canyon parent energy

Chapter 192 Lighting the way for Ming Kai to the new version!

Chapter 192 Lighting the way for Ming Kai to the new version! (1.2W words big chapter)

EDG bottom lane.

Meiko and Mr. Dai saw the factory director riding a pig patrolling the lower half of the area. They immediately realized the factory director's intention and couldn't help but feel slightly relieved.

To be honest, Wheel Mom is a hero who still needs some finishing touches in the early stage.

Just now, Li Fu's wave of level 3 EQ flash grabbed Deft, which caused a huge loss in development in the bottom lane. If this wave of resurrections is online and the troops are still unable to connect, then the line will be defeated at least in the beginning. Take twenty knives.

If you give Lucian this kind of knife pressure and the equipment is slightly formed, isn't the snowball rolling like crazy?

Fortunately, the factory manager here is very experienced.

After going out, he knew that there were no wild monsters in the lower half of the area, but he still gave up part of his development to help them patrol and ensure that the bottom lane could be connected to the lane. This made Deft feel no complaints.

Originally, the EDG team has relied on the Korean double C from last year to the present. Most of the games can be summed up in one sentence, that is, hold on tight and don't wait for the double C to equip the team.

It was okay in the past because there was a sea-fixing needle like Pawn in the middle.

Even if Mr. Dai transforms into a pilot on a whim and kills two people, as long as Pawn, a guaranteed player, is developed in the middle, there will basically be no problem.

Pawn is the fault tolerance rate of Deft.

But it's different now.

Pawn's father's old waist was abruptly cut off by several "traitors", and he was replaced by SKT's substitute mid laner Scout, who was not on the same level as General Pawn in terms of strength and experience.

In this way, all the pressure on the team's Kerry is concentrated on the bottom lane.

Under such circumstances, Deft was killed once by the factory director's misjudgment at the beginning, so he naturally felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the factory director patrolled the lower half of the area and gave them a chance to connect the wires.

It's not too late to make amends.

The commentator on the stage looked at the pig girl who was wandering in the lower half of the area and making eyes at key points to light up the map. Miller and Wawa couldn't help but said with emotion:

"The factory director really took good care of the bottom lane in this game. He would rather sacrifice his jungle farming to ensure the development of the bottom lane."

"Yes, this also shows that Deft's tactical position in the EDG lineup system is very high in priority, especially the wheel mother of this team. The EDG lineup has been delayed to the mid-to-late stage, and the wheel mother is the lineup system. The engine will play a considerable role in both team initiating and endgame harvesting.”

"Yes, and we can see that the factory director's wave of patrols in the bottom lane is still very effective. IG's Wuxx and She Keke in the bottom lane should also be aware of the existence of the opposite jungler. After the previous wave of first-blood kills, IG's side They haven’t returned to the city yet, it seems they want to push the wave line back home to resupply.”

"That's right, Deft got another wave of health changes after it went online. At this time, the army line pushed back to the city and put pressure on the army line. Then Deft will definitely not be able to return to the city. In this way, when IG goes online again in the bot lane, the advantage over the lane will be It showed up immediately, there is no way, this is the subsequent impact of the first blood.”


As soon as the commentator finished speaking, a shot of the bottom lane was also shown on the big screen.

I saw Lucian and Lulu on the bottom lane of IG pushing their troops in front of the opposite tower and entering the grass before the next wave of troops came out. Obviously, unexpectedly, the two people did not read the callback in the grass.

What do you want to do if you don't go home?

Did you guess wrong?

The commentators on the stage couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

However, the next second, the sharp-eyed doll immediately realized something was wrong.

I saw that when the wave of troops behind IG came up, a prince was unexpectedly following the artillery soldiers in the back row.

Ask, what kind of gank is the most unsolvable?

Not surprisingly, the answer is naturally that the gank that comes up with the troops is the most difficult to solve. After all, you have to pass several defense towers with true vision effects along the way.

Unobstructed and impossible to guard against.

Of course, this kind of straight-forward Gank is also the most difficult to catch.

The opponent is not a fool.

If you follow the army line up, it's equivalent to three people suddenly appearing on the opposite side. How do you catch them?

However, the beauty of Li Fu's surprise attack on the bottom lane was that at the moment he caught it, Deft had just withdrawn the line of troops under his own tower, which meant that the grass in the bottom lane would become Li Fu's bunker.

In this way, Li Fu went all the way to join the three teammates who were ambushing in the grass in front of the tower.

At the same time, EDG was in the game seats.

The cute alpaca Mr. Dai was chewing gum in his mouth, mentally calculating whether he could replenish his equipment after clearing the tower line and returning home. He must not be unequipped when fighting against early heroes like Lucian.

Otherwise, if the opponent exchanges blood on the E face, he will give you half of the blood in one set and carry it away, and it will be like scratching the opponent, so the deterrent effect of the exchange will not be achieved.

So that the opponent can trade blood without any brains, and if two waves are successful, he can beat you home, and he can even try to kill you solo.

This is usually how the bottom lane collapses.

Deft is experienced and seasoned and will naturally not make such a mistake.

Thinking of this, Mr. Dai couldn't help but speed up the thread pushing.

The faster he pushes the line, the less experience he will lose when he returns to the line again.

When Meiko's Bard saw the other side returning to the city, he wanted to give up some experience for Deft to eat alone. He opened a portal from the wall and ran to the river to pick up the passive [Voice of Harmony]. He wanted to open an experience-gathering game alone. road.

