers, it will be A hundred thousand people will endanger Luyang."

Over there, the bear-tiger-like emperor stood in front of the map, motionless and silent for a long time. "This move is indeed risky, but the effect is more obvious. Although there are a hundred thousand people, if you can cripple them in one go, you will not be able to save them later." It’s less of a problem.”

He slowly raised his finger and pressed the arrow mark on the map.

"...Yan's three-pronged army has entered Ganzhou on the east route, the middle route is passing through Shangzhou and heading south to Guangjizhou, the west route passes through Junzhou and enters Fengzhou, and approaches Luyang, Yangzhou from three directions... Since then If the King of Xia dares to take risks, then I will bet on the fate of the country with him, why not!" The emperor turned back to look at the shocked Wen and Wu below, and smiled: "Don't be afraid, don't let that King of Xia look down on you. He ignored me, Wei Wenwu, and underestimated me, the king of a country. If he dared to play, I would gamble with him. This was exactly the choice I gave him. If he saw that I wanted to make a big bet with him, he would continue to follow up. , or shrink his troops, retreat and fight steadily, no matter which he chooses, it is an opportunity for us to counterattack!"

"...Listen carefully!"

The emperor, who looked like a bear and a tiger, turned around and strode towards the imperial steps with a powerful voice: "Pass on my will and summon my uncle. Zhao Guangshi led the Tiefeng Yijie Army to return from Huizhou to aid Luyang, Ganzhou and Guangjizhou. , Fengzhou had strong walls and clear fields, the army resisted slightly, retained the main force, moved slowly, and quietly encircled. Sui and Qingzhou in the southeast dispatched troops and horses to return to Luyang, and when a large-scale encirclement was completed, they attacked from the southeast.

In addition, take my family letters and send them to the states of Qi and Liang to my elder and younger sisters, so that they can help persuade the emperors of Qi and Liang to send troops to join Luyang.The two countries Wu and Yue also passed their credentials to eloquent ministers, gave them generous gifts, and told them that King Xia of the Yan Kingdom was ambitious and had strong soldiers and horses. If the Wei Kingdom suffered a loss, he would definitely conquer other countries..."

In the majestic hall, the emperor continued to issue orders, and the civil and military officials in the palace could not close their mouths. They were not only gambling on the fate of the country, but if the other five countries agreed to send troops, the number of troops gathered outside Luyang City would probably be huge. Hard to measure.

Roughly hundreds of thousands!
"Since he wants to fight, I will play a big game with him!"

The war that affected the entire Central Plains was finalized in the majestic Jinluan Palace in the emperor's heroic words. His powerful words would contain thousands of bones.

After retreating.

One by one, the civil and military ministers left the hall with trepidation, in twos and threes.

When Zhao Chuanting left the front hall and returned to the back hall, he suddenly tilted his body. The eunuch next to him hurriedly supported him, and the guards around him quickly turned their faces away. They knew that the emperor's fatigue and weakness could not be known to outsiders.

The emperor held up the eunuch's hand. He was breathing heavily, and the skin under his hair was sweating intensively. Then, he let go of the eunuch and continued to move forward.

Behind him, Yuan Feng, Minister of the Ministry of War, Long Qiao, Minister of the Ministry of Households, and several senior ministers of the Royal Envoy caught up. The emperor looked at the skylight outside in trance, and when he heard the footsteps, he turned around and saw them, without saying a word, and continued on with his hands behind his back. In front of him, several veterans caught up behind him and slowed down: "...Your Majesty, what Your Majesty said above the court...isn't it too risky?"

"You must take risks." Zhao Chuanting did not stop, raised his hand and waved his sleeves. The surrounding guards and eunuchs immediately dispersed, leaving only the emperor and a group of courtiers.

"In the court, I did not mention some things to other civil and military officials. Do you know why I want to send three heavenly masters from Qin Tianjian to accompany the army to Ganzhou?"


"There, in the land of our Zhao Wei Dragon Teng, the Taiping Dao demons are rushing to the southwest of Ganzhou. They must be heading towards our Great Wei Dynasty Dragon Vein."

Zhao Chuanting smiled slightly, and the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth became more wrinkled. He stretched out his hands and folded them in front of his abdomen: "Time is urgent, and we cannot delay the fight with the Yan army. If the three heavenly masters are defeated, I can defeat them as soon as possible." Yan Jun, if you turn around, you can renew your dragon vein. If the dragon vein is broken, I will still be fighting against Yan Jun, and the national destiny will no longer be there, and we will definitely lose!"

"Your Majesty is really so afraid of that kid from Yan State?" Yuan Feng frowned.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I can feel that he is so extraordinary. He is like a man from heaven who came with a mission to destroy everything in this world." Zhao Chuanting lowered his head and looked at the folded hands in front of his belly, " I am already old, but he is still so young. Being young makes me jealous. If I cannot defeat him, my descendants will only be the kings of the country."

Several veterans looked at each other. They had never seen the emperor who had been in power for 30 years say such superstitious remarks.

"Your Majesty, are you too worried?"

"Haha, there must be this aspect."

Emperor Wei raised his hand and waved it with a smile, without any angry look on his face. He looked at the blue sky outside the palace eaves, and heard the continuous chirping of cicadas in his ears.

"...I have been in office for many years, and I want to be a king who expands the territory. Unfortunately, I have been trapped in this court, feeling depressed. Now that the opportunity has can I let it go.

Sometimes, I think, how wonderful it would be if I could live in the war-torn world back then. Now, I see that picture. "

As he spoke, the emperor's gray hair trembled with excitement.

"...My opponent is so young!"

He said so.

The emperor's decree soon broke out of the imperial city and spread to all four prefectures and counties.

(End of this chapter)

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