My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 213: Trampled by iron hooves, thousands of bones are everywhere

Chapter 213: Trampled by iron hooves, thousands of bones are everywhere

Wang Longen was so frightened that he turned pale when he heard that ten thousand Ganzhou soldiers and horses to the east were defeated and tens of thousands of cavalry were charging towards them.

He had previously judged that the Yan army would break through from here and open a road back to the north. He did not expect that the cavalry would be organized to launch an attack in the dark.

Still a full [-] cavalry, even the momentum of a thousand cavalry running out is enough to frighten people.

There are currently 4 people on his side, but each army formation of [-] people is spread out over five miles, a distance of nearly [-] miles. If he wants to gather them all back to form a formation, it is obvious that the Yan army will not give him time, and his brother Wang Luozhou leads Wang Luozhou's army. Forty thousand soldiers and horses are in the northwest again.

At this time, he only had time to send out scouts to send out the news about Ganzhou's troops. A moment later, Yan's cavalry had already run three miles and came towards him.

Even in the black smoke, countless dust and smoke can be seen rolling up into the sky under the churning iron hooves.

The advance of the mighty cavalry was like the rolling tide line.

The heavy cavalry of the Flying Bear Army in the first row had human fragments hanging on their spears. Amidst the roaring hoofbeats, the speed increased again with Li Jue's voice.

"Form up!" Wang Longen rode his horse and shouted from behind the array, and the messengers conveyed the orders layer by layer.

Thousands of Guangjizhou soldiers moved quickly. The voices of Sima and captains roared in the crowd. The large and small arrays began to tighten. The shield soldiers in the front dug into the soil with their shields, and the comrades in the rear used their bodies to Squeezing against each other's backs, the soldiers crowded together, with a forest of iron guns and spears sticking out, lowering the barrels of the guns and pressing them firmly against the ground. Behind them, the archers gathered crazily with quivers on their backs, giving orders. He drew an arrow, drew his bow, and raised his head to the sky.

In the field of vision, the rushing fire and the silhouette of the cavalry entered a stone's throw away.

Arrows flew into the sky densely like locusts.

In the field, dust particles soared and swirled, countless horse hooves galloped through the darkness, the light of torches, and dense rain of arrows trembled in the night sky, Li Jue, who was dressed in iron armor, clamped his spear.


The moment the arrow rain fell, the mighty advancing cavalry scattered and turned into a sparse formation, and then the arrow rain came from the sky.

When they landed on the armor, they bounced away, while more stuck in the ground and were broken by the iron hooves.

The heavy armored chain cavalry spread out, and the leader rode alone. He was tall and stature, and slowly leaned forward. Amidst the sound of the armor shaking, he grinned ferociously and roared: "——Flying Bear Army!"

"Death!" All around, the cavalry followed closely and roared.

The ground shook more and more violently. The knights in thick armor were like an iron wall, and the swinging iron chains made a clanging sound as they rolled towards the military formation.

Wang Longen's eyes widened. Through the continuous firelight in the array, he could already see the outline of the cavalry in front.

He murmured: "Block it!"

The next second, the heavy cavalry swept across the ground, causing a collision——

The sound of impact echoed like a tidal wave across the array of tens of thousands of people.

The iron hooves churned, and the high-speed charging cavalry hit the shield. The spears scraped against the armor and scratched white marks, making a tooth-piercing squeaking sound. The boiling shouts of the Wei soldiers stopped abruptly at the moment of impact. Then, facing the shocking impact of the heavy cavalry, the body behind the shield turned into minced meat before the momentum. The shield twisted and shattered during the collision. The people squeezed backwards on their comrades, and then they were trampled under the hoofs of iron hoofs by the terrifying huge waves.

The war horse was stabbed by the spears, and its huge body fell down. The iron chain dragged the iron ring and was pushed into the crowd in front of it, suppressing several people and struggling wildly.

Blood spattered on the armor, and the gun array came forward. The next second, they were rushed to pieces by another group of iron cavalry, and a large number of people were knocked down by the iron chain in the middle.

Some of the momentum weakened, and they were pushed by the spear array and human bodies and surged into the sea of ​​people. The spears pierced the iron armor crazily, pierced through the gaps, and knocked down the knights above. Countless weapons around them fiercely attacked the armor. Smashing it wildly, a large amount of blood flowed out from the cracks in the flat armor.

The thousand heavy cavalry were slightly damaged, but they still charged into the infantry phalanx one after another. Behind the heavy cavalry, two thousand tiger cavalry battalions and two thousand Western Qiang cavalry followed closely and rushed into the gap. The long-handled sword followed the green dragon in Guan Yu's hand and slashed at the person, sending his arms and head into the air.

The white horses and wolf cavalry running on the side kept shooting arrows at the unprotected archer formation. Zhao Yun, with only dozens of horsemen, turned an arc and crashed into the archer array. A gentian danced across it, and pieces of Wei soldiers were killed. After being swept to the ground, a general pounced on him, stabbed the gentian into the opponent's throat, then pulled it out and struck him in a random direction.


The gentian struck by the swing hit Tianling Gai, a Wei army archer who abandoned his bow and drew his sword to kill, and his head exploded in an instant.

Farther away on both sides, three thousand wolf riders circled, bows replaced with spears, and followed Lu Bu into the crowd from the flanks like a heavy punch. The sticky red spread like a blood carpet under the galloping iron hooves.

Amidst countless fighting and shouting, the heavy cavalry raged, completely disrupting the formation of thousands of people. Wang Longen watched the three cavalry rushing towards him, and immediately chose to flee, taking only more than a hundred personal guards with him, and turned his horse around. The head protrudes from the rear formation.

