The saint I possess is full of garbage

Chapter 82 Gluttony Cult, as you wish

Chapter 82 Gluttony Cult, as you wish

The wall made of gray stone bricks reflects the golden light. The 'Knowledge Hall' of the Knowledge Tower is very large. The edge is surrounded by brown bookshelves nearly ten meters high. The only exposed gap in the wall is a symbol of the high knowledge. Tower's 'Book of Heaven' emblem.

There is a huge brown round table placed in the hall.

Bella was sitting next to her in the center, smiling and nodding to the great scholars who kept arriving at the 'Tower Meeting'.

Andrew, a great scholar, his scholar's motto is 'a goal with a goalkeeper is wonderful'. Many scholars who don't know him may think that this is a great scholar who 'dare to challenge', but those who are familiar with him know that - -Actually, he likes to capture other people's wives, especially those who haven't divorced yet.

Frieda, a great scholar, her scholar's motto is 'A slap is an encouragement suitable for the baby's physique in Noxus City'. People think that she advocates the education method of 'suffering is a blessing', but in fact she is a fighting muck. Loves being spanked.

When everyone takes off their disguise, they are their true selves.

What about me?

Bella recalled everything from last night.

After learning that Sheila had discovered a brain structure that could assist in 'developing the talent of a magician', all she could think about was 'publishing this academic achievement and signing her own name'.

She could no longer tell whether she was worried that "the waters in academia are very deep and you can't control it, Sheila", or whether it was simply her own greed, wanting to monopolize this academic achievement that could change the world of magicians.

She sealed Sheila's door numbly and completed the academic confirmation alone. When she realized it, Bella was already sitting here. The 'Tower Meeting' was held not long ago, waiting for the arrival of the great scholars.

Silla's painful and unbelievable images kept flashing through her mind, making Bella feel a little confused. Was she such a person before?
Suddenly, she recalled herself more than ten years ago.

At that time, she had not joined the 'Tower of Knowledge', but was working as a 'Law Enforcer' in the 'Church of Light'.

The daily life of the law enforcers of the 'Light Church' is to battle wits and courage with the churches of the seven sin gods.

The process can be said to be quite bloody. The 'Lust Cult' corrupts people, the 'Wrath Cult' is ferocious, the 'Greed Cult' burns, kills and loots, the 'Sloth Cult' leads people to ruin and affects social order, and the 'Gluttony Cult' destroys everything. Treated as 'food', eat everything, including magicians
Every time she encounters the cult followers of the Seven Gods of Sin, the anger in Bella's heart will burn a little more, and her faith in the 'Light Church' will also increase.

Until one day, Bella participated in the destruction of a branch of the 'Gluttony Cult', where more than a dozen children were sent to the altar, with the ritual patterns of the 'Gluttony God' engraved on their bodies, but before they were eaten by the cultists, Rescued by law enforcers.

But the church's subsequent decision made Bella feel cold all over - the Church of Light wanted to burn these children infected by the 'God of Gluttony' to death.

She questioned her law enforcement captain: "Even though the cost of removing these evil magic seals is high, isn't this what the church should do?"

Her law enforcement division captain sighed: "The cost of saving each person is equivalent to an expensive Seven Sins magic seal. The value of these magic seals will be reinvested in the 'Law Enforcement Master' training system. The law enforcement masters who are trained will There will be many more people saved than these. Their parents have already experienced grief after being captured by the 'Gluttony Cult' for so long. This extermination operation has been a successful conclusion for the entire city of Noxes. .”

Bella couldn't believe this and finally saw the truth of the world clearly. She abandoned her belief in 'God' and was so disheartened that she came to the 'Tower of Knowledge' to become a scholar and no longer wanted to participate in the world. In the world.

But the Tower of Knowledge is obviously no different from the "Church of Light". Wherever there are people, there will be traces of the seven sins. Arrogance, jealousy, rage, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust will be the root-level sins that can never be cut off. .

"Now that things have happened, have I become like that?" Bella laughed at herself.

"After all, that's how people are."

Suddenly, she recalled another scene.

That day, she quietly left the team of law enforcers, walked into the sky full of firelight, and took out a child.

“Just call her Sheila.”

[So, can you help me eat her completely? 】The yellow light in the room flickered dimly, and books were piled up messily on the burgundy carpet.

Sheila stood in front of a mirror seal. The talent called [Scalpel] allowed her hands holding the black scalpel to not shake at all. She opened her head and cut methodically on the living and squirming brain.

What was reflected in the mirror was a pair of violent and crazy scarlet eyes.


Level: 10-star Warlock

Life: 110
Magic power: 156+14+15
Status ①: Magic source exposed - Your magic source is completely exposed outside the brain. Once you lose the protection of your magic power, you will quickly die.

State ②: Menstrual Period - You are in your menstrual period. In this state, your magic power is reduced by 3 points.

State ③: Awakening - Your emotions have triggered the sleeping forces in your body, and they are awakening rapidly.

Talent: Scalpel → Beluseb's Table Knife - You have the ability to cut everything in the most perfect way. This effect fluctuates according to the magic power of both parties.

Technique Seal: Reading. Mirror, surgical reduction, atomic suturing, dust-free and sterile, cutting through the air, cutting with one strike

Weapon: Traceless Blade

Attire: black academic uniform]


"as you wish"

"Everyone is here, Scholar Bella. What happened? You actually summoned us to start a tower meeting at the highest level?"

In the Hall of Knowledge, the round table was densely packed with scholars.

As one of the great scholars spoke, everyone's eyes focused on Bella and the man next to her.

Lord of the Tower!

This is a heavyweight. In the world of magicians, there are only 12 tower masters in the Three Kingdoms and Nine Cities. Each one of them is a first-class big shot in the world. He will only appear in the highest-level tower meetings.

This level of high-tower meeting usually represents a little bit of information.

A huge crisis in the tower, the death of an important scholar, or shocking academic achievements.

Bella took a deep breath, stood up and smiled:

"I am calling you all together this time because I have a major new academic achievement in terms of 'talent'"

The door to the Palace of Knowledge was kicked open, and the person who came was a red-haired fox wearing a leather jacket and leather trousers with a hot figure. Behind her, a tall silver-haired woman wearing a black windbreaker looked at all the scholars in the conference room and smiled. road:
"We received reports that someone had stolen other people's academic achievements and imprisoned them."

(End of this chapter)

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