Originally, everything was peaceful and peaceful.

But just at this moment, Deft, who was clearing the line under the tower, suddenly shrank his pupils!

I saw three people suddenly rushing out of the grass in front of the tower!


Deft reacted suddenly, and immediately pressed the E skill shield the moment the prince raised his hand.

"Brother Fu caught it again! Oh! Deft's reaction is so quick!"

"But Lulu can break the shield, wait! Did the prince do it directly?"

In the blink of an eye, Li Fu took a step forward and raised his hand to reveal an EQ Second Company.

Under normal circumstances, Li Fu's EQ would be unable to fly the wheel.

However, Prince Li Fu's second wave of EQ was not only extremely fast, but he also used his skill to accurately land on Luan Ma's body to break his shield, and then rushed away with a Q skill!

German military flag!

The dragon hits Kun!

In an instant, Deft was knocked into the air.

At this time, Lulu came up with a sheep transformation, Wuxx's Lucian kept up with the output, and Li Fu started the group first to control, then used W to slow down and shield to go up and carry the tower twice.

In the blink of an eye, Deft, whose blood volume dropped crazily, failed to show up and was unable to fly, and his head was perfectly collected by Lucian's last QAA.

"IG-Wuxx killed EDG-Deft!"

A perfect wave of Taqiancao Gank.

The commentator on the stage was stunned.

No one expected that after bragging about the factory director's perfect defense of the lower half for a long time, the slap in the face would come so quickly.

Li Fu's wave of gank was just about every opportunity, especially the timing of the troops advancing under the tower and the grasp of the opponent's psychology. Looking back at it now, it makes people take a breath of air.

You must know that controlling the line of troops in front of the tower is the most basic way to prevent gank. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to be caught.

However, in this wave, Li Fu caught the time when EDG bottom lane mistakenly thought that the IG duo returned to the city, and unknowingly came to the line with the soldiers, and quietly entered the grass in front of the opposite tower.

It can even be clearly seen in the trailer just now that Deft, who was chewing gum, was obviously shaken by the shock when the prince and the bottom duo suddenly came out.

Obviously, not only Li Fu, but also the appearance of the IG duo was completely unexpected by EDG.

This is how this desperate wave of three-catch-one came about.

And this wave of three-catch and one-hit kills Deft affects not only the bottom lane.

You know, the mid laners on both sides of this game also carry TP.

In the last wave of Li Fu's three-level EQ flash grab, the top laner teleported to save, but Scout in the middle didn't teleport. Regarding this, the factory director also said a few words that the middle lane must have a sense of support.

The new mid laner Scout just listened and didn't speak, mainly because his Chinese talent was not that good.

As a result, when it came to the wave in the bottom lane, almost as soon as the fight started, Scout immediately handed over the teleport to the eye position of the river grass in the bottom lane. Unexpectedly, with the assistance of Meiko's river swim, Deft, who was retracting in front of the tower, almost It was a sudden death.

As soon as the Tsar stepped down, almost at the same time, the Detf under the tower turned into a corpse.

In contrast, Rookie Clockwork also brought teleportation, but Li Fu stopped him immediately.

Because this is no longer necessary.

The dolls and Miller on the stage couldn't help but shook their heads and sighed when they saw this scene.

"The Tsar has not reached six, so it is useless to come down this wave."

"Yes, the key point is that Rookie didn't send the teleport. Scout wasted a teleport in vain, and the middle line also suffered a loss."

"I feel like Deft made a mistake. Just now, his E skill was actually more powerful. When the prince uses E first to launch Q, and then opens the shield, he will be able to block the knockback 100%."

"That's right, but I don't think I can blame Deft. The main reason is that the timing of Brother Fu's capture was too sudden. Both Deft and Meiko defaulted to the IG bottom lane duo and went home after pushing the line. Moreover, the IG duo did make a move to walk back, but the Three Musketeers suddenly emerged from the grass the next second, which would have shocked everyone."

"Well, in addition, I feel that even if I use E to block the prince's EQ, there is not much hope of escaping. Lulu also has the ability to slow down and transform into a sheep. Deft's wheel mother is already in a dissatisfied state, so she can kill her with damage. This wave is really I can only say that Brother Fu’s idea of ​​ganking is too weird.”

Hearing this sentence, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room couldn't help but think of a comment made by the MSI commentator on Li Fu's jungle - immeasurable spiritual thinking and unconstrained gank ideas.

"Well done, Emperor Fu!"

"The factory director's start was completely suppressed by Fuhuang's jungler's IQ."

"It turns out that 6-chan is greater than 7-chan!"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. The director of the factory changed his name and was criticized by Conte."


During the game, Wuxx was also very excited when he got a kill.

To be honest, as a player who takes over as the MSI champion AD, coupled with the experience of being eliminated from the RNG club to make way for Uzi and the world champion support Mata being publicly interviewed for being a loser.

Even though I managed to regain some confidence when playing NB the day before yesterday, I was still very nervous playing EDG today.

After all, the opponent is Deft, one of the ten Samsung players and one of the strongest ADCs in the LPL.

But now, more than five minutes have passed since the game started. The opponent's opponent is already 0/2, but he is 1/0/1. This good start immediately calmed Wuxx's mentality.

It turns out that I am not as miserable as Mata said.

