canyon parent energy

Chapter 125 IG vs. EDG!The battle of the remnants of the old era!

Chapter 125 IG vs. EDG!The battle of the remnants of the old era!
In the first round of the LPL playoffs, eight advanced to six,
VG defeated the strong in the BO5 after being one game behind at the beginning, and defeated Snake to win the promotion spot. This immediately made everyone at IG see the hope of playing EDG the day after tomorrow.

However, many people in major Tieba forums are still not optimistic about the IG game the day after tomorrow.

In the Anti-Stress Bar, the largest e-sports forum in the country, countless prediction posts about IG playing EDG the day after tomorrow have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Most of them were optimistic about EDG and badmouthed IG. The few posts that liked IG were besieged and ridiculed by celebrities.

The support from fans is actually very idealistic.

Although EDG failed to make it to the top eight in last year's S2, EDG shined brightly in last year's MSI. They defeated SKT in the finals and won the first Riot Games official world championship since S[-].

At that time, EDG could be said to have started its first year of championships, attracting countless championship fans.

In contrast, the IG team, which did not make it out of the group stage last year and only made it to the top [-], even though it performed well after the lineup changes this spring, most of them feel that they are not worthy of competing with EDG.

"Those who think IG can win have a high probability of having a poorly developed cerebellum."

"In the regular season, Group B was crushed by EDG twice in the civil war. I don't know why they can win this time?"

"Relying on jungle? Can Fuhuang be stronger than the factory director?"

"As long as EDG is fully integrated, no team in the LPL is currently a rival."

"Don't exaggerate, starch. Have you ever won RNG?"


Most of the people in the post bar support EDG. Fans of IG know that their team has really had nothing to brag about in the past two years. Starch only needs to say "do you have a championship" to complete the victory.

There is no other way, IG fans can only use RNG first to borrow strength.

We didn't beat you in the regular season, and you didn't beat RNG in the regular season.

Starch is unhappy.

It was painful for them not to win against RNG in the spring regular season. IG's fans belong to the same category and don't discuss it.

The angry starch knew that the most popular jungler in the IG team now is Li Fu. Due to several critical rescues and winning games, the number of fans has been equal to that of Rookie, so they all began to cynicize Li Fu for his jungle skills. Choose some gangsters to play jungle. If you can’t play wild core in the wild core version, it’s better to retire as soon as possible and go home to raise pigs.

Fans of IG and Li Fu were also dissatisfied, and they went up to argue with each other, but they couldn't tell a winner or loser.

After all, this is what Li Fu did this season.

But the magical thing about the Anti-Stress Bar, a place called the E-Sports Louvre, is that this place is full of countless fishermen and weaklings, but at the same time there are also some big players floating around.

A friend with the ID "Director, My Idol" opened a separate post.

"Long article in-depth analysis of the mystery of Padre6's non-jungle core"

"A pure outsider, not interested in the situation but the person. He only commented on why Padre6 couldn't produce a wild core in the game. It's not a bad thing or a clean slate."

As soon as I clicked on the post, this floor started to stack buffs on myself to save my life, and then started to analyze.

"As we all know, this season, the male Lancer and the female Qian Jue are among the top three. Junglers with wild core heroes have become the mainstream. The BP rate in the game has always been high, but not every team is suitable for jungle core junglers."

"Take Padre6 as an example. He only won one Leopard Girl game in the Spring Split. If there is a Pig Girl Barrel in other games, then the Pig Girl Barrel will be used. If these are not available, he will choose unpopular jungle heroes such as Centaur and Prince to create surprises. Opportunity."

"I admire this point. I can only say that Padre6's fight at the top of the canyon was not in vain. There is still a hero pool in the jungle, but why doesn't he play heroes like Male Gun and Kindred? It's really because he doesn't know these heroes. ?"

"I don't think so. Judging from Padre6's ranking record at the top of the canyon, he can also use the male gun and Kindred. Although it cannot be said to be a master, it is at least a good level (some people say that the competition and Rank It’s not the same game at all, so I won’t discuss it here, it’s just about whether the players know it).”

"But here's the point. I'm still taking Padre6 as an example. You don't have to have a male gun or a leopard girl to be called a jungle core team. The real jungle core requires the mid laner and teammates to coordinate the lineup around the jungle position, and also needs to provide The corresponding resources should be tilted so that the jungler can get it with confidence and play comfortably, but IG obviously cannot do this."

