Chapter 255 Conquering Zhuge Wolong
What Lin Cheng showed Zhuge Wolong was an article he wrote based on his memory and experience to explore the possibility of developing capitalism in the Song Dynasty.

To be fair, although the Song Dynasty was weak militarily, it was truly unique economically.

With such a small territory, its total trade accounted for more than 80.00% of the global economy at that time!

Later generations, whether it was the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty, never surpassed the Song Dynasty economically.

Some people have made inferences that if the Song Dynasty was not pillaged by the Jin, Liao, and Mongolia in turns, it would eventually lead to the country's demise.

It is really possible that capitalism could sprout in the Song Dynasty.

Because the Song Dynasty already had almost all the basic conditions for the development of capitalism.

Highly developed commercial trade, a sound legal system, and people at this time, especially wealthy people, generally paid more attention to trade income.

This resulted in a large number of new aristocrats, a merchant class who relied on trade to gain wealth.

Unlike the old landlords who only knew how to exploit farmers and annex land, these businessmen were more pioneering and much bolder than the old landlords.

As long as they are given a chance, this flame will burn across the land of China at an extremely fast speed.

And Lin Cheng can also take advantage of the situation to truly rise.

You know, he now controls most of the country's trade channels. As long as he seizes the opportunity, Lin Cheng is confident of becoming a country-stealing thief in another world!
The only problem now is that the Northern Song Dynasty Chaotian.

Although the Song Dynasty declined, it is undeniable that as an orthodox dynasty in the Central Plains, the strength of the imperial court cannot be underestimated.

It was like a huge mountain, weighing down everyone's breath.

Zhuge Wolong read the white paper given by Lin Cheng three times, then raised his head and said to Lin Cheng:
"Do you want to restore the abdication system from ancient times?"

In Lin Cheng's conception, the emperor was no longer succeeded by the father after the death of the son or the brother by the brother, but was elected by the common people.

Not only the emperor, but also all the important officials of the imperial court were elected by the common people.

People in each region will elect a member to represent the local people's voting rights.

This system sounds nonsense at first glance.

"Nonsense! The system that China has used for thousands of years cannot be abolished at will. This is the way to cause chaos!"

Zhuge Wolong said righteously.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng asked calmly without any emotion on his face:
"Why not?"

"Who says something that has always existed is reasonable?"

Zhuge Wolong took a deep breath and immediately began to say:
"If nothing else, let's talk about the electoral system first."

"To govern a country, you must at least be a scholar. If you haven't read the Four Books and Five Classics, how can you govern the country?"

“If you don’t have rich governance experience, how can you balance the relationship between all parties?”

"According to your system, if a profit-seeking businessman is elected as an official."

"How can such a person govern the country well?"

When Lin Cheng heard this, he looked at Zhuge Wolong in surprise. He didn't expect that the old man was quite sharp, and he could see the biggest limitations of so-called democracy in an instant.

For a long time, later generations, influenced by Western public opinion, highly praised the so-called democratic system.

But democracy is just a management method. It can only solve the problems that democracy can solve. It is not a panacea.

It does not mean that anything with democracy is necessarily good.

The democratic system itself also has many problems. Putting aside everything else, just talking about the most respected election aspect, there are actually big problems.

First of all, people who are liked by the people are not necessarily suitable for managing a place.

Managing this thing can be difficult or simple. The key depends on how you manage it.

If you just want to be a corrupt official, there is nothing simpler than becoming an official.

If you want to truly benefit the people, being an official is really tiring and requires a lot of knowledge and experience.

If one thing is not done well, it will get worse.

Therefore, Zhuge Wolong is indeed right. There is a real possibility that democratically elected officials will not be good, and there is a high probability that they will not be good. “That requires us to screen candidates.”

"The crux of the problem is not here. What I want to ask is, Senior Zhuge, do you agree with my philosophy?"

"If you also think that my idea is feasible, but the details still need to be considered, then stay and help me!"

Lin Cheng looked at Zhuge Wolong and said seriously.

When Zhuge Wolong heard this, he couldn't help but fell silent.

It would be a lie to say that he was not impressed by the system designed by Lin Cheng.

All along, he had a vague feeling that there was something wrong with the current court.

But limited by the limitations of the times, he could never figure out where the problem lay.

So he could only express his feelings and words, and describe the picture of the prosperous age he imagined in his words.

But he himself knew that although the things he wrote could move people's hearts and attract attention, they were not operational at all.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's article, which seems to be the most ridiculous thing in the world, actually has the possibility of creating a peaceful and prosperous age.

After thinking for a long time, Zhuge Wolong suddenly opened his eyes and said firmly:

"Okay! I'll stay and help you."

A man is born between heaven and earth, how can he live a mediocre life?

Talented people have a sense of arrogance, and Zhuge Wolong is certainly a leader in today's literary world.

His arrogance is no less than anyone else's.

When Lin Cheng saw this, he curled his lips and couldn't help but laugh.

Very good, another fool, hehe!

After subduing Zhuge Wolong, Lin Cheng was in a good mood and decided to cook in person to reward his subordinates.

Now is the time when the autumn weather is crisp and clear, so it’s the perfect time to have a meal.

Lin Cheng personally took action and went to South China to capture a grizzly bear.

Then he went to the south of Caiyun and trapped an elephant.

Finally, he went to the eastern ocean and brought back a huge bluefin tuna.

In this way, the main ingredients for the banquet are finally found.

When the chef looked at the various rare and exotic animals from all over the cage, he opened his mouth in astonishment.

Of course, chefs have seen these actions as ingredients.

But this was the first time the elephant had seen a living grizzly bear.

"How did the master do it?"

A chef came closer, touched the tuna, and said with a look of disbelief.

These things come from all over the world. Putting aside the distance, just transporting them alive is not a simple matter.

Ordinary animals do not have the strong adaptability of humans. Even though elephants are so awesome, they still have the word "王" on their heads.

In fact, as long as you pull them out of their habitat, they won't have to go far.

Therefore, no matter how rich the wealthy people in the Central Plains are, few of them can eat fresh elephant bark.

But these animals in the yard are still alive and kicking.

Little did they know that Lin Cheng had the ability to move instantly. From catching the prey to transporting it here, it only took a few breaths.

Before these animals could react, they had become a meal for the disgusting humans.

(End of this chapter)

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