My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 441: What will the future be like?

Chapter 441: What will the future be like?

Birds landed on the red plum branches outside the window and kept chirping. It was already a quarter past two when Su Chen woke up. He didn't go to court today, so he got up so late.

However, as a concubine, a girl cannot stay in bed. As soon as Su Chen woke up, he heard a soft voice: "Your Majesty, are you awake?"

The curtains were slightly open, and Meng Yuyin sat in front of the bronze mirror, facing the reflected face, applying light makeup. She put down the scarlet rouge flowers, stood up, gave a blessing, and called the palace maid Xiao He outside the door.

Soon the basin for washing was brought in, filled with steaming hot water. The girl wrung out the towel and held it in front of Su Chen herself.

"I am almost overwhelmed by your service."

Su Chen thought about taking the handed towel and looking at the bronze mirror raised by the palace maid Xiao He, scrubbing it carefully. As an emperor, there should be no trace of dirt, and sometimes even the hair cannot be let down casually.

After washing, combing my hair, and putting on the imperial clothes, half an hour later, I had breakfast in my room, and then I went out. Dian Wei and Xu Chu were waiting outside the door. They had long been accustomed to it. After all, they had waited for Cao Cao like this in their previous life.

After finishing the memorial last night, Su Chen had nothing to do today. Su Chen first went boating on the lake in the inner courtyard, then came to the small building in the middle of the lake to listen to a piece of music, drink a cup of morning tea, and listen to the Police Factory Market talk brought from among the people.

Su Chen did not want to delegate power to the eunuchs. Firstly, the generals of the Han, Tang and Ming dynasties strongly opposed it. Secondly, Su Chen also learned from the experience of the three dynasties and did not delegate power to the eunuchs. Even if he trusted Zheng He, the imperial power would still control him. Best in your own hands.

"Haha, that store clerk is now a living sign."

After listening to a young eunuch's report, Su Chen smiled: "With a banner and some gold and silver, this shopkeeper can get a wife and build a new house for his hometown."

Su Chen was never stingy with those who had made meritorious deeds. He kept a credit book in his heart for the generals who had conquered Qi and Liang before. When Wu and Yue were completely stabilized, he would return to Yanjing in the north and reward them one by one.

"There are fewer and fewer official positions, and we also face a problem. If there are too many titles, there will not be enough territory, and there will be less taxes."

At this moment, Su Chen and Kitamiya Ye thought about this together.

But it was definitely not possible to ask him to eliminate the feudal vassal. At least the seven princes in the north joined him in the voluntary crusade against the foolish king and rebellious ministers of Yan State. They started to imitate Beigongye on their own feet, and they would be criticized to some extent.

"Then we can only conquer more territory. After all, there are still many famous ministers and powerful generals in the future." After listening to the music of the violinist for a while, Su Chen really couldn't enjoy this elegant quality of life. Not only was he not calm, but he was quite angry. He got up and left impatiently, and asked Dian Wei to row back to the shore, preparing to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to discuss whether to shift the focus of government affairs back to Yanjing in advance and let Zhuge Liang go there first.

In fact, this was a small calculation in Su Chen's mind.

In this way, he no longer has to deal with tedious official affairs, and he feels relieved to leave them to Prime Minister Zhuge, who is famous throughout the ages.

The imperial chariot came out of the Xuanhua Gate of the Imperial Palace and turned left into the Baiguan Office. This is the office of Zhongshu Province and the Prime Minister's Mansion. There were some civil servants running errands coming and going. Suddenly when they saw the imperial chariot, they knelt on both sides and waited. Go over with the royal driver.

Not long after, the carriage stopped at the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Before Su Chen could enter, he heard words from afar: "The man who wielded the sword a few days ago was able to force Lu Bu into a rage. He was quite capable."

The voice sounded like Ma Dai's.

Pang De's words also followed: "Haha, I also use a knife. I would like to compete with him."

“Who wants to compete with the other?”

Su Chen stepped into the threshold of the palace gate, walked around the feng shui wall and walked towards the front hall. Over there, generals gathered in the front hall. When they heard the sound, they all turned around and saw the tall Su Chen, leading Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Wu Zixun walked through the Feng Shui wall at a fast pace, stepped directly on the stone steps under the eaves, and walked into the hall.

"Greetings! Your Majesty!" Everyone shouted in unison and raised their hands. "Why are there so many people here today, all asking the Prime Minister for advice?" Su Chen didn't care why everyone gathered, then he bowed his hands to everyone, and went straight to the front seat to sit down.

After taking their seats, the generals followed suit.

In the hall, all the generals were seated one after another, including Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun, Le Jin, and Xu Huang, the generals of the Qingzhou Army who had not yet led their troops to Huizhou, as well as Zhang Yi and Zhao Yun of the Youyan Army, as well as Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Pang De, and Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Wang Lang.

"We were talking about the group of assassins a few days ago." Zhuge Liang shook his crane fan and smiled: "After finding out what happened, it's really ridiculous. The old man is also a master after all, but he was tricked by four companions."

"Your Majesty really shouldn't have let him go that day." Ma Chao said with some regret: "If he were captured and competed with the generals day and night in martial arts, it would be considered waste."

The generals burst into laughter.

Here, Su Chen raised his hand and pressed it, and the words in the middle hall gradually stopped. Then Su Chen said: "I spared his life, not because I am soft-hearted, but to use it in a more reasonable place. Kill him with one knife." It's a pity. If he cares about his country and the people, maybe he should change. Once a person changes, it will be an earth-shaking change."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but think of what Su Chen said to the old man that day from the mouths of Dian Wei, Lu Bu, and Zhao Yun.

Zhang He couldn't help but think of something, stretched his neck behind Xiahou Dun, and asked: "Your Majesty, speaking of unifying the six countries, I would like to ask, how will future generations view us? What will future generations be like?"

Su Chen was stunned by this question, and everyone else, including Zhuge Liang, was also stunned. He stopped fanning his crane and turned his head to look at the emperor. In fact, he had thought about this question before, but he never spoke. Others also responded to this question. What will happen in the future, what it will look like, I am also very curious in my heart.

"General Zhang's question..."

Su Chen looked at the gazes of everyone, and for a moment he didn't know where to start. After being silent for a while, he simply started with a story called the late Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and the concessions in various places.

"The emperor stepped down... After the Republic of China was established, the people cut off their braids one after another. But at that time, the Japanese on the Japanese islands were making the last emperor a puppet and establishing the puppet Manchurian regime, hoping to control our Chinese people... …”

"Damn tight..." Zhang He clenched his fists, imitated Su Chen's words, and cursed: "You little devil."

"Let's just raise the spirit of the last emperor, and then we can kill him."

Once these generals are aroused, it is not a good thing. After all, treating the enemy with extreme cruelty is the most basic operation.

"Don't interrupt, let your Majesty continue." In the central hall at this time, even Zhuge Liang was shocked by this humiliating history. He did not expect that there would be such a humiliating word as 'concession' on China's head.

"What then?"


Su Chen pursed her lips and looked outside the hall, where the rising morning sun shone on the courtyard.

I know, I know...

The cicadas chirped one after another on the old trees in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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