It turns out that the alpaca that was able to suppress the gods back then was not completely powerless to fight back after he came online.

Of course, Wuxx is different from Save on the road. He knows exactly who gave him the confidence and confidence.

"Brother Fu's jungle jungler is so awesome!" he said sincerely.

"Do you understand the value of MSI champion FMVP?" She Keke teased with a smile.

"Everyone cooperates well."

Li Fu didn't take any credit, he glanced at Xiaolong and said, "Don't go back yet, come and fight a dragon with me."

The first dragon to be spawned in this game is the wind dragon, which has the lowest priority among the four elemental dragons. Li Fu would definitely not be willing to trade resources for this dragon.

But now it was like giving it away for free, so he naturally had no reason not to take it.

Rookie in the middle lane saw Li Fu and the bottom lane duo fighting the dragon. He in the middle lane quickly accelerated the lane push, and then reached level six. He first came to the Xiaolong Pool to help take a look and confirmed that the opponent's mid laner Czar returned to the middle lane to make up for the lane. Just returned to the city.

Before leaving, Rookie said, "I have a T this time. Call me anytime if you need anything."

Li Fu glanced at the jungle area on the opposite side. Xiaolong had already advanced to the kill line, but the pig girl on the opposite side had not made any moves. He guessed that the opponent was most likely brushing the second-round jungle in the upper half of the area.

He thought for a moment and couldn't help but said, "Go out and help me look at the upper half of the blue area."

"Okay, no problem." Rookie responded immediately.

The blue side IG killed the dragon!

Soon, the first wind dragon was captured by IG. The effect was to increase the movement speed by 15 points in non-combat states.

It has to be said that although in the current elemental dragon version, the wind dragon soul has the lowest priority.

However, the five-speed shoes in version 6.9 of the mid-season are weakened, and these 15 movement speeds are even more precious. Especially if Li Fu’s jungler clicks on the Explorer River to increase his movement speed by 15 points, then his support speed and gank efficiency will be greater in this game. Amplitude increase.

At the same time, the director's camera suddenly showed the upper half of the scene.

I saw Rookie go straight to the blue area after going out, and sure enough, he caught the pig girl who had just completed the upper half of her area and walked in from the river with a red dress on her body to fight against the blue area.

"Oh! The factory director was caught stealing blue."

"What do you mean? Do you want to continue fighting? The factory director's pig girl is only at level five now."

"Shake people, shake people, Poppy and Tsar are coming on the road. They want to help the factory director grab this blue."


EDG's game seats.

The factory director's face was tense and his eyes were fixed on the blue buff.

In fact, to be honest, in the past, a blue buff would never know that the director of the factory would mobilize so much to shake people up.

But in the early six minutes of this game, Li Fu frequently started the rhythm in the bottom lane. Needless to say, the most intuitive disadvantage of the bottom lane is that it also caused a series of changes.

First, the top lane lost a dodge, and then his jungle had to give up farming in order to stay safe. Finally, just now, the middle lane also lost a line and lost a TP.

This series of things adds up.

Suddenly, the factory director, who was experienced in jungle hunting, had a bad premonition in his heart.

Therefore, this wave of counter-jungle is not so much for the blue buff, but rather because the factory director wants to start a wave of rhythm when all three lanes are at a disadvantage, trying to regain a little disadvantage for the team.

"Eh? Rookie's Clockwork QW was consumed for a while, but the director just pulled the blue buff farther away. He still didn't leave. The teammates from the upper and middle lanes have already come to support him."

"Yes, Poppy and the Tsar arrived first. The crow on IG's top lane is still clearing the lane. Brother Fu's prince has just returned home after defeating the dragon. I feel that blue may not be able to keep it."

"We can't keep it anymore. EDG is playing blue very quickly. The factory director directly punished and took away the blue. This way, the blue at home can be fed to the czar. This wave is considered a small profit, and the disadvantage in the mid-lane can be recovered."


"Hey wait! EDG doesn't seem to be satisfied! Clockwork is moving a bit forward, oh! WEQR, the Czar, flashes and pushes! Rookie is pushed back!"

At the entrance of the river, the factory director turned back suddenly, his pupils suddenly dilated!


What the hell?

He knew that Scout, the Korean player who had just joined EDG in the summer split, was poor in Chinese, but he never expected that his Chinese skills would be so poor.

I just told you to slow down and don't send him away. Let's get a blue and leave.

How do you understand it?

But at this moment, the tsar appeared to start a group. The pig girl who was turning around from the factory director trembled, gritted her teeth, and simply turned around to join the group.

"Huh? EDG won the blue this time and they still want to start a team!"

"This new mid laner! He's playing so fiercely!"

"Rookie was pushed back. Factory Director Zhumei directly hit her with her Q and took the big move. The clockwork can't move!"

"Poppy is here too. If he bangs on the wall again, it feels like Rookie will be instantly beaten!"

"Oh wait! IG went on the road and the crow hit the E. Poppy was pulled, and the clockwork reacted, and the big move was directly backhanded to the Czar who wanted to come up and deal damage!"

"It's broken! Brother Fu's prince has arrived!"

Before the commentator's voice on the stage could finish, Scout, who was directly backhanded by Rookie for a big move, had not yet regained his footing. Li Fu launched an EQ into the sky, and immediately landed a big move.


You know, this wave of Czars is a WEQ dodge group, which means that he has no escape skills.

