Super Seminary: I summoned the characters from all over the world

Chapter 114: Playfulness is a child’s nature

Chapter 114: Playfulness is a child’s nature

"Little guy, stop playing around and deal with him quickly to avoid any accidents." The Golden Iron Beast was worried about the long night and many dreams, so he quickly urged.

However, Little King Kong laughed at this and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Golden Iron Beast. With my magical power, even if there are ten more, no, a hundred more of these things, they won't be able to hurt me." I can crush them with one punch if I get the slightest bit of help.”

Hearing this, Jin Tiezong was helpless. He originally thought that Nangong Shui asking him to come over and keep an eye on the little guy was unnecessary, but now it seems that this move was really the right thing to do.

This is a child after all.

Being so lazy and underestimating the enemy in battle is like joking. Such a mentality will cause problems sooner or later.

In fact, when facing the Snake Spirit couple in another world, the Calabash brothers also had their character flaws, which led to a series of chaotic events, such as famous scenes such as the Calabash boy saving his grandfather.

Even when the Fire Baby and the Water Baby were born, because of excessive pride and lack of experience, they credulously trusted the Snake Spirit couple. Later, they actually drank alcohol in the monster cave and were eventually caught drunk.

Therefore, children cannot drink alcohol.

"It seems like you can still breathe. Then I'll give you another chance to use all your abilities."

With a hint of contempt, nonchalance, and even a playful attitude, Little King Kong flicked his right hand and directly threw the Babar star hundreds of meters away, causing dust to fall on the ground.

"Ahem, damn...guy, I will make you pay a heavy price for looking down on me."

Staggeringly getting up from the ground, even though most of his body was scorched black by the fire, the Babar star still couldn't hide the extreme anger in his heart.

His family was once known as the rulers of the dark universe. How could he ever have such a humiliating experience? This was simply a shame for him.

"Now let me have a taste of how terrifying the dark power belonging to my dark star Babar is!"

A crazy voice sounded, and the Babar star's body shone with blue light, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a blue giant wearing a knight's armor. A knight's sword extended out of his wrist, and he suddenly rushed towards the little boy. King Kong rushed over, his momentum was completely different from before.

Just like a sword, it exudes a sharp aura.

This is his racial talent. He can mimic powerful opponents he has encountered before and even learn some of their skills.

He once used this trick to cause trouble in the Ultra Universe, burning, killing, looting, stealing, and committing all kinds of evil. It was very useful.

"Hahaha, you damn kid, you must die..."

Before he finished speaking, a white and tender foot without shoes kicked him, and in a flash of lightning, the knight giant transformed by Star Babar was kicked away a terrifying distance of several hundred meters.

"What? I thought you would have some fun tricks, but it seems like it's just like this. It's far worse than the scorpion and fat snake I met earlier."

Xiao Jingang said boringly, and the interest he had aroused for a moment due to curiosity gradually declined. He pushed all the enemies along the way.

To put it bluntly, it is invincible.

Fortunately, he is still a child now, otherwise nothing would have happened to Nangong Shui.

"You...this..." Suffering another heavy blow, the Babar star felt that the organs in his body were about to be shattered. Hearing these unreasonable words from Little King Kong, he almost died of anger. .

"Do you think I, the Dark Star, am a clown?" He lay on the ground for a long time, unable to get up, but still glared at Little King Kong, and even his appearance was restored to that of the Babar Star.

Little King Kong tilted his head, "What is a clown?"

Star Babar's tone was stagnant, and a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

Was he really kicked by a child, a barefooted child, so that he lost his ability to fight?I will be too embarrassed to mess around after this.

He said crazily: "You bastard, do you think my efforts are in vain?" "Isn't it true?"

"I am stalling for time. A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. You are still too stupid, hahaha..."

"You're worse than a rabbit."

"Haha, kid, you'd better reorganize your language."

"But in my eyes, you are indeed inferior to Rabbit."

"You bastard, you damn boy..."

"You're looking for death, frozen monster, what are you still doing? Hurry up and do it!"

After exchanging a few words with Little King Kong, Babar felt that his injuries were getting worse. In a trance, he seemed to see the senior member of the clan who almost destroyed the Ultra Star and the earth with his own power.

Although he died and was crushed to ashes, his spirit has always been spread on Babar Planet.

Now he is like this, his soul is in a state of wandering...

But his death will not be in vain, at least he can take away an enemy who is more powerful than the Ultra brothers.


The frozen monster, which was lying on the ground with its body completely charred, suddenly stood up, and blasted out at the little King Kong with super cold current accumulated in its mouth.

Because it is good at cold current attacks and has super high resistance to flames, it was not dead before, but because it was really frightened by the various magical powers of Little King Kong, it kept lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Now when the Babar Star opened his mouth, it couldn't pretend any longer. It quickly stood up and directed a cold wave attack at Little King Kong's back.

It should not be said that the frozen monster was lucky. By accident, the cold current aimed at the buttocks of Little Kong.

Little King Kong is not afraid of anything. His whole body is as hard as a rock, but only his butt is soft. He is most afraid of being spanked.

Before he turned around, he could already feel his butt getting cold.

"Heh, it seems it's my turn to take action..."

The Golden Iron Beast, who had been fighting for a long time, sighed that his efforts were not in vain. However, just when he was about to take action, a whirlpool-like flywheel suddenly flashed from a distance, blocking the monster's cold attack.

"This is this?" The Golden Iron Beast was confused. He was very sure that no one on his side used this rotating weapon. Where did this come from?
He stared intently, and after blocking the cold current attack, the flywheel turned into a silver light and flashed past, neatly cutting across the frozen monster Ganda, cutting its body into two pieces.

After all this, a beautiful figure gradually emerged from the void.

"Angel Hexi."

The Golden Iron Beast's eyes narrowed slightly, "What a sharp weapon, it can actually kill a monster so easily!"

Perhaps he noticed the Golden Iron Beast's gaze, He Xi turned his head to look at it, nodded to the Golden Iron Beast with a smile, and then hurriedly left, rushing to the last battlefield in the Meita Domain.

"My trip this time was really in vain." Seeing this, the Golden Iron Beast also sighed helplessly.

He originally thought he could pick up heads, but now it seems that he and the Black Iron Beast troops really came for nothing this time.

(End of this chapter)

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