117 The First Drop of Blood
"Hey, I found it, found it, put it down, miss!"

The noise Liu Cheng made seemed to be too big, which attracted the attention of some minions arranged here by Blue Dream Company.

Some minions seem to have forgotten the human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages because of the Dream Creator.

Of course, perhaps it was because of Guanyuetong's crying that they forgot about the danger, and a strange intuition led them to believe that the blond-haired woman in front of them was the missing eldest lady.

What a person who is favored by heaven and earth. When the girl cries, the whole world seems to be crying for her.

With the gradual awakening of consciousness, the power that originally belonged to the Moon Guan Tong seemed to be recovering bit by bit.

Liu Cheng turned his head slightly, and a man with a sly smile on his face and an electric shock device that was emitting high-intensity electric current appeared in front of him. His movement was so fast that he actually left numerous afterimages in the air.

"Hahaha! As long as I kill you and save the eldest lady, I, Guiying, will be promoted and get a raise!" Guiying laughed wildly, looking at Liu Cheng, who seemed to be stunned by his own movement, laughing maniacally. With.

Ghost Shadow, a third-level member of the Blue Dream Organization, possesses the power of electric current to promote progression, which is rare at this stage. Relying on the electric shock device in his hand and his hard training on the "Secret of the Five Thunder Heavenly Hearts", he can even blast Outputs a current of 30 volts.

"The hobby is raping and killing ghosts of old women? The Blue Dream Organization has really recruited a group of 'talents'." Liu Cheng frowned slightly, raised his hand gently, and then stretched out a finger.

There were no unnecessary movements, he just lightly placed his finger on the path of the laughing ghost. Immediately, the man's hard head directly hit the seemingly fragile finger.


Just like pressing down cotton with fingers, the hard head naturally sunk down, and the electric current that hit the body was guided back to the ghost by Liu Cheng's backhand.

The delicious aroma of barbecue filled the air, awakening Guanyue Tong who was in confusion. This was the first time Guanyue Tong saw someone die in front of his own eyes, and this time they fell in pieces like mowing grass. .

Without considering the feelings of Guan Yuetong at all, Liu Cheng wielded his sword energy, simply and efficiently cutting the incoming enemy into pieces.

The action was too simple and too natural, making it difficult for Guanyuetong, who was already a little slow to react due to the large amount of pain, to stop it.

No sooner had the word 'farewell' been uttered than a dozen familiar members of the Blue Dream Company had already been killed to ashes. On the contrary, the half-cooked ghosts who had been electrocuted in the first place were still lingering on the ground.

"Why, why?" Guanyuetong's eyes widened, and it was difficult to understand why Liu Cheng acted so decisively. "Obviously, you obviously feel the sadness of the deceased."

"So?" Liu Cheng said matter-of-factly, "I know the dead people will be very sad, but what does this have to do with me killing them to ashes?"

"It's difficult for people to understand each other. Not everyone has the same empathy as you. It's even harder for me to be moved by other people's love and hatred, let alone some enemies who want to kill me."

He casually stepped on the three-year-old ghost figure at his feet, and injected a little bit of zhenqi into it to hang on to his life. Liu Cheng looked at Guanyue Tong and said, "Come on, kill him, kill this old woman who raped and killed him." A pervert who takes pleasure in others is the first step to make a down-to-earth change. Don’t worry, even according to the law, he would have died many times already - you know, I don’t like lying.”

"Why, why, I, I don't want it, I don't want it!" Guanyue Tong subconsciously took a step back and fell to the ground, "Why do you have to kill, why do you have to fight? You obviously, I obviously feel that you are a good talent right."

"Probably in order to survive, to live better." Liu Cheng tilted his head, pretending to be a thinker, "As for being a good person, it often depends on the position. I never think that I can be judged. He can be considered a good person—a fun-loving person, but he’s pretty much a paranoid person.”

"But if we really look at it according to the evaluation method of heaven, maybe I can really be regarded as a good person? After all, I have saved a world and brought the possibility of change to human beings in three worlds that are on the verge of destruction, right?"