Prince Li Fu smashed down with his ultimate move, raised his hand twice to draw A, and triggered his passive. Combined with the damage of Rookie's clockwork, he immediately killed the Czar who was deep in the hinterland to start a group.

The small 3V3 group lost one member in an instant.

At this moment, EDG seemed to have two options.

Or just take this boring loss, turn around and leave directly.

Or replace Rookie's clockwork that has very little health left, and exchange it for one.

However, in reality, they only have one choice this time.

You know, the factory director called on the middle and the upper class to come together to fight against the wild, just to regain the rhythm.

If you don't take a chance after suffering a dull loss at this time, you are not looking for rhythm, but giving up your life.

With such a disadvantage in the early stage, if EDG sends out this kill again, the middle lane will have to be completely useless like the bottom lane. This can be described as a devastating blow to EDG, whose lineup is very heavy on the mid and bottom double C in this game.

The tone of the commentary on the stage suddenly rose!

"Eh? Still chasing! EDG still chases!"

"Rookie Clockwork's health is very low, so he flashes over the wall and runs to the upper tower."

"Factory Director Pig Girl directly followed and dodged, and Poppy's big move knocked the crow away!"

"Oh! Clockwork has entered the tower, the factory director has followed, and Brother Fu's prince has also come around!"

"How do you say that? Oh! The pig girl resisted the tower and took away the clockwork, but she was also stuck by Brother Fu! The pig girl's health dropped quickly, and the prince took away the pig girl!"


Two kill prompts quickly appeared on the big screen.

"EDG-Clearlove7 killed IG-Rookie!"

"IG-Padre6 killed EDG-Clearlove7!"

There was a wave of head swaps under the tower.

In the end, IG was equivalent to a one-for-two, and EDG only took Poppy on the road.

Many IG fans in the live broadcast room laughed out loud.

"Guigui! Is this EDG's new mid laner so tough?"

"If you rebel against Lan, you won't leave. You won't stop until you take someone's head. You even got yourself involved."

"It's so funny that the factory director's blue is too white!"

"I think we need to lose a Rift Herald."


Well, the audience discovered that the blue buff from the factory director went around in a circle and returned to Li Fu, and also gave a red buff.

Next, the death of the jungler and mid laner also created conditions for IG to take the Rift Herald.

The biggest change in the jungle area in version 6.9 of the mid-season is naturally the dragon, but in fact, Rift Herald has also undergone changes.

Although the new buff provided lasts for 20 minutes, its attributes have been improved in all aspects, making it very difficult to get rid of. Unless you let the top and mid lane take it when you have gained a big advantage, it will be more dangerous.

Under normal circumstances, Li Fu would not touch this canyon first.

The prince himself is slower than the pig girl in farming. Going to a canyon is risky and slows down the pace.

But now that EDG's midfielder died suddenly, the Rift Herald was basically given away for nothing.

"Sai Wu, come over here."


"Take it."


Save, who was suddenly called upon by Li Fu to get the Canyon Pioneer, was a little flattered.

He saw that Li Fu didn't call him when he was playing in the canyon, and he thought that the jungler had to take it himself. However, he didn't expect that Li Fu let him grow in the top lane and fed him after finishing playing. He was suddenly a little touched in his heart.

At this time, Save couldn't help but glance at Li Fu sitting next to him. The sense of crisis that had always been there suddenly disappeared. Instead, he felt that Li Fu's handsome face had an inexplicable "adopted father" look. intimacy.

At this time, at 7 minutes and 08 seconds, the head ratio between the two sides was 4:1.

IG has one dragon and one vanguard, and EDG's three lanes, including the jungle, are all at a disadvantage.

In the RNG Club, everyone watching the game was stunned, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

Why does it feel like IG has become stronger after this major overhaul?

Su Xiaoluo frowned even more as he looked at IG's bottom lane equipment snowballing and then switching to blood pressure to play Lucian with Deft. This was almost something that had never happened before when he was playing AD when he was young.

At this moment, he suddenly felt as if he had done something wrong.

Xiaohu, the only designated honest person in the RNG team, looked at the bottom lane, couldn't help but smash it, smacked his lips and said with a smile, "Wuxx seems to have made a lot of progress, he is not as good as he thought."

However, the speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention.

Xiaohu's words instantly affected the nerves of three people at the same time.

Su Xiaoluo's mouth twitched.

Mata frowned and glanced at Xiaohu, then raised his head and glanced at Wuxx on the game screen, feeling suddenly disgusted.

What did he want to ask Xiaohu?

Wuxx is no good.

Then they lost to IG in the Spring Finals last season.

Is it my cup of tea?

As the ADC introduced by RNG this season, Uzi suddenly said, "It's not how good IG's bottom lane is. The reason why EDG's bottom lane collapsed is because Deft's performance is not very good. Deft's handling of details is too poor."

These words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Uzi's chubby face was very calm. He recalled the three-level capture at the beginning and said, "If I were that wheel mother, I would definitely not learn W instead of E when pushing the line at the beginning. I would give the prince a level-3 capture and get one." The chance of blood is such that my jungler and top laner will suffer losses later.”

