Panlong, I have a black hole space

Chapter 102: Each Shows Magical Powers [Part 2]

Chapter 102 Each shows his or her special powers [Second update]

At the moment when Greg was running away triumphantly - "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

From the space behind him, a total of nine space nodes burst out with super devouring gravity almost at the same time, and dispersed instantly, directly covering all the hundreds of clones that Greg had split into. The speed of his body suddenly dropped sharply, and even the hundreds of shadow clones couldn't maintain it at all and collapsed!

"What kind of trick is this?" Greg's face hidden in the shadows turned pale instantly, and a drop of the power of the Dark God burned on his body!
His abilities mainly lie in speed and concealment and sneak attacks. If he really wants to be left behind, he has no confidence in fighting the opponent head-on.

"The power of the Lord God?" Roja's face was slightly cold, and a drop of the power of the Lord God's Destruction suddenly burned on his body.

The two of them burned the power of the Lord God at the same time. Although Greg's speed immediately surged to an exaggerated level, before he had time to break out of the 'black hole force field', the power of the 'black hole force field' also surged instantly!

"Still want to run?" After using the power of the Lord God, Roja's speed naturally increased to an astonishing level, and the 'black hole force field' itself was based on him, so it naturally would not limit his own speed.

On the contrary, the closer he got to his opponent, the stronger the opponent was absorbed by the 'black hole force field' became more and more astonishing!
"What!" Originally, Greg's speed was limited and he couldn't move faster. But as Roya got closer, he found that even flying forward was a luxury. How could the gravity be so strong?

Even the legendary 'Amethyst Space' can't be so strong!

"You are lucky to be the first one to bear my attack!" Roja raised his right hand and pushed forward gently, immediately binding all the mysterious and unfathomable black hole power into one direction, and completely exploded!The gravitational restraint exerted at this moment was ten times more terrifying than before!
"No!" At this moment, Greg felt like a small boat traveling upward against the rapid current, his body completely unable to control himself!

"I'll fight you!" Since there was no way to escape, he simply did the opposite, turned around and accelerated towards Roja!

Due to the acceleration of the black hole's gravity, and the two people running in both directions, they collided with each other again almost instantly!

With one punch, he smashed the mantis-arm sword that Greg was proud of!

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, a terrifying power like the Milky Way bursting its banks descended on Greg!
A terrifying and soul-shaking explosion sound came from the core in the black halo. The solid space in the plane battlefield exploded instantly, and an extremely solid black hole appeared directly!

Although this black hole is only the size of a fist, it extends for tens of meters to the rear, forming a terrifying space tunnel that cannot be eliminated for a long time!
As for Nagrek?Wherever his body could be seen, it had been beaten into a bloody mist, and only a few items on his body remained.

"What a terrible punch!" Bushri's silver eyes flashed with fear for a moment.

Although Roja had previously shattered the snow demon's strongest defense with one punch, it had already proven that his physical attack capabilities were terrifying.

But the punch just now was really scary!
Run, can't run away.It's impossible to fight!
"The first leadership badge is here." Roja put away Grek's space ring and a golden badge scattered in the air.

On their side, the commander's badge is silver and the soldier's badge is turquoise. On the side of the 'Earth God Plane' camp, the leader's badge is gold, and the soldier's badge is khaki.

"Roya, this move of yours is so powerful!" Bushri didn't know how to describe this move in words. Fortunately, he had a main artifact of physical defense. Otherwise, if he faced Roja, he would definitely be beaten. Fisting and explosion!
"I have only perfected this move recently. Greco is also unlucky to have just caught up with it at this time." Although his previous move of 'Swallowing the Sky and Devouring the Earth' was powerful, that move was only suitable for close combat. , the coverage range is too small.

And this 'black hole force field' can affect a much wider range!

In particular, this move itself still incorporates the special application method contained in 'Swallowing the Ground'.

It is precisely by relying on this extremely ingenious application method, which is not inferior to the natural trick, that he can use this 'black hole force field' to this extent.

Although the large-scale black hole force field at the beginning was also very powerful, it was mainly used to trap enemies and retain people.What is really damaging is the subsequent changes in the black hole force field behind it.

The mysterious and unfathomable power of the black hole is bound in one direction in a special way, concentrated and exploded instantly!Then superimpose Roja's own tyrannical physical power, and the two become one!

This final power is unimaginable!
Greg was fortunate enough to be the first to witness the effect of this move.

In the distance, two phantoms rushed to the scene in the blink of an eye.

When Lei Jing and others arrived at the scene, they found that Roja and Busri were standing still.

"Royal, Bushri, where is the target?" They were less than three miles away from each other, so it was not an unpleasant experience.

But the battle between Roja and Nagrek sounded very long in an instant, but in fact it was almost a matter of seconds. Even Busri, who was also at the scene, did not help much.

"Here it is." Roja flashed a silver badge in his hand.

