Chapter 55 Happiness
Manni was disappointed, but when she saw the worry on Yang Jianping's face, she understood it very well. After all, they were not familiar with these cows, nor were they familiar with mules. If they really tried to ride them, they might be thrown off.

If she doesn’t want to ride, don’t ride. When she grows up, she can ride a big horse!
But I can’t ride it, so I can take a look, right?

"have a look."

Reaching out and pinching Yang Jianping who was holding her, Manni pointed in the direction Guo Chengan pointed.

"The mule isn't here."

The brother and sister turned back and looked at the child talking at the door.

"The mules were driven by the village chief and the others, and the pigs were sent to the commune."

The child looked to be six or seven years old. He was very thin and dark. His clothes were also very shabby, and the patches had holes in many places.

He didn't care about the looks of Manni and his sister, and just passed them into the cowshed. Then he selected some slightly green grass from the haystack nearby and handed it to the mouths of the two calves.

Guo Chengan tugged on the corner of Yang Jianping's clothes, gave him a look, and then led a few smaller children out of the bullpen.

In the yard, the four adults were no longer there. Manni heard some movement in a room, and then a woman about 40 years old came out with a basin of dirty clothes.

The woman is also very thin, and her skin is also very dark. It seems that she is exposed to too much sun in the summer.

Her eyes were a little numb. When she saw Manni being carried out by Yang Jianping, she was stunned and then lowered her head.

Manni looked away from her and sighed quietly in her heart. Soon, if she remembered correctly, it would only be a year or two before they could regain their freedom and return to their previous jobs.

Yang Jianping and the others didn't know it. It wasn't until their backs were out of sight that the woman raised her head and sighed softly.


The pig killing feast in Dahewan Village is indeed very lively.

All the people in a village were mobilized, and the men helped herd the pigs and pushed the pigs that wanted to escape onto the arranged pig-killing table.

As the butcher's white knife went in and the red knife came out, the bright red pig's blood was caught in the basin with quick eyes and hands. The bright red pig's blood flowed more and more, and the pigs no longer struggled and howled. Only then did the men hold down the pigs. Will let go.

Then the breathless pigs are sent to the other side where water is boiled and scalded. The men and women who perform this process pour boiling hot water on the pigs while quickly shaving them clean with shaving tools. The hair on the body.

The shaved pigs will then return to the butcher's hands. The cleaned pigs are hung upside down on a thick crossbar. The long dagger in the butcher's hand rises and falls. He was disemboweled.

The internal organs were taken out one by one, and the pig livers, pig hearts, etc. that did not need to be cleaned were put together in one place. The large intestines, pork belly, etc. that needed to be cleaned were delivered to the hands of careful and hard-working women.

Pig heads, pig trotters, pork, and pig bones were broken down one by one and put into prepared vats. These would be distributed to the members before the pig-killing feast.

The Guo family has a large population, a lot of strong labor, and a lot of work points, so naturally they get a lot of meat.

Wen Hehua took her two daughters-in-law and used a backpack to take back the meat, pig blood, and bones that were distributed to the family.

Manni had seen it and found that there wasn't much meat, two pounds of fatter meat, four pounds of leaner meat, and four pork ribs and one pig's trotters.

My uncle likes to eat pig head meat, so instead of asking for pork belly or intestines, my aunt got a big pig head instead.

In addition, there is a large piece of pork liver, about a pound, and a large bowl of pig blood. "I will make this pig blood into blood tofu tonight. You can take it back tomorrow and let your mother burn it and eat it."

The pig's blood has the effect of cleansing the intestines, and the pig's liver is good for replenishing blood. In previous years, they also sent these to Wen Minghua and asked her to make them for her family.

Wen Hehua sent her two daughters-in-law to send the baskets back, while she turned around and went to the cooking place.

She also has to work with the women in the village to prepare the dishes for the pig-killing feast.

"Aunt Hehua, is this your sister's little daughter?"

Manni obediently followed Wen Hehua not far away, so that she could see her and watch other children in the village playing.

This was indeed much more lively than the two tables at their house. Men, women, old and young were talking, doing things, and having fun. The whole village compound seemed extremely noisy.

Manni saw an old man with all his teeth sitting there supported by his children and grandchildren, with a satisfied smile on his face, watching the children playing and laughing.

Manni also saw men squatting in groups by the wall, holding cigarettes or paper cigarettes in their hands, puffing away smoke or whispering something softly or loudly.

So happy!
After looking at it for a long time, Manni only had the word happiness in her mind.

That's right, being able to breathe so freely, and being able to laugh and work together with people who don't know each other like this, for Manni, is a happiness she has never experienced in her previous life.

She looked back at Wen Hehua, who had a proud look on his face and was talking to the other women whom she called either aunt, aunt, or sister-in-law, niece-in-law, with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

In her previous life, she had never received the family affection and never dared to hope for it. In this life, she not only got it, but she also seemed to get it twice as much. She had to cherish it and cherish her blessings.


Unconsciously, she walked up to Wen Hehua and tugged on the corner of her clothes. Seeing Wen Hehua stop cutting the cabbage, Manni pulled her sleeve again. When she leaned forward slightly, she moved forward. Minato then touched her face gently with his lips.

Wen Hehua smiled instantly, with wrinkles on her face.
"Hey, good boy, Manni, please sit down for a while. We'll have dinner soon."

"Oh, why hasn't that one in my family ever caused pain like this?"

The speaker was a woman about 40 years old. Manni remembered that the person Wen Hehua called her fourth family must also be from the Guo family.

When she saw Manni kissing the lotus flower, the envy in her eyes overflowed.
"City people still know how to raise children. Look, not only do they look good and are cleanly dressed, but they are even better at coaxing than us country kids."

Who among the country children would come over and give a sweet shout and kiss while someone is working?

Manni blinked, she was not coaxing. When getting along with her mother Wen Minghua, the mother and daughter would kiss or touch each other like this almost every day. Is this considered coaxing?
Wen Hehua smiled and nodded:

"In our rural families, who would send their girls to school when they are less than six years old? This is not only because of the teachings of the parents at home, but also the teachings of the school teachers."

It's a pity that no one listened to Wen Hehua's words:

"In other words, girls in the city, among us in the countryside, who would want to send a girl to study?"

He's just a loser. No matter how well he studies, he still won't marry into someone else's family.

(End of this chapter)

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