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Chapter 27: Practicing the Cosmic Beast Fist, the strongest fighter has been born!

Chapter 27: Practicing the Cosmic Beast Fist, the strongest fighter has been born!

"Stick to your true heart, and all distracting thoughts will be false."

Chen Xiu did as he was told and cleared all his thoughts.

The figure of the silver mirror gradually turned into chaos, and finally turned into a figure that was the same as the original body.

"Very good, the first time was very successful."

"Starting from tomorrow, sit here for two hours every day as a spiritual practice."

The great sage nodded. He was able to quickly enter the state after practicing his mind for the first time. He was satisfied with Chen Xiu's adaptability.

training ground.

The great sage arranged for Chen Xiu to train with weights.

"Not only does the mind need to be cultivated, but the body also needs to be tempered."

“Only when the mind and body are united can the hidden potential in the body be unleashed.”

Carrying tens of thousands of kilograms of weight, he stepped on special floating wooden piles.

At this moment, Chen Xiu seemed to have returned to Wang Zhuxing's special training.

Chen Xiu's tenacity allowed him to quickly adapt to the great sage's training rhythm.

blue star.

With the defeat of [Gatanjie], the [Petrified Light] in the four women was also released.

Liu Dongma, who transformed into Max, looked at the four Ultra figures and asked.

"Where's Chen Xiu? Aren't you two together?"

Although he was vaguely aware of it, he still wanted to confirm it.

As soon as these words came out, the four women were silent, and finally Sun Jia, who transformed into Xikali, said.

"That dark Chen Xiu!"

Max stared at the sky for a moment, and finally said.

"Go back to the safe area and tell me what happened to Chen Xiu."

【War Shield Safe Zone】

Sitting in the newly built house, the four women told them about the abnormality that happened to Chen Xiu.

"Every time he fights, he will pull most of the monsters into the [Meta Realm]. After every battle, I feel that the aura on his body becomes terrifying."

"Probably since the war started getting tense, he handed over the progress of the [Safe Zone] to me and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle."

"My junior used to like to heal the most. Since he became active in the [Monster Battlefield], I rarely heal him."

"I can feel that he is under a lot of pressure. He doesn't want any more soldiers to sacrifice for the [safe zone]. We are a team and we can discuss it together!"

When they mentioned Chen Xiu's disappearance, they all felt particularly disappointed.

"We are too weak and can't help at all."

This idea sounded in the hearts of the four women almost at the same time.

Liu Dongma looked at the four girls, sighed, stepped forward and patted several people on the shoulders, and said seriously.

"He is a hero. Even in that form, he still suppressed the dark emotions. He ended a huge disaster that was bound to happen."

Chen Xiu's tenacity and sense of responsibility to withstand pressure reminded him of the old captain involuntarily.

"Being in darkness, you still want the light. Chen Xiu, you are amazing."

Before Sun Jia and others left, Liu Dongma still did not forget to encourage them.

"Take Chen Xiu's share and redouble your efforts. When he solves the problem in his body, that kid will definitely come back!"

In fact, there is no need for Liu Dongma to say that the four women also feel weak.

It is so powerless when facing a powerful enemy.

Time will not stop for anyone, life must go on.

With their share of the disappeared people, the four girls began arduous training and worked hard to improve themselves.

Draco, planet D60.

He has lost count of how many days and nights it has been, but now Chen Xiu can calmly face himself in the mirror.

In addition, that muscular body contains terrifying power.

The great sage looked at Chen Xiu, who was becoming more and more calm now, and nodded appreciatively.

"Very good, Chen Xiu, you are already qualified to learn the strongest boxing technique in the universe, the Universal Fantasy Beast Fist!"

"Practice to extremely high depths, and there will be cosmic phantom beasts attached to your body."

"Cooperating with the performance of the cosmic fantasy beast, you will exert a power far beyond your own."

Chen Xiu looked at the large red pattern on the great sage's head, and then thought about the large flowered arms that would be wrapped around his body in the future.

At first, Chen Xiu refused.

Until Chen Xiu heard what the great sage said.

"Turn the cosmic beast into spiritual fire, burn the darkness in your body, and strengthen the light in your body. This is the best way to solve the darkness in your body." At this moment, Chen Xiu said that with this cosmic beast fist, he had to study.