Speaking of this, Uzi paused and continued, "There is also the handling of the second wave of last-minute hits in front of the tower. Deft's E skill shield is too fast. If it were me, I would block the prince's EQ first move. , even if Lulu slows down and transforms into a sheep to chase the tower, but at that time the mid laner is handing TP downwards, and he can completely make a wave of exchanges, so there will be no follow-up loss of dragons, and even the factory director will have to force the rhythm again. Got beaten two for one.”

Uzi's calm and confident analysis echoed in the conference room.

Everyone couldn't help but ponder for a while.

Objectively speaking, at least one thing Uzi is right about is that EDG's current disadvantage is really the chain reaction after those two waves of captures.

If Deft can do better in this game, maybe these disadvantages will no longer exist.

At this time, Mata, who once said that Deft was better than Imp, suddenly spoke again.

He glanced at Uzi with a smile, nodded with satisfaction, and praised directly, "So Deft is not you, and there is only one person named Uzi in this LPL."

Uzi didn't expect Mata's praise to be so direct, and he felt a little embarrassed when he licked it. His chubby face, which was originally calm and confident, suddenly turned slightly red, and he said with a slight humility: "I'm actually fine, mainly Deft This was really not handled well.”

After hearing what Uzi and Mata said, Su Xiaoluo couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Damn, he almost thought he had bought a powerful opponent for IG just now.

That’s what I was saying. Whether Wuxx is strong or not, how can Mata, who is assisting him, not know?


Is that kid really that powerful? RNG may let it go at a bargain price during the summer transfer period?

In the game between IG and EDG.

Once the Canyon Vanguard is taken on the top lane, and the Canyon buff is superimposed and strengthened, the effect can be said to be immediate. Save on the top lane originally only had a flash advantage, but now it has a laning suppression effect that is not inferior to that of the bottom lane.

For the next time, Li Fu simply let Save play on the road.

Anyway, he has flashes, and the hero Crow also needs to develop.

Li Fu, on the other hand, waited for the CD of the next big move to be turned, and then made a big detour to the bottom lane, and immediately placed a ward in the grass.

"Eh? Is this wave of IG going around and going down the tower?"

"Three people are not enough, right? Oh! Teleported, Rookie teleported directly. He had more TP than Scout in the last wave."

"What do you say about this wave? Meiko's Bard seems to have sensed something is wrong!"

"Oh! IG took action directly. Prince EQ entered the field. Bard opened a teleportation tunnel on the wall leading to the river. Bard left first, and Wheel Mother will also leave. Is there any chance of surviving this desperate situation?! "

"Wait a minute! With Prince Fu's big move, the wheel is stuck!"


Accompanied by the explanation's exclamation, the wheel mother had clearly entered the tunnel, but was suddenly stuck in front of her when a terrain obstacle intersecting with the wall suddenly appeared.

The barrage in the live broadcast room immediately filled the screen!

"Damn it! Is this okay?"

"Fuhuang: Come to the bowl quickly!"

"Deft: I took a fake subway?"


Needless to say the result.

IG's wave of four packs and two cross-over towers killed the wheel mother and forced Bard back. When the factory director came, the bottom tower's health was very low and they couldn't defend it. EDG was taken down in just ten minutes. The first defensive tower.

After this wave of bottom lane capture, capturing the second newly refreshed elemental water dragon is only secondary.

If elemental dragons with different attributes don't overlap, the improvement won't be that obvious.

However, it suddenly liberated the bottom duo.

Maybe many times we will often see jokes about how AD, which has been developed for a long time, is vulnerable to the top laner, but this is obviously not true for Lucian who broke down the tower in just ten minutes.

At 12 minutes into the game, Wuxx's Lucian changed lines to the middle.

The first thing he did was to hit E's face with six shots in one second. After the damage was consumed, he directly used the Holy Spear to take a bath. He crippled Scout's Czar and had to go home and soak in the hot springs.

In fact, thanks to the Czar's WEQ ultra-long displacement.

In this wave, if we change to a mid laner who has not moved, Lucian's explosive set and Lulu can be sent directly back to the spring to soak in the hot springs in an instant, saving even the time to return to the city.

But even so, once the Tsar left, the central tower was left unguarded.

Two minutes later, the already disadvantaged EDG defensive tower in the middle was directly destroyed. The bottom duo did not continue to push forward, but rushed to the top lane to demolish it without stopping.

"Tsk, IG has stepped up its game to disrupt things."

"The first tower in the middle is no better than the bottom lane. If the middle tower loses sight of the jungle on both sides, it will be limited. Then the factory director's jungle resources will be crazily plundered by Brother Fu."

"Yes, mainly Lucian's point is too high in the early and mid-term, and with Lulu as a functional auxiliary, it is impossible for a single player to defend the tower in the early stage."

"Well, I can only say that Brother Fu is really wise to help. Now IG's rhythm has begun to speed up. Once you break the tower and get the third little dragon, you can force the big dragon."

"That's right, and the third elemental dragon in this game has brushed back the wind dragon. If IG can win two wind dragons, then their subsequent lane change speed will be very terrifying. The stacking of wind dragons will be a huge blow to the dominant side. The improvement is huge.”


Next, IG's tactics are not complicated.

Just take advantage of the strong period of Lucian who was helped by Li Fu at this time twenty minutes ago, and frantically lead the line to grind the tower until he takes down the defensive tower.

It's not that EDG didn't organize a counterattack.

However, Li Fu has a clear goal. Save takes a Canyon Pioneer and fully controls it, while keeping Lucian in the bottom lane. Basically, as soon as the factory director Zhumei arrives, Li Fu's prince will also appear.

