One person, Tang Clan, the thorn of being out of the crowd

Chapter 112 Alternative Appetite and "Limb Curls"

Chapter 112 Alternative Appetite and "Limb Curls"

Even from the perspective of a Westerner like Barron, the Asian figure in front of him is considered tall.

There is no doubt that the other party is of the same kind, and that kind of clean and neat skills are not something ordinary people can possess.

He walked towards him, his steps were very light, even if he stepped on broken glass, the noise he made was still very small...

is a master...

Barron relaxed and looked at the young man in front of him expressionlessly.

Muscle relaxation does not mean a friendly attitude, it also means that when it is time to exert force, it can have unexpected effects.

When facing someone who has the ability to threaten your life, don't relax even if the other person has just helped you solve a problem.

Be cautious, this is Barron's survival experience for many years.

The young man walked through the door, walked into the store, and stood beside him. When Barron frowned and wanted to say something...

But he saw this young man passing him and walking behind him!
What is he doing?
"Speaking of which...if I order a plate of dumplings now, won't you make them for me?"

Three question marks popped up in Barron's head.

The shop owner, who also had a question mark on his face, looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

woo... woo...

The sirens sounded at the wrong time.

The sharp whistle made Liu Sanxie sigh and spread his hands in silence.

" seems like I can't eat anymore."

As he said that, he turned to look at Barron aside and said with a smile, "Walk? Chat?"

He still spoke in Chinese because he knew the other party understood him.

The Asian man in front of him was very mysterious. Barron looked at him deeply and raised the corners of his mouth slightly unconsciously.

Looks like today won’t be boring anymore~

"Why put so much sugar on this pastry?"

Liu Sanxie raised the donut in his hand to his eyes, his eyes filled with confusion and the remaining seven points of disgust.

"It seems you don't like sweets?"

Leaning against a tree, Barron watched with interest the young man's harsh accusations against American food.

"No...I like sweets, but that's not what sweets are made for! It should..."

Yoo Sam-seop was already a bit irritable about not being able to eat the dumplings he had been looking forward to for a long time. For dinner, donuts once again tortured his taste buds, and he immediately squirted!

This statement is endless, it can be said that it is extremely mean, and the criticism is merciless.

Starting from the selection of materials, the kneading techniques, the ingredients, and the processes to make a delicious dessert, he gave Barron detailed instructions.

Liu Sanxie has never been a waste of food, but when faced with this kind of ghost...

Hmm~ He didn't throw this thing out as a hidden weapon, which is already a high degree of quality education!
It reminded him of those banners hanging in some university cafeterias calling for food conservation.

"It's a waste if you make the food grown by the farmer uncle so hard to taste so unpalatable! It's soulless!"

Looking at the angry young man in front of him, Barron felt envious for no reason.

Because... he hasn't felt the taste from food for a long, long time.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, everything seems to have the same taste, plain, bland, and tasteless.

And he knew what could arouse his appetite, but...


There was an obvious swallowing sound, and Liu Sanxie followed the sound, only to see Barron turn his head in time and glance to the side.

"Those shadows are your ability? Extreme speed?" He was changing the subject, very stiffly, but Liu Sanxie smiled and expressed understanding.

"Speed? No, it's a little more technical than that. I prefer to think of it as rhythm."

"Hmm~ Limqu, yes, what do you think of this name?"

An idea flashed in his mind, and Liu Sanxie blurted out.

Limb song is actually an advanced form of Tang Sect's Xubu. Liu Sanxie's self-created method requires sufficient physical fitness to use it.

Tangmen's Xubu emphasizes intention rather than gravity. Compared with the movement speed, it is actually a deflection technique.

If the force is used too much, the erratic and formless feeling will be distorted, and it will appear extremely deliberate, so in terms of speed, Xu Bu deliberately suppressed it.

But if the physical fitness is strong enough and the muscle control reaches a new stage, Xu Bu's performance will be like what Yu Sanxie did just now.

To a certain extent, adding appropriate speed and changing frequency will form afterimages in people's eyes.

Confusing the enemy is only one of its functions, using it to assassinate head-on is its real purpose.

Is this a name he just came up with?Or...he used it for the first time today?
Barron raised an eyebrow when he heard this. Is this guy bold?Or are you confident?

But these are not important, the important thing is...

"You came to find me?"

This is a question, but the tone is quite affirmative.

Barron was sensitive to the fact that this encounter might not be a coincidence.

The other party doesn't look like a brave guy, so... the answer is ready to come out.

After swallowing the donut in one gulp, Liu Sanxie smiled and said:
"I'm really in trouble. I want to ask you for a favor and save a child."

"Child?" Barron asked confused.


In the dead of night, the world seems to have become quiet.

Except for the scattered figures in the dark corners, there were not many people visible on the streets of the town.

Different from the rich nightlife in Yangcheng, the night in America is like opening up another country, a dark country, and there seems to be some unknown evil hidden in the deep darkness.

It’s actually hard to say that Yoo Sam-seop came to see Barron.

Especially since the two of you are neither relatives nor friends, and you want someone to practice the technique just one day after they met. Although you have a good reason, but...

To put it bluntly... "What does it have to do with me?"

But Liu Sanxie still told the situation in detail, not to add fuel to the fire, but to seek truth from facts and extremely sincerely hope to get Barron's help.

The reason why Yoo Sam-seop can speak out his needs so easily is actually because of Barron himself.

Born in 60, although he is still young now, in fact he is already an old guy over fifty years old.

Born in a prestigious school, he has been a soldier and explorer, and has left his footprints in the most dangerous places in the world.

This rich life experience allows him to easily identify whether a person is asking for help or has ulterior motives.

Therefore, rather than being hypocritical and conciliatory, it is better to be honest and forthright.

Hmm~ In his eyes, there is no doubt that Yoo Sam-seop is the former.But……

It was precisely because what the other party said was true that he could not agree to this matter. It was not because the skills were precious, but...

"I don't know where you got this information from, me, this is not a good way to solve a girl's plight.

This is not a treatment, but another shackles..."

 Limb~ Does anyone know where it comes from?

(End of this chapter)

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