"So fast?" Even though Leisijing knew how powerful Roja was, he didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

"That man fought with you head-on?" This was the only possibility Lei Jing could think of.

He has some experience of the power of Roya's fists.

He couldn't even withstand that kind of terrifying power. A guy without a physical defense weapon would most likely not be able to withstand a punch.

"Absolutely." Roja smiled and nodded.

Next to him, Bushri's throat went dry and he wanted to say something, but he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Your 'Black Hole Force Field' is more powerful than the 'Amethyst Space'. It won't work for others even if they don't want to compete with you.

"How to distribute this badge?" Roja played with the badge in his hand, but actually didn't take it too seriously.In fact, he himself no longer needs any kind of main artifact. Even if he can exchange for another badge by collecting the badges, it will only be used by other clones, which is of little significance.

"You should keep it for now. When the military merit is finally calculated, we will allocate it according to our contribution. In this battle, Lei Hong and I don't count our contributions. As for which one of you contributed more, you two should know it yourself." Lei Hong heard that After Jing's words, Roja put away the badge first.

"Finally, we have an opening. Okay, let's keep going. Ah Hong, let's go over there!" After a brief chat, the two parties separated again.

Because the terrain of this battlefield is not the same everywhere, there are weeds and mounds everywhere.

After two or three miles apart, it is generally impossible to see each other.


For nearly ten days, Roya and Bhusri failed to encounter another enemy.

The two agile figures were like two wisps of light smoke, moving freely between the cold mountains of the plane battlefield.

Just when they were both a little bored, "Huh? There's a situation!"

Bushri's figure suddenly stopped, and his silver eyes looked towards the distant northwest.

"Finally, we met someone again!" After discovering the target, Busri moved without hesitation, "Stab!" With a sound, Busri, wearing silver armor, burst out with speed, like a streak of light illuminating the night. The silver lightning that broke through the sky shot directly towards the gray-robed man in the distance.

Although he can't compare to Roya, Bhusri's strength cannot be underestimated.

The man in gray robe also suddenly turned his head, obviously seeing the two of them, and without any hesitation, the man in gray robe screamed and ran away immediately.

"You can't escape!" Bousri's figure flashed strangely, and he rushed into the hell space six times in a row, and instantly intercepted the man in gray robe.

As for the back, there is naturally Roja outflanking them.

In the blink of an eye, this 'grey-robed man' was in a dead end!

"Thunder and flash!" Busri instantly transformed into a ball of violent silver lightning, carrying dazzling electric light, and hit the gray-robed man directly!


Thunder roared, once again drawing a strange path, causing violent vibrations in the space along the way, and instantly fell on the head of the gray-robed man.

"Get out!" The gray-robed man roared, his right fist facing upwards and hitting directly!
"Crack!" There was a very clear sound, and the gray-robed man's head was hit to the ground and shattered.

"So hard." Bushri was a little surprised in his heart, but he was also surprised in his heart. How dare this man walk outside when he is so vulnerable?

"Peng!" What surprised him was that the man in gray robe could still move even though his head was shattered. A backhand punch hit Bushri's abdomen, which had returned to its original shape.

"No, it's a puppet!" Bushri also reacted at this time.

To control the death puppet to move normally outside, the main body must not be far away, maybe hiding in a corner nearby and watching them.

"Bad luck!" Bushri cursed unhappily and could only look for the next prey again.

On the other side, the two Lei Jing who were separated from them were lucky.

Among the two, Lei Jing's soul-hiding aura was too strong, and even if he got close, the two of them didn't recognize him.As for Lei Hong, very few of the commanders had seen Lei Hong, and he was not recognized.

As soon as the fight started and the 'Amethyst Space' came out, the two of them knew they had met Lei Jing.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"... Four bursts of the power of the Lord God burst out together, instantly attracting the attention of nearby strong men.

In the center of the battlefield, the amethyst space filled with Lacey crystals directly spread out within a kilometer radius, and the strong gravity instantly slowed down the two opponents.


A stream of purple light shot out from Leisijing's hand, like a shooting star.The speed is so fast that the opponent cannot dodge.

"Chichi~~" The purple stream of light instantly flashed across the distance between Leisijing and his opponent, which was less than a hundred meters away, and the space actually diverted like water. There were faint cracks in the space, and only a "Peng!" sound was heard, purple. The stream of light rushed into the opponent's body, and the opponent's entire body exploded instantly, with fragments flying out in all directions.Only then did the purple stream of light take form.

This is a short knight spear nearly 1.5 meters long, with a dark purple color throughout.

"Reis Crystal, you dare to kill Naosha, do you want to fight to the death with me?" Not far away, a young man in a moon-white robe with slightly pointed ears scolded Leihong angrily. !
"Fight to the death? You think too highly of yourself!" Although Lei Jing himself was not sure about dealing with this guy, he now had a strong teammate.

(End of this chapter)

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