After a wave of big moves that failed but failed, the factory director's face became a little solemn. He felt that although the head ratio was not too exaggerated, their situation was completely overwhelmed.

The game time was 15 minutes and 23 seconds. Seeing that the next elemental wind dragon was about to be refreshed, the factory director who had just been flashed immediately sent out a signal.

The lineup also needs to be developed in the later stage. If he continues to play like this, he will only be cannibalized by his opponents. He must use every possible opportunity to lead the team back to the disadvantage.

"Now the good news for my teammates is that the third one is still the Wind Dragon. This version of the Wind Dragon is useless and has a very low priority. However, the bottom lane should focus on the river vision first. Our first goal is to find opportunities to start a team fight."

After a pause, the factory director added:

"Everyone should occupy a position near the center first, and be sure to have a good view of the field near the center."

"it is good."

Everyone in EDG responded.

It can also be seen from the factory director's command at this moment that even in a disadvantageous situation, his mind is still very calm.

Why do you say that?

Because of the small dragon group, unless one party is ambushed as soon as they come up, in most cases the two sides will be in a stalemate and confront the river for a period of time.

So at this time, the side closer to the middle has more choices.

During the confrontation in the river, he can choose to divide his troops into the middle to deal with the army line, or he can fight the dragon to fight the team. He can even have a view of the upper half of the area in advance if the baron refreshes.

On the contrary, the side that is pressed in the lower half of the river will have its field of vision and activity range compressed to only its own lower half. This is undoubtedly very disadvantageous for EDG, whose first tower has been destroyed.

Just imagine, once the two sides are in a stalemate in the river, IG will directly bring the middle line of troops into the second tower.

Then do you separate people into guarding?

The time it takes to go there separately and come back is much slower than if someone comes back directly after taking the thread.

Therefore, the factory director made it clear that he must grasp the vision of the upper half of the Xiaolong River. In fact, he wanted to seize the initiative in his own hands. It is really not easy to have such a clear idea in this headwind and chaos.

However, Li Fu is also an experienced veteran.

As soon as EDG took his position, he realized the factory director's plan.

In fact, at this time, the two sides arrived at Xiaolong River Road at about the same time. If Li Fu, who has the advantage, presses forward aggressively, EDG will most likely have no choice but to retreat.

But unexpectedly, Li Fu chose to release that piece of terrain.

Not only that, he also circled towards the lower half, causing Wawa and Miller on the stage to be slightly startled.

"Eh? Brother Fu, don't you want to grab the position?"

"Is he going to lead the bottom lane? But EDG is not in a hurry to collect the bottom lane's troops."

"I feel like the factory manager is too sophisticated and has secured a position in advance. It's too risky for Brother Fu to force him."

"Wait! Brother Fu, he seems to be circling around?"

As soon as Miller finished speaking, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he suddenly woke up.

Yes, although the location in the upper half of the Little Dragon Group occupies a favorable location and is accessible in all directions, allowing for more and more proactive choices, there is also a drawback that must be mentioned.

That’s because the terrain is too narrow!

Especially for the red team, once they want to retreat to the jungle, everyone has to squeeze into the narrow grass path behind the wall of the blue buff camp.

As for IG's lineup this time, the midfielder and Clockwork Prince are most suitable for playing in such narrow terrain.

In the IG competition seat on the side of the stage.

"I'm in position, Sai Wu, you lead the team and press forward."

Save At first, he was not used to being called Sai Wu by Li Fu. He always thought the pronunciation was weird, but this time after Li Fu, the canyon pioneer, made him feel "father's love", he immediately felt that this nickname was quite good. Dear.

"The nest is fine."

He responded positively, turned around and saw Lulu and Chongzhang behind him, and while trying to pull the pig girl with an E, he took a step forward.

At this point, Crow has already made Central Asia. Needless to say, how powerful Central Asia Crow is when the crowd uses his ultimate move. EDG will definitely not be able to let him enter their own formation.

Therefore, without any command at all, as soon as the crow moved forward, everyone on the EDG side, including the factory director, subconsciously walked towards the narrow retreat path.

This is actually not a problem.

It's a stalemate.

Isn't it just that one enemy advances and we retreat?

When the enemy retreats, we advance?

However, at this moment, the director's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and he faintly noticed that something was wrong.

The next moment, he suddenly woke up!


The prince, the most critical jungle position of the Xiaolong team, has not been exposed to their sight until now.

This is very, very abnormal.

When things go wrong, there must be a demon!

"Beware of the Emperor"

The factory director subconsciously wanted to remind his teammates, but at this moment, a German military flag suddenly fell from the sky!

The next moment, in the blind spot of the blue buff jungle camp separated by a wall, a strong and tough figure suddenly walked through the wall unstoppably!

He also has a clockwork puppet on his body!

The dragon hits Kun!


Li Fu's EQ second team entered the game through the wall from the blind spot, and Rookie has already formed an indescribable tacit understanding with Li Fu after a season of running in in the first half of this year.

Almost in mid-air, he came up and put the magic puppet ball on Li Fu in mid-air.

Then, in a flash of lightning, I saw the prince who had just crossed the wall with the ball and just entered the crowd and exploded with a big move!

Almost at the same moment, the demon puppet on the prince exploded!

Command: Shockwave!