"But don't trust your intuition too much, Miss Guanyuetong." Liu Cheng snapped his fingers, "After all, even if you are a good person, there is a saying in this world that 'good intentions do bad things'. You don't think you have a chance to refuse, right? I only give you one chance to choose. From now on, whether it is heaven or hell, you, as the 'weak', will only have the chance to be chosen."

Not intending to delay too much time, Liu Cheng, who knew that the members of Blue Dream Company must have reported the news of Guanyue Tong's presence here, waved his hand casually, and powerful force forcibly grabbed Yue Guantong on the ground and lifted it up.

A small dagger was forced into Guanyue Tong's hand, making her make a stabbing gesture.As for the target, of course it is the ghost who is about to die!

If Guanyuetong's Notre Dame Syndrome and the lack of self-confidence caused by PUA were regarded as 'diseases', in Liu Cheng's eyes, she was already close to being incurable and serious.

Therefore, for severe cases, heavy medicines must be administered, enough pressure must be put on Guanyuetong, sufficient resources and information must be provided, and enough resources and information must be provided to force her to make changes, so that results can be seen in a short period of time.

After all, Liu Cheng has no interest in going back and forth over one thing over and over again.

"Look, the weak have no right to choose at all. They are killed and manipulated." Liu Cheng looked at Guanyue Tong in front of him struggling, and had to get closer little by little, with the power constantly accumulating in his body, "You don't Do you think the current scene is exactly the same as before?”

"Because you are weak, you were bombarded by Lan Dao Tianwu to kill your lion friend. Because you are weak, you were forced into a magnetic field lock by Ao Qian, sealing away the power you should have had."

"But unlike many people, your weakness is not that you are really weak, but that you have blocked your own power and controlled your own power." Liu Cheng's voice was soft, but he struck the audience hard. In Yuetong's heart, "You can obviously be a monster who rapes the whole world with your will, but you pull out your own claws and let the world rape you. You speak lightly and believe easily."

"That's why you've fallen to this point, that's why you're so weak. You have supposedly invincible power but nothing changes, and you even make everything worse."

"No, don't, don't!"

As the words were spoken, the tears in Guanyuetong's eyes fell a little bit, and she tried desperately to move her body, but how could the strength of an ordinary girl be compared with Liu Cheng's.

No matter how hard Guanyue Tong struggled, she couldn't stop herself from approaching the dying man in front of her.

Finally, just when Guanyue Tong was about to approach the ghost shadow, terrifying power burst out from her body, easily tearing Liu Cheng's strength apart.

This kind of power, just for a moment, causes the surrounding gravity to become chaotic, and everything soars upward, as if in the vacuum of the universe.

This is the realm of magnetic field rotation, 50 horses, and anti-gravity!

But it’s meaningless!

Liu Cheng, who had been prepared for a long time, collided with the two forces of 25 horses that had been accumulated in his body for a long time, and also exploded into the anti-gravity realm!

But this power is not to forcibly bind Guanyue Tong again, but to protect everything around her from being destroyed by her first full-power explosion.

"How, how could it be..." Blood spurted from all over the body, and severe pain was transmitted to the brain, but Guanyuetong seemed not to feel anything, just looking at the fragments in front of him.

Looking at the ghost figure that was beyond his control, the escaping magnetic field turned and was completely torn apart by the power of 50 horses.

Pain, anger, fear, fear, all kinds of emotions.

Since his birth, Guanyuetong has finally been stained with the first drop of blood, a very meaningful first drop of blood.

"Oh, I actually protect the innocent people around me. It seems that I might actually be a good person?" Liu Cheng smiled and easily penetrated the Moon-Guanping Pupil, which was slowly falling backward due to the weakness of the follow-up. A large number of thunderbolts The energy was being transported like crazy for free, to avoid any sequelae of this outbreak. "Don't worry, it's not that scary - after all, Guiying is a bad guy. Killing one bad guy is equivalent to saving many good people."

"Oh, words are not true, seeing is believing. Let's do something exciting next. I will take you to Mexico for sightseeing. Sightseeing, our journey has just begun."

(End of this chapter)

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