I can travel through the world

Chapter 10 Formal Learning of Magic

Chapter 10 Formal Learning of Magic
After the class reunion, Lu Chuan and his aunt had a simple nutritious meal and then returned to the room with the box of figurines.

The door was locked, the curtains were closed tightly, a burst of light shone brightly, and Dad came to life again.


The two looked at each other for a while, and the father seemed to understand something: "You have mastered Qi, Lu Chuan, how long has it been?"

From his perspective, he had just lost consciousness one second and was alive again the next.

Lu Chuan said respectfully, "It's only been two or three days."

As he spoke, he moved his lips slightly to recite the magic spell, and in an instant, Qi became active in his body.

Dad looked at him in surprise, and after feeling it for a while, he nodded with satisfaction. .

"Hey~ You are actually a genius. This is much better than Jackie Chan!"

"Hey, I just use the time when others are sleeping to work hard."

Lu Chuan grinned.

Dad was unconvinced by this statement.

Hard work is important, but talent is always more important than hard work.

Dad would never say nonsense against his will, especially when teaching his disciples.

"A genius is a genius, and a fool is a fool. Only when the genius takes a nap can the fool have a chance to catch up."

"Your talent is very good, and dad decided to teach you some simple magic spells!"

"Hey, wait, isn't it a magic potion, dad?" Lu Chuan asked quickly.

He wants both spells and potions, but in the anime, Dad is obviously better at potions.

If you want to learn, of course you have to learn what the master is best at.

"Don't worry about this yet, listen to my explanation first!"

Dad walked around the computer desk with his hands behind his back.

About half an hour later, Lu Chuan finally understood the connection between magic spells and potions.

A spell is a spell with magical power. The spell itself contains magic power and efficacy.

Magic (Qi) is the key that activates the spell and also makes it more powerful.

As for magic potions, based on the combination of medicines, boiling and other methods are used to maximize the effectiveness of the medicine.

The process of brewing the potion is combined with magic spells to give it some effects that are inherently impossible.

Everyone knows that okra is good for men, but they must insist on eating it.

If there is a formula with okra as the main medicine, and combined with a magic spell, the taking time can be shortened.

Even more powerful, using high-level magic potions may bring immediate results.

Of course, this is basic usage.

Deeper usage requires advanced learning.

This was an extremely long process, as one had to become familiar with various herbs and memorize numerous potion recipes.

At this point, the father stopped for the time being and asked Lu Chuan: "Lu Chuan, what do you think the magic medicine has any other advantages?"


Lu Chuan scratched his chin, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Save your energy, or use the least amount of energy to achieve the greatest effect!"

"Smart! Dad likes smart apprentices!"

Dad became very happy: "That guy Tru, you haven't been able to understand this truth for many years! You figured it out all at once!"

"Dad did this because he is getting older. Although Qi increases with age, it is not as active as young people,"

"If I have a choice, of course I want both the spell and the potion!"

Speaking of this, Dad suddenly lost interest.

Although the Qi of old magicians is strong, their bodies are weak and their spirits are not as energetic as those of young people.

Qi is the feedback of the human body. If a person loses his energy and vitality, Qi will naturally not be active enough.

However, in desperate situations, once the elderly are desperate to survive, they can return to their spiritual peak.

Even a great mage like Dad cannot avoid it. Lu Chuan is deeply aware of the importance of [mentality and state of mind].

After all, my father was a veteran archmage. He quickly cheered up and taught Lu Chuan some simple and easy-to-use magic spells.

Untie, explode, retreat, bind.

Untie, untie the rope, open the lock.

Explode, causing the air at the designated location to explode.Retreat, shock the enemy, and use the power of magic to force the enemy to retreat.

Bind, bind and bind enemies with the power of magic.

These four magic spells can be regarded as necessary self-defense spells for traveling in the world.

Although it requires energy to drive, the effect displayed is brought about by the magic spell.

Lu Chuan asked his father why he didn't just use Qi to create explosions and bind him.

Qi should be able to do it.

Dad shook his head: "This is about the purity and essence of Qi."

"After activating the magic spell, the anger is still angry."

"But if we continue to give quality and concepts to Qi, I worry that it will change the nature of Qi."

"Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing. It's not worth the gamble."

Furthermore, spells and potions are both tools.

Only by learning to use tools can people save more energy.

Later, while Lu Chuan was studying magic spells, his father jumped to the desk on the other side and pulled out a sketch pen from the pen holder.

He broke it off, held it in his hand, and wrote down many potion recipes on the white paper.

"These are just entry-level potion recipes. Memorize them first."

"After you master these four magic spells and memorize the formulas, dad will teach you the magic spells to match the potions!"

"Okay, wait a minute, Dad!"

Lu Chuan struggled and said, "I may have something to do next. Can you put that magic spell first?"

Dad closed his eyes slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

All smart apprentices are like this. In this regard, smart people are not as good as Tru, a fool.

But this is normal.

After thinking about it, Dad said a series of meaningful words: "If Dad finds out that your anger has become evil, then you will be in big trouble, Lu Chuan!"

"Absolutely not!"

Does lust count?It shouldn’t count, right?

Seeing Lu Chuan's certainty, Dad suddenly felt a little soft-hearted: "Forget it, if I don't pass it on to you, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep for several days."

Soon, a unique spell came out of his mouth.

This is the core and most basic magic spell used by the qi magic line when paired with potions.

It can completely sublimate the medicinal properties of the [formula].

The usage is mainly based on formulas and supplemented by magic spells.

This spell is applicable to all formulas, including but not limited to: healing, healing, detoxification, and poisoning.

As for the magic spells + potions commonly used by dads in anime, it is more complicated.

Focusing on magic spells, different magic potions are specially formulated according to different magic effects.

They are incompatible with each other, but they are extremely powerful.

For example, dragon breath potion, petrification potion, exorcism potion, and sealing potion.

Even a magic potion that takes the talisman out of the body of the saint.

This time, Dad spent several hours explaining, guiding, and teaching.

By the time he transformed back into a demon, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Dad Lu came back from the hospital exhausted. Before he could change his clothes, he was informed of what happened today.

"Lu Chuan's girlfriend is here?! She came by herself?!"

"That's not true, come here and help me analyze it!"

Song Hanyun turned on the TV screen mirror and linked it to her mobile phone to find a few photos.

"With just these three girls, if the young lovers get intimate, can Lu Chuan do it?"

"You have to take good care of your son. How can you explain it to others if you cause someone's life?"

Dad Lu glanced twice and felt a headache: "I'll have a heart-to-heart talk with Lu Chuan later!"

(End of this chapter)

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