"For example, in the game when IG played QG, Padre6 took the Leopard Girl. He was not just slaving in the jungle. He still had to take into account the three-lane gank and vision. From this perspective, even if he took out the wild core Leopard Girl, it was not It’s a wild core style of play.”

"Then the question is, why doesn't Padre6 play jungle core?"

"As a jungle core hero, you will inevitably sacrifice your lane development, and the biggest sacrifice is in the mid lane. Normally, the male gun Qianjue is chosen in the jungle, and a soft mid laner such as Lulu, Karma, or Time will be played in the middle lane. Protection and support, but the appearance rate of Rookie’s soft mid laners throughout the spring was almost zero.”

"Is it because Rookie is unwilling to sacrifice for the team?"

"I don't think so, because the jungler Padre6 came on temporarily, and before that, IG had formed a system with the mid laner as the core, and relied heavily on this system. Rookie's personal style is also more like this Kerry-type mid. one."

"If there is a sudden change in the formation and Rookie is asked to play soft mid laner protection and support, on the one hand he will not be able to adapt to it. On the other hand, even if he practices extra, the Spring Split schedule is quite tight and the time cost is too high to make it worthwhile."

"To sum up, I think Padre6 can't play jungle core. The main reason is that the hero used by Rookie in the current version cannot perfectly match the jungle core system, and his support awareness is not as good as his operation. In addition, the team's Apart from Padre6, almost no one can drive the tempo, and that’s the real reason behind it.”

"Finally, if IG's goals are not limited to the regular season or playoffs, and if they still have ambitions for MSI, then I personally think it is best for IG to develop more tactics and play styles to enrich the team's tactical system. "

“One trick that can be used all over the world is not applicable in the field of e-sports.”

This post is very thoughtful, and it analyzes in great detail the reason why Padre6 dares to play even a non-mainstream jungler, but cannot come up with a jungle jungler.

But the comments below are not that careless.

"It's too long to watch."

"I understand, Padre6 can't play the wild core monster Rookie, right?"

"I'm laughing so hard. Isn't this a typical gravity-defying monster that can't poop?"

"This post is definitely a troll from Padre6. Is it so difficult to admit that I am too old to play wildcore?"

"That's right, the factory director rarely plays wild core, but as long as he can win, that's fine."

"The main reason is that IG can't win against EDG."

"Stop talking. Besides, someone is in a hurry."


The six-to-four playoffs are around the corner, and various prediction and analysis posts are popping up on the Internet, and there is also a lot of ridicule from various public opinions.

In normal times, everyone on IG will definitely be affected to some extent. I like to open a small account and go to the forum.

But this time, perhaps it was Li Fu's words that made everyone inexplicably firm up their belief - they don't need to beat EDG all the time, they only need to beat EDG for a while, and then the victory the day after tomorrow will belong to them.

To achieve this goal, in the past two days, apart from the training matches scheduled by the club, everyone spent the rest of their time either in meetings or discussing strategies against EDG. They had no time to pay attention to online public opinion.

At the same time, EDG Club.

Late at night on April 4th, it was also the night before the game.

When Abu came over, the factory director closed a web page on the computer, and he could vaguely see a post bar.

Abu smiled and teased, "There is a competition tomorrow, do you still have the time to read a small website?"

The factory director smiled and said nothing.

Because Abu feels that online comments can easily affect people's mentality, so he asked the team not to read miscellaneous things on the Internet before the game. If he wants to watch it, wait until the game is over.

But under normal circumstances, only if EDG wins the game will everyone watch it.

After all, if you lose a game, the Internet will definitely be filled with negative voices, and no one likes to feel uncomfortable.

But tonight, by some strange combination of circumstances, the director happened to open the anti-pressure bar, and happened to see the article "Long article in-depth analysis of the mystery of Padre6's non-jungle core".

He should be one of the few people who read all of this analysis. After reading it, he felt that there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers among netizens. This analysis suddenly made him realize all the things he had not thought about Li Fu before.

So are we the same kind of people?
Abu, who was making a cup of coffee next to him, saw that the factory director was a little lost in thought. He took a sip of the coffee and asked with a smile, "What are you thinking about? Isn't it stressful to make an IG call tomorrow?"

"That's not true." The factory director shook his head and asked, "I was just thinking, what should I choose for the IG jungle position tomorrow? What do you want me to get."

"Pig girl, excavator Nunu," Abu said with a smile, "Aren't you very good at these? The other side will definitely not be able to finish them all."

