When taking stock of Ming Taizong at the beginning, Lao Zhu was stunned!

Chapter 133 turned out to be a stumbling block for the big man’s progress.

Chapter 133 turned out to be a stumbling block for the big man’s progress.

[In the seventh year of the Second Yuan Dynasty, Liu Heng died in Weiyang Palace at the age of 47. 】

[From the day he ascended the throne to the time he completely left this world, he always regarded frugality as a rule he abided by and implemented it until the last moment of his life. 】

[In the edict he left behind, he clearly required that his funeral must be buried sparingly, and that the people and officials only need to mourn for three days, and that they must not affect the people's ability to marry wives and daughters, offer sacrifices to ghosts and gods, or drink alcohol and eat meat. 】

[Therefore, later generations gave Liu Heng the posthumous title Wen, which was Emperor Xiaowen. 】

[After Prince Liu Qi ascended the throne, he ordered people to make "Zhaode Dance" to commemorate Liu Heng and build an ancestral temple for him on the grounds that the brilliance of the late emperor's holy virtues would shine all over the world. 】

[This also made Liu Heng one of the few emperors with a temple title, Taizong. 】
Han Dynasty, the fourth year of Yuanshou.

Liu Che still admired Liu Heng's frugal style from beginning to end: "Emperor Taizong set an example for the people of the world, advocating frugality and caring for the people, which is the kingly way."

Of course, he admired Liu Henggui, but he had no intention of going that far. After all, the Han Dynasty was powerful at this time, and as the emperor, he naturally had what he should have.

When the national strength is sustained, the emperor's various things are not only for enjoyment, but also a kind of majesty of the man and a deterrent to the outside world.

Besides, it would be impossible to follow Emperor Wen’s example of a sparse burial, as construction of his imperial mausoleum had already begun.

He avenged the humiliation of the Han Dynasty, completely eliminated the Xiongnu, and quelled the border troubles of the Han Dynasty within a hundred years. Can't he live like the human world after death? ——
Han Dynasty, the first year before Emperor Wen.

Liu Heng reached out and rubbed Liu Qi's head. After he left, he gave himself a custom temple name and made music to leave his name for future generations. This was already a dedication to himself, and it was not in vain to cultivate him.

Liu Qize didn't take it seriously. His father had devoted himself to governing the world and had almost no enjoyment in his life. Isn't this good enough? Isn't it worthy of the name of Taizong?

In the world, among all the dynasties, there are few who can compare with his father!
However, the miracle spoke of their father and son's devotion to each other and allowed them to communicate their normally unspeakable feelings. The father and son were still very happy.
The early years of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bang also relaxed. His descendants did not kill each other like the Tang Dynasty. How could he not be happy that the Han Dynasty would have an extremely good leader in the future?
The wine glass in his hand was raised high, and Zhang Liang and Xiao He also drank happily from it.

[During Liu Heng's reign, he worked with the people in agriculture, reduced taxes and corvees, and encouraged farmers to practice mulberry farming. Economically, he promoted the development of the salt industry, iron industry, and commerce, and promoted the establishment of the Han Dynasty's commercial system. 】

[Politically, he adopted many suggestions from Jia Yi, Chao Cuo and others, restricted the power of local and princes, and gathered power into the hands of the emperor through various means. 】

[Even though many problems were left behind due to the political environment and external environment at the time, it also left Liu Qi with many solutions to problems and many talents, and also instilled in him many concepts of recuperation and recuperation. 】
Han Dynasty, the first year before Emperor Wen.

Before he finished describing the miracle, Liu Heng no longer cared about the subsequent comments and began to think about the problems that the big man might have in the future.

The importance of the Xiongnu obviously does not need to be mentioned again, but after removing the Xiongnu, the rest are naturally the internal problems of the Han Dynasty.The problems of princes, kings and local forces have become a serious concern for the emperor in the future, and a huge headache for future emperors.

As for economic issues, he only grasped a general direction, put forward demands, and chose answers. Many specific measures still had to be implemented by his subordinates, and he would slowly plan and prepare in the future.

As for the talent issue, Jia Yi is a person worthy of entrustment after all. He should find a way to give him some advice so that he should not be too radical and leave him useful. When the prince succeeds to the throne, he can start to display his ambitions, implement his ideas, and serve the people. The big man shines.

[The future outcome of the Han Dynasty's henchmen, the Xiongnu, is already certain, and will come to an end during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty; Liu Heng's strategy of seeking peace and development, such as horse administration, food and grass, and other issues are also in the process of being resolved; in the end, the remaining The problem is the cliché of princes and kings. 】

[Unlike the threat of princes and kings with different surnames when the Han Dynasty was first established, Liu Bang and the older generation were still there, and the imperial power was relatively stable. 】

[However, with the transition of several generations of emperors, especially after Liu Heng's appeasement strategy, princes and kings with different surnames are no longer a major hidden danger to the central government, and have been replaced by princes and kings with the same surname. 】

[They were originally promoted by Liu Heng in order to stabilize the government. Under Liu Heng's tolerant policy, they continued to accumulate strength and became more powerful. 】

[In addition, the number of adult descendants of the princes and kings continues to increase, but the Taifu appointed by the imperial court is old and has retired to his hometown. Under this situation, the princes and princes of the Liu family have become increasingly difficult to control. 】
Han Dynasty, the fourth year of Yuanshou.

Liu Che could not agree more with the words in the miracle. Those princes and kings with the same surname are more and more eager for power day by day, and their ambitions are constantly expanding. They even want to share some power and take something from him, the emperor!
That little thought is simply on the surface!

Isn’t this a serious threat?
The Seven Kingdoms Rebellion broke out during his father's reign, but what did a few people say back then?
But later, how many people took this opportunity to accuse Liu Heng of being mean and ignoring family ethics?
Was the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms really caused by Liu Qi's policy of reducing vassals?How can it be!

You know, taking the State of Wu as an example, they bribed everywhere and constantly used money to corrupt the central court and let them cover for themselves. At the same time, they also intended to buy officials in the central court.

Finally, he privately minted copper coins, sold salt and iron, and sold soldiers and horses in his own fiefdom. The rebel forces were extremely well prepared.

Who would believe that you don’t have other thoughts at this time?
Without Emperor Father's policy of reducing vassal states, rebellions would break out in these vassal areas sooner or later.

As for not caring about family ties?

Let alone a big man, which emperor in the past dynasties could value family ties?
If we value family ties and favor relatives, can we still hold the country?
The early years of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bang sighed, in the end we have to move towards the county system!
He originally granted many princes and kings with different surnames, just to prevent the rapid collapse of the Qin Dynasty and to avoid the overthrow of his own Han Dynasty after its establishment. However, in the long run, the country is still more suitable for the county system.

And now it seems from the miracles that this will indeed be the case in later generations. Those princes and kings with the same surname may still be of some use during his own and even Liu Ying's period, but later on.

Not only did it have no effect, but it actually became a stumbling block for the Han's progress.

(End of this chapter)

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