Less than half a mile away, General Yan, dressed in a green robe and holding a sword, led several cavalry and chased him from the rear.

Wang Longen looked back and quickly asked his bodyguards to intercept him. The bodyguards who were riding up to meet him were stopped by the other party's own horsemen. Some of them pounced directly on the Yan general, and then the soldier's body flew back from the horse with blood trailing behind it. .

The long beard is stroking and raised, and the green dragon roars towards the moon.

An incoming Wei army guard was split in half with his body and shoulders, and fell off his horse. The maroon horse hooves crossed the corpse. As far as Guan Yu could see, the Wei general was not far away from him.

Qinglong hung upside down and mopped the ground, and the horse under him accelerated again, and the dust particles were raised by the vibration of the horse's hooves.

Wang Longen felt a pair of eyes staring at him behind him, his hair suddenly stood on end, and his scalp became numb and tightened. He hurriedly looked back and saw a bay-red horse galloping, a figure with a long beard floating above him, and a long knife hanging on the ground.He said "Ah!" He pulled out the steel sword from his waist, threw it, and hit the handle of the sword with his backhand as it flew towards the knight behind him.

Guan Yu turned his upper body slightly to the side, and the blade of the blade brushed his shoulder. Only a few long whiskers broke and flew back.

"..." Guan Yufeng closed his eyes, with murderous intent in them.

With both feet clamped on the horse's belly, the whole person and the horse were like a sharp arrow. Several Wang Longen's guards were chasing him from behind, and they rushed forward again. The Qinglong Yanyue Sword was dragged beside him, and the heavy weapon reflected Shenhan's sword. mango.

The horse's hooves strenuously trampled the ground, and the words sounded like bells throughout the world.

"General Wei——"

The silhouette of the horse dragging the sword came over, the war horse jumped, and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword was raised high: "—a certain—is—Guan—Yun—Chang—"

"Ahhhh-" Wang Longen looked back at Guan Yu, who was approaching, and the Green Dragon Sword held high in his hand, and screamed in horror.

The next moment, the knife edge instantly enlarged under his eyes!
In the view of the chasing horses, the green robes were waving, and the blade of the sword was slashing down. Wang Longen's voice suddenly stopped, and he flew directly over the horse's head and rushed forward. The moment he landed, his body fell into two pieces.

Wang Longen, who was broken into two pieces, was not completely dead at this time. He was crawling on the ground dragging half of his body with blood foam in his mouth.

Guan Yu rode up to his side, glanced at him, and chopped off Wang Longen's head with a knife. He picked up the head halfway with his knife and caught it with one hand. He lifted it up and raised it above his head, looking at the fight behind him with a murderous look. , the sound is like a copper bell, resounding throughout this wilderness.

"You rats—"

"——You know this is fighting!"

Under the night sky, tens of thousands of cavalry swarmed in and passed by him. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry replaced the Flying Bear Army and continued to push forward, extending deeper and deeper. Wang Longen's array of 1 people , was defeated, defeated and fled in less than half a quarter of an hour.

One after another, the fleeing Wei soldiers knelt down and begged for mercy, but no cavalry paid attention.

Lu Bu ran over, looked at Guan Yu and the human head in his hand, snorted "cut" coldly, and continued to gallop.

Dots of firelight spread across the vast wilderness as the cavalry spread out. Almost at the same time that the Wei army arrays stationed in all directions received the message from the scouts, the attacking cavalry followed closely.

Crash, gouge, behead, and then be violently torn in half, chasing him across the wilderness.

When the fourth thousand-man array was finally defeated, Xiangjian and Fenghuo asked Wang Luozhou, who was far away in the northwest, to lead his troops. Halfway there, he saw groups of cavalry with the banner of "Lu".

When he saw the figure at the front who was wearing a flower robe and a beast-like head-swallowing armor, he quickly turned the reins and ordered his soldiers to form formation.

I was still thinking about trapping the opponent with the [-] troops and horses I brought. However, as soon as I took up my position, scouts rushed in from all directions. Following closely behind the scouts, more cavalry with different flags rushed in from all directions. .

He didn't think about just leaving.

However, 4 people were indeed surrounded by [-] cavalry.

Within a few miles of the battlefield, the cavalry of the State of Yan was cruising around. Thousands of cavalry attacked from all directions, constantly pulling down the defense of 4 people. Two hundred tiger cavalry among the arriving tiger and leopard cavalry joined together. After resting, the Flying Bear Army arrived.

When Wang Luozhou saw the opponent regrouping, and the thousand heavy cavalry appeared, vibrating like thunder, charging towards this side, he knew that his [-] troops were finished.

——The cavalry roared in.


The sky is deep and then gradually brighter.

The hundreds of miles long wilderness to the north of Guangfu City was full of light cavalry. Groups of Yan cavalry chased and killed the Wei soldiers who fled across the mountains and plains. Many of them could not outrun the cavalry, and were later overtaken. The massacre began. A large number of corpses fell on the field, and the blood stained the land red.

From time to time, the running cavalry would return to the previous battlefield for a new round of sweeps.

The found Wei soldiers were basically killed by arrows, and their bodies were hung in the forest or dragged behind their horses, and then gathered together and buried.

The sky was just bright.

The news of the disastrous defeat of the Wang brothers' [-] troops had already passed through the escaped scouts as soon as possible, and they were sent to Luyang at high speed. It was almost noon before they entered the imperial city.

There was a mysterious silence all over the court.

On the battlefield of Linqiu, the news that [-] soldiers and horses were defeated and tens of thousands of casualties had spread in the city. The city of Luyang was in panic. The lively and exciting scenes before disappeared without a trace. The scholars and scribes suddenly fell silent.

Finally, they felt the horror of war falling on each of them.

(End of this chapter)

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