Having said this, Abramovich raised his hand and patted the director on the shoulder, "Don't worry, PawN will start in the middle tomorrow. Deft's training status is also good. There is no reason for us to lose."

After saying that, he turned around and left with a smile.

The factory director looked at Abu's back. At this moment, he was not thinking about winning or losing.

It was the hero that his old partner Abu asked him to choose.
Not a single wild core.

Did it turn out that I also had the same positioning in his heart?

The factory director thought so.

He lowered his head and glanced at the time on the lower right side of the computer screen.

2016 4 Month 14 Day.

This year, he is 23 years old, and he is considered an older player in e-sports.

Meanwhile, Deft is 20 years old.

In the EDG team, the mid laner General PawN, known as the "fat dad", is actually one year younger than Deft, only 19 years old.

It can be said that the middle and lower Korean double Cs in the EDG team are at the peak of their careers and can perform like a savior again and again.

The factory director was a little lost in his memories. When was the most glorious moment of his career?Is it the Widow who defeated SKT at MSI last year?Or was he the first blind monk to use a roundhouse kick in the LPL earlier?
Memories fade quickly,

The factory director had a relieved smile on his face.In front of him, on the computer screen, he entered the rankings for the next game of Top of the Canyon, and he had already selected Nunu for the jungle position.

Just win.

April NO.15.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a huge crowd outside the Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center. Two long queues formed outside the LPL venue. Countless fans came to the scene excitedly carrying EDG support signs or holding alpaca plush peripherals.

Alpaca is Deft’s nickname, and the toys are sold in the official EDG store.

Don't underestimate these peripherals. EDG was one of the first clubs to make a profit when LPL capital poured in.

Su Xiaoluo once wanted to imitate EDG's management and create a fan circle economy. Unfortunately, EDG has a large number of championship fans, and IG does not have that background. No matter how many players he posts on Weibo, he is still just a toddler in Handan.

Backstage, everyone from the IG team has arrived.

But now is not the time for them to play. The first game at [-] o'clock this afternoon is VG playing WE in the lower half. As the defender, WE does not have a winning advantage in the six-to-four game like the day before yesterday, but Has the right to choose sides in three games.

In the first game, the defending team WE chose blue, and the red team gave the challenger VG.

Sitting in the waiting room, Guan Zeyuan's voice could be heard shouting from the LCD screen on the wall.

"VG has a great advantage. As a team coming into the bubble match, VG's midfielder Dandy and Hou Ye have a very good rhythm in the early stages of this game."

"Yes, wait a minute? This wave of dragons!"

"Kandi grabbed the big dragon! What is Dandy doing?"

"It's over, WE is going to turn this over!"

The results were really unexpected.

Although VG had the advantage in the early stage, they failed to seize the advantage. Thirty minutes later, they couldn't afford to start a team and tried to move the dragon. However, the son of Kangdilong reappeared and grabbed the dragon in a wave to complete the comeback.

In the waiting room, everyone was dumbfounded by his posture.

"Wow, can you lose this?"

Coach Chris also frowned, "We lost the first advantage. As VG is the challenger in the bubble match, it will probably be more difficult in the future."

Chris hit the mark.

In the second and third games, WE successfully ended the game in 25 minutes and 23 minutes respectively.

"Let's congratulate WE!"

"Congratulations to WE for successfully defending! Advance to the semi-finals!"

"That's right, everyone, take a break, the next game between IG and EDG will start soon."


Across the screen, I saw the VG people who had lost the game packing up their things and leaving in silence under the dim lights on the side of the stage. The atmosphere in the IG waiting room suddenly became a little depressing.

Is it a bit sad that the rabbit died and the fox died?
Maybe so.

After all, like VG, today's IG is also a challenger in the counterfeit competition, to challenge EDG, which is in six and four defenses.

The winner will automatically advance to the spring semifinals.

I still remember that two days ago, VG's victory over the Snakes once inspired them, making everyone at IG feel that the weak might not be able to defeat the strong. Unexpectedly, VG lost to WE today.

"Everyone, cheer up! If VG can't do it, we may not be able to do it!"

"What is not necessarily! That is must!"

"Brothers, EDG is just like that, just charge and that's it." The posture shouted.

"How dare you say this?" She Keke was speechless.

The gesture shrank his head and said with a smile, "Isn't this strategically contemptuous of my opponent? That's what the coach said."