Not only do you have to learn, you also have to learn the best, and learn to be full of flowers.

"Breaking the bull fist with strength!"

"Electric White Tiger Fist!"

"Flame Red Dragon Fist!"

"Phantom Water Snake Fist!"

"Flying Crane Fist!"

"High-speed Frozen Leopard Punch!"

In the training ground, except for [Strength Breaking Ox Fist], almost everyone has mastered one kind of boxing technique.

Some have integrated the power of [Cosmic Fantasy Beast] and are able to display powerful Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist.

However, there are still a small number of such people, and most of them are just half-baked.

Chen Xiu, who has learned the six cosmic beast boxing techniques, meditates on the boxing techniques in front of the Wenxin Silver Mirror every day.

In the training ground, perform various cosmic beast fists.

Ordinary people just think that Chen Xiu is overestimating his abilities and is biting off more than he can chew.

In the end, it will definitely be a waste of time and effort.

But Chen Xiu himself knew that as long as he could trigger the golden finger, he could take off instantly.

There is no time to practice, time just passes by this pure will of martial arts.

"Breaking the bull fist with strength!"

"Electric White Tiger Fist!"

"Flame Red Dragon Fist!"

"Phantom Water Snake Fist!"

"Flying Crane Fist!"

"High-speed Frozen Leopard Punch!"

Chen Xiu still practices various boxing styles over and over again.

Almost everyone who saw Chen Xiu practicing shook their heads and walked away.

Too presumptuous.

Even the great sage talked to Chen Xiu, hoping that Chen Xiu would specialize in a kind of cosmic beast boxing.

However, Chen Xiu was determined and remained unmoved even though the other party tried to persuade him.

Just like this day after day, until one day.

"Ding, you studied hard at [Strong Power Po Niu Fist], and because of your incredible understanding, you realized the true meaning of [Strong Power Po Niu Fist]!"

[Cosmic Fantasy Beast] turned into [Fantasy Beast Crystal], merged towards Chen Xiu's chest, and turned into a fantasy beast emblem.

From this day on, the great sage regarded Chen Xiu as his most proud disciple.

There is no way, the talent is too strong.

After practicing six sets of Cosmic Beast Boxing, I still made rapid progress.

The great sage really couldn't imagine how terrifying the progress would be if Chen Xiu specialized in [Strength Breaking Ox Fist].

"Ding, you study hard on [Electric Shock White Tiger Fist], and because of your incredible understanding, you understand the true meaning of [Electric Shock White Tiger Fist]!"

"Ding, you studied [Fire Flame Red Dragon Fist] diligently, and because of your incredible understanding, you realized the true meaning of [Fire Flame Red Dragon Fist]!"

"Ding, you studied [Phantom Water Snake Fist] diligently, and because of your incredible understanding, you realized the true meaning of [Phantom Water Snake Fist]!"

"Ding, you studied [Flying Jinghe Fist] diligently, and because of your understanding, you realized the true meaning of [Flying Jinghe Fist]!"

"Ding, you studied [High-speed Freezing Leopard Fist] hard, and because of your incredible understanding, you realized the true meaning of [High-speed Freezing Leopard Fist]!"

"Ding, you have studied various cosmic beast boxing techniques, and because of your incredible understanding, you have understood the true meaning of the strongest phantom beast boxing technique [Cosmic Overlord Fist]!"

Also since the fusion of the phantom beast emblem of [Strong Power Breaking Ox Fist], Chen Xiu quickly mastered the five cosmic phantom beast fists.

It was also after Chen Xiu mastered the six kinds of cosmic beast boxing that the great sage found Chen Xiu, "Niutou" said with a smile.

"You already have the capital to suppress the darkness in your body. Defeat it and transform into a light!"

Chen Xiu nodded, the light gathered, and [Black·Evolved Truster] appeared in his hand.

Red light shone, and a black giant figure appeared in the huge training ground.

That powerful darkness makes the fantasy beast warriors who have the fantasy beast emblem feel scared.

"The [Fantasy Beast Emblem] that lights up your body turns into your spiritual fire, burning the darkness within your body."

Even the great sage felt threatened by the wingless Noah (darkness) incarnated by Chen Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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