In an instant, an extremely terrifying pulling force from the field instantly tore the large EDG group that was crowded into a narrow terrain and was knocked away by Prince Li Fu's EQ and covered by his big move into a mess!

"Oh my God! This wave!"

"Brother Fu caught the ball too hard when he entered the field. He directly dribbled the ball up to five! It can be called a textbook-level prince's clockwork start!"

"The crow is charging! Flash his ultimate move into the crowd! Lucian E comes up to harvest! He is invincible in the end game!"

"EDG's bottom lane duo was directly eliminated. The double moves should still be there, but they are gone. EDG has no chance to fight this wave of dragons."


Zero for four!

In the end there was only a man riding a pig.

By the way, he threw a big move in reverse after running out.

But at this time, no one could say anything.

To be fair, if the factory director didn't run like this, with Lucian's harvesting ability and Lulu's acceleration and deceleration, a less flexible jungler like Zhu Mei would probably die together.

On the gray screen, Deft finally spit out the gum he had been chewing for fifteen minutes since the beginning.

He just felt a little ridiculous in his heart.

He had realized that when Pawn was replaced due to a back injury, the pressure on the bottom lane would increase, but he did not expect it to be so great. It felt like the jungler on the opposite side was staring at him like a poisonous snake.

From the beginning of this game to now, he has missed some opportunities to operate, but most of the time, just like this wave, both moves were melted directly at the beginning of the group.


Is this horse riding a hammer? !

"It's so funny! EDG's bottom lane is so flawless!"

"IG's bot lane is a total blow to EDG. Without a fat daddy, the alpaca is just a piece of shit!"

"Stop being shady, isn't it because the jungler is crazy about it?"

"Oh? You don't want to let the jungle team play in the laning game?"


The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled like crazy.

In the game, IG, which won a great victory, also easily won the third wind dragon, realizing the superposition of two wind dragons + one water dragon. Its strong line-changing ability allowed IG to break through before the EDG group was resurrected. The second tower, and then quickly moved to the bottom lane to break another outer tower.

This is the Double Wind Dragon.

To be fair, without the blessing of Double Wind Dragon Soul, it would be difficult for IG to change lanes so quickly.

At the beginning of 16 minutes, EDG was defeated by two outer towers.

At the Hongqiao Tiandi game, the fans in the audience who had been eagerly waiting for EDG to regain its glory in the summer game suddenly felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on them, and the atmosphere and morale dropped visibly.

"This IG's advantage is already very great. All EDG's middle and lower outer towers have been destroyed, which means that it will be difficult for them to control their next jungle resources and will be cannibalized crazily."

"Yes, IG can actually turn this advantage into a victory now as long as it waits for another key group to win."

"Eh? They don't seem to want to wait! Do they want to go to the high ground without even fighting the IG dragon?"

The game time is 18 minutes and 23 minutes.

Li Fu, who went out again, with the cooperation of his teammates, cleared the upper and lower wild areas of the factory director, and then directly gathered his teammates to start killing the HP of the bottom highland tower.

he knows,

Playing against an operations team like EDG,

The most taboo thing is to slow down the pace.

But EDG has wheels and a czar, and its lane clearing speed is very fast. Without the blessing of the Baron buff, it is still a bit difficult to go directly to the high ground.

However, Li Fu's goal is not to reach high ground.

After almost a minute passed, although EDG's bottom highland tower had only lost half of its health, the baron was about to refresh in half a minute, so Li Fu decisively pinged the baron.

At this time, Shuangfenglong's powerful line-changing ability was once again demonstrated. IG, which rushed across the map to the dragon pool, was much faster than EDG, directly occupying all the field of vision.

Rookie originally wanted to come along.

But Li Fu asked him to stay for a while.

In the last wave of dragon group Save, Crow used teleport, and now Rookie is the only one on IG who has teleport.

If that's all, forget it.

The key is that Wuxx in the bottom lane was also asked to stay in the bottom lane by Li Fu.

The commentator on the stage was immediately stunned!

Not fighting the dragon?

What the hell are the double C's in the middle and lower part not there?

However, EDG, which had lost all the outer towers in the middle and lower parts, and whose vision was compressed to the high ground, was unable to notice this. They subconsciously thought that all IG went to the baron, and they all went to the baron immediately.

Halfway through, another wave of soldiers came up from the bottom lane, and Clockwork appeared behind the bottom lane.

The factory director suddenly frowned and glanced at Scout, who had his TP on in the team. "The other side wants to get four points and one point, so go ahead and defend. Don't fight."

"Yeah." Scout nodded and took the order and turned back halfway.

But then, when the time came to twenty minutes, the factory director cautiously walked ahead to explore the field of view.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, bad news suddenly came to my ears!

"IG-Wuxx killed EDG-Scout!"

"Killing Spree!"

Ok? !

The factory director suddenly turned his head and looked down the road!

But I saw a person on the lower road?

IG's ADC Lucian is also there!

At this time, the director also cut out the replay of the bottom lane kill just now.

I saw that the bottom lane was originally calm, and the clockwork pushed the line and the yellow chicken cleared the line and guarded the tower.

But suddenly, the ball hidden under Rookie's clockwork tower suddenly made a big move and pulled, and then Lucian, who was hiding behind, slid directly to the high ground.

E's face crippled the Tsar with eight shots per second. The still-blooded Tsar WEQ drifted under the front tooth tower, but was swept down by Lucian's big move in mid-air, turning into a flying corpse and smashing into the front tooth tower!