Chris rarely refuted, but said:
"The posture is right. Didn't you just beat us twice? There is a saying that only three enemies can succeed. We must defeat them today!"

"Fuck them!"

Everyone shouted together!
Whether you believe it or not is another matter.

At least he had the momentum to shout it out.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

The match between IG and EDG, which countless netizens had been eagerly anticipating, finally arrived, and EDG fans at the scene cheered like a sea of ​​waves.

In comparison, IG fans are like a small boat in the turbulent waves, with the risk of capsizing at any time.

IG fans can only pray in their hearts.

The little love chicken is fighting for breath!
Rush for me!
Even if you lose, don’t lose too badly!
Soon, the picture on the big screen changed, and the camera moved to the commentary box, and the doll's big face appeared in the camera.

"Hello, audience friends, welcome back to the six-to-four match in the LPL playoffs. I am the commentator."

"Hello, I'm Miller."

"Hi everyone, I'm smiling."

According to LPL's practice, popular anchors and former professional players were invited to the commentary booth at the back of the playoffs. De Yunse Xiaoxiao was today's guest commentator.

"The game between IG and EDG is about to start. What do you mean, Xiaoxiao, who do you support today?" Miller turned around and asked with a smile.

"I definitely support IG."

Xiaoxiao said without hesitation, "But this is just my personal subjective point of view. Judging from various objective data, EDG's winning rate in today's game is higher, so I think EDG's chance of winning will be greater."

"Hey, you're quite naughty." Miller nodded at him with a smile.

"No, then tell me who you support." He smiled and spread his hands.

Miller calmly took out a fan from the audience, which was located near EDG Mall, and said with a smile, "I don't need to say it."

There is no doubt that Miller supports EDG. After all, he once disclosed the identity of his piglet during commentary.

"Wow, do you two support EDG?"

Wow smiled and nodded at them, "Okay, then our commentary cannot leave the team alone, so I will support the IG team. In fact, I think the IG team is getting better this spring, and I hope they can create a miracle today."

The IG fans at the scene were speechless upon hearing this.

This "miracle" of riding a horse has come, but you still have the nerve to say that you support IG?

Amidst the commotion, the music at the scene suddenly changed, and photos of the contestants from the two teams appearing on the big screen behind the stage.

The one on the left is Li Fu, and the one on the right is the factory director.

Li Fu put his hand to his mouth and made a hissing gesture, while the factory director clenched his right fist and raised his right arm, his left hand holding the crook of his right arm, his eyes as cold as a killer.

It has to be said that LPL operations are very good at choosing topics. The most discussed topics online in the past two days are the factory director and Li Fu. After all, both of them are remnants of the old era, but now they are both active in this arena.

Today’s battle between the remnants of the old era!

But today, LPL, this new era ship, is destined to only be able to carry one person!
Who can be the final winner?
Under the expectant gaze of countless people, after the contestants on both sides of the stage sat down and debugged, the picture on the screen changed again!
The game officially begins!
 Today is a little better than yesterday~
  It’s the end of the month, so I still need to ask for a monthly pass~
  There will be more updates before the end of the month. See you tomorrow.

  Ps: Recommend a friend's new book, "You said you were a dishonest, and you're going to come down to earth?" 》【I, Lu Ming, started my business with a loss of 5 yuan】

  But fortunately, the alliance worker system has been awakened. As long as he keeps listening to his boss's instructions, his strength can be improved. Lu Ming has the motivation at this moment, punching SKT and stepping on Samsung's beautiful life!It is no longer a dream for a migrant worker to marry Bai Fumei!

  [I, He Chaoxin, was ridiculed by others for not understanding e-sports economics, so I directly invested a small goal of [-] million to become the owner of a league club. 】

  Fortunately, the alliance wealth conversion system has been awakened. As long as the team loses the game, it will receive a lottery of wealth resources. The higher the team level, the richer the rewards.

  Therefore, He Chaoxin's goal is to build the most luxurious team in the world and achieve the worst record.

  When the workers met the boss, the style of this club began to become strange.


  "How come you, Galen, are chasing and killing five people on the opposite side?"

  "Isn't this what you shouted, boss?"

  "Why can your Nuoshou cut five?"

  "Isn't this the direct attack with light speed and blood fury that you said, boss?"

  "No, aren't you a loser? Why did a god come down to earth?" He Chaoxin was about to cry but had no tears.

  There is a direct train below~
(End of this chapter)

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