Chapter 150 Frozen Deer

"Alas, the time for appreciating beautiful women's meals is always so short. Those damn guys had better have some ability."

He Xi rolled his eyes at him, then took Nangong Shui's hand and flew towards the forest where the meteorite fell.

In a luxury hotel near Angel International, Bald Qiang was lying on a leather sofa having a sweet dream after feeling heartbroken, but Nangong Shui's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, waking him up.

"Bald Qiang, it's time to go. There is a meteorite falling in the big forest to the west. Hexi and I rushed there first, and you will follow. By the way, bring us some milk tea. It should be sweeter. Hexi likes it. Sweet."

Bald Qiang's eyes widened instantly, "No, what do you two mean? You really treat Brother Qiang and me as an errand boy..."

While they were cursing, there was no more Nangong Shui's voice. It was obvious that the two of them had left.

Bald Qiang was furious when he saw this. He should eat dog food, right?With one punch, a big hole was made in the entire wall.

"Um...Sir, you have to pay for all the damaged things."

Behind the hotel, several staff members looked horrified. After a while, a cute girl said with a trembling voice.

Bald Qiang's face suddenly turned darker.

"Sir, this is the hotel's wealth. I'm just a part-time worker. I have no money. Please don't embarrass me... Wow!" The cute girl was so anxious that tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She was so frightened by Brother Qiang's momentum that she cried.

Bald Qiang was speechless, Brother Qiang, I look so talented, how could I make my sister-in-law cry? As expected, Brother Qiang’s aura is too strong.

"Okay, Brother Qiang, I have plenty of money, why are you crying."

His gaze returned to the forest.

Several animals were hiding in the icy blue barrier, but the surrounding heavy fog automatically avoided it after approaching the barrier, as if they were afraid of the barrier.

"Why are you here here if you don't stay by the big pine tree?" Pig Man, who maintained the body of a frozen deer, looked at the animals in a state of distress. He was curious and couldn't help but snickered.

"You guys are in such a mess. How could you be in such a mess? Even the crown on Jiji's head fell off."

"It's not all your fault. You disappeared all of a sudden, and you were missing for more than a month. We wanted to leave but couldn't leave, and we had to risk everything to find you." Gigi suddenly became angry.

During this period of time, they were looking for the missing pig, but they were targeted by snake-like monsters several times. If it weren't for him, a smart and great king with both civil and military skills, their team would have been finished long ago.

"Haha, that's it, I'm really sorry." Pigman laughed sheepishly.

Only then did Xiong Er ask: "Pig Man, where have you been during this time? We have been looking for you for a long time and still haven't found you."

At this point, Jiji Maomao also raised his ears. They were all very confused about this question. After all, Pigman was not an unreliable guy. He would not disappear suddenly if it was not necessary.

The Pig Man seemed to be choked by someone, and he hesitated: "Actually, I wanted to go to the human world that day, and see if there were any lollipops to eat... Of course, eating lollipops was just by the way. Mainly because I discovered a shocking secret."

"What's the big secret?" Maomao asked curiously.

Seeing that several other people were also curious about the next development of the matter and did not notice the cause of the matter, Pigman also breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Then he continued: "I was in a large canyon in the forest and found someone who seemed to be conducting terrible biological experiments."

"Biological experiment?" Several animals turned pale with fright after hearing this, and a very scary guess emerged in Jiji's mind.

"Could it be that...the animals that disappeared in the forest some time ago were all captured by bad guys for biological experiments? And that snake-like monster was one of the experimental subjects?"

"Yes, and there are quite a few experimental subjects like snake-like monsters. They often go in and out of the forest to capture other animals. I am afraid that they will endanger everyone's lives, so I have been investigating them during this time. "

"They are invulnerable. Not only are their defenses strong, but their strength is also astonishing. In the past month or so, I have only relied on the power of the five spirits to seal a few, but there are many such monsters in the forest, so everyone must Proceed with caution.”

Pigman warned several people seriously.

"I see, then is this fog also an experimental subject?" Maomao touched the ice layer carefully. He was suddenly worried about whether such a thin layer of ice could block the attack of the fog outside.

This is not only him, Xiong Er and Jiji also have similar worries in their hearts. After all, the fog is really scary.

Not only did it contain the corpses of countless animals, but even terrifying beings like snake-like monsters lost their movement after being enveloped.

This has to worry them, after all, the ice layer is too thin.

Seeing the worries of several people, Pig Man said with a proud face: "Hey, you can rest assured. Although I haven't figured out the origin of this heavy fog, I have also figured out some of its weaknesses."

"These heavy fogs are afraid of water and will automatically avoid water when they encounter it. And my frozen world happens to be made of frozen water."

"That's good." Hearing this, the three animals all breathed a sigh of relief. However, for some reason, Jiji, who exhaled in one breath, suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe.

"What's this...why does this king seem to be seeing stars?"

Gigi fell to the ground.

"King Jiji, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Maomao!"

"Gigi, what are you talking about? What's wrong with you?"

Jiji's sudden fall to the ground shocked several people. Xiong Er shook Jiji's body and saw that she didn't respond. Then he swung his bear paws up and slapped Jiji's face into pieces. Monkey butt.

He looked at the Frozen Deer, and a look of anxiety appeared on the bear's face, "Pig Man, please think of a solution quickly, what is going on with Jiji?"


The Frozen Deer shook his head, and suddenly felt that his breathing was a little difficult. He was shocked and said quickly:

"No, the oxygen in the barrier was almost running out, and then Jiji fainted."

"What? Then lift the ice quickly!"

"Oh oh oh, I'll do it right now, look at me."

"The power of water spirit!"

A majestic and loud deer roar sounded, and the ice surrounding the people suddenly shattered piece by piece, like a complete mirror being shattered, and pieces suspended in the air.

Without the obstruction of the ice, wisps of white mist suddenly poured in, mixed with disgusting pustules, passing through the gaps in the ice and running madly towards several animals, like human-eating monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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