Ah this?

The audience at the scene was immediately dumbfounded?

They had just seen Li Fu give AD a signal, and they were still a little confused about it, but now they suddenly realized it.

This horse-riding person is not from Dalongyin.

It actually reached the bottom lane!

This is really yin!

"Scout is careless this time. It would be nice if he could react quickly and dodge and dodge."

"The main reason is that Scout didn't expect IG to fight dragons without an ADC, so he didn't have that strong sense of vigilance. After all, if Lucian is not here, just take a clockwork, and the clockwork will not be able to jump over the tower and keep up with the subsequent damage."

"That's right, EDG's situation is very bad now. IG didn't fight the dragon in this wave of double C in the middle and bottom, but directly stole the tower in the bottom lane. The tower was demolished very quickly! The bottom tower is already broken!"

"EDG must return to defense! Must return to defense!"

"But wait! The trio of Crow, Prince and Lulu from IG will directly open the baron!"

"Ah? Then there are only four people left in EDG. It's a bit difficult to take care of them!"


This is indeed the case.

IG's middle and lower double Cs are all developed very well.

It is not a dream for Lucian to shoot eight shots per second and become crispy in seconds.

There are fewer people going, it’s the same as not going.

There are so many people going, do you still want Dalong?

Between the electric light and stone fire,

The factory director made a decisive choice.

"You all go and defend your home! I will fight with the opponent to punish you!"

This is also the wisest choice.

If the dragon loses its battle, at least it can be delayed.

If the home is lost, it is really gone. No one dares to underestimate the speed of IG's double C in demolishing towers.

"Oh! EDG still has to protect their home! They must protect their home!"

"Are the factory directors left here alone to fight for punishment? Well, this is indeed EDG's only choice at the moment."

"Wait? Why didn't IG stop fighting?"

"Eh? They. They exited the Dalong Pit and headed down the road."


Prince Crow and Lulu, this combination can beat the dragon, but the efficiency is undoubtedly very low.

The director also knew that IG played slowly, so he took the time to give an eye position to the dragon pool. As a result, he saw that the dragon's health had only dropped by half, and he couldn't help but look at the last true eye on his body and silently calculated. time.

However, after IG eliminated the artificial eye, Li Fu's prince suddenly clicked a few unusually eye-catching retreat signals, and immediately a group of three people withdrew directly from the Dalong River.

Lulu auxiliary equipped an acceleration, ejected to start, and went straight to the bottom lane with the blessing of the double wind dragon.

In an instant, many viewers at the scene who had been dizzy by IG’s dazzling redirection all had their eyes widened at the same time!

Everyone can understand this scene!

This IG switch is just trying to steal someone’s home!

The back of Dalongkeng,

Game time is 20 minutes and 35 seconds.

The factory director inserted the second real eye on his body and put his hand on Q, ready to rush in and punish him at any time.

However, when his vision fell into the Dalong Pond, the factory director's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly!

In the dragon pit, Baron Nash's blood volume has long been restored to full, and there is no one except for the enemy's True Eye.

Almost at the same time, on the high ground in the bottom lane, the IG Baron trio appeared.

Five people gathered under the EDG front tooth tower!


At this moment, even the factory director couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

With nothing to say, he quickly read back to the city.

But is it too late?

"That's too late!"

On the commentary table, Miller spoke quickly and said, "All five members of IG are now in the front tooth tower. Bobby's ultimate move has been used. The wheel mother was hurt by Lucian and Clockwork and was knocked back to the spring. The next wave The military line has already reached the high ground!"

"The prince increases the attack speed of E! IG pushes the tower so fast! Wheel Mom replenishes blood and releases spring water, but one of the incisor towers has already fallen. IG doesn't care about anyone. The prince opens W to push the tower in front and directly demolish the tower!"

"Oh! The second incisor tower has also fallen! The factory director Pig Girl is back, and she's attacking the Ice Prince!"

"The prince used his backhand to jump into the spring water. Piggy and Bobby were both locked up, and Bud was also stuck."

"The prince is down! But everyone on IG points crystals!"

"Lucian EWAAA! The crystal exploded!"

Finally, the doll fell down with a throaty sound.

The game time was fixed at 22 minutes and 23 seconds, and the total head ratio was 3:14. IG did not move the dragon in this game. They simply used dazzling lane switching operations and abruptly took away EDG, the best operator in LPL!

In an instant, there was a hurricane-like cheers from IG fans!

The dolls and Miller on the stage also congratulated loudly:

"Let us congratulate IG! Congratulations to IG for winning the first game!"

"Incredible! It's really incredible! IG's change of direction under the command of Brother Fu is really brilliant."

"Yes, this is the new version! This is the wind dragon buff!"

"Brother Fu used his unique ability to read the current version to lead the IG team to a victory."


Opposite the stage,

EDG game seats.

The factory director who told his teammates during the third dragon group, "The wind dragon is of no use, don't panic," suddenly fell into a long silence and contemplation.

After a while, he raised his head, looked through the transparent soundproof glass, and took a deep look at the man opposite, his eyes suddenly becoming sharper.

Although thank you for clearing the fog of the new version for me.

But there is absolutely no next one!

 12.4K big abalone today~

  It’s a new month, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass, lululu~



(End of this chapter)

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