I can travel through the world

Chapter 4 Dad and Abao

Chapter 4 Dad and Abao

Dad is alive!

Even though he knew this result early on, Lu Chuan was still a little excited.

He carefully stepped back and asked, "Do you know who you are?"

Dad said nothing and looked at him quietly.

After a while, he shook his body and said with emotion: "It turns out to be a rat charm!"

"Young man, did you encounter some kind of demon when you resurrected my father?"


Damn it!What a sharp mind!As expected of Master!

Dad knows the rat charm. At the very least, the dad represented by this figure must be a dad who has experienced the entire plot!

Even Lope could guess that he was resurrected by the rat charm, and so could his father.

Numerous thoughts came to Lu Chuan's mind, and at the same time, he spoke out the words he had thought of earlier.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but Dad, your story has been going on for many years, and it has even been made into a cartoon!"

"Well I'm sorry I tied you up, I just wasn't sure you were going to attack me."

"The book says that you are the greatest air magician in the world and defeated eight demons and the evil mage Daolong!"

"I admire you so much. I brought you back to life because I wanted to get to know my idol!"

Tips for a smooth life path - flattering.

Dad, in particular, likes to hear unpretentious compliments.

After listening to Lu Chuan's words, Dad stopped and thought for a long time.

There was a lot of information, and he combined it to make up a plot.

Many years passed and the world settled down.

A young man with infinite longing for magic. In order to pursue magic, he went through all kinds of hardships to find the Rat Talisman.

He must have heard about his father’s legendary stories and wanted to learn his qi magic!

Hum hum, sure enough, no matter how many years pass, Dad will always be remembered.

Also, District [-] is not safe at all!He actually lost such a dangerous charm as the rat charm!
The father pondered for a few times and said: "A very outstanding young man, cautious and kind, which are the necessary qualities for a Qi magic master!"

"Ah? What are the qualities of a qi magic master? You may have misunderstood, I am not a mage, I am an ordinary person."

Suddenly, Lu Chuan didn't understand the connotation of the words.

"Haha, daddy understands, daddy understands everything." Dad smiled slightly.

You want to see what dad is capable of before deciding whether to become a disciple, right?

Really, today’s young people. In the past, I don’t know how many people would have asked their dad to learn Qi magic!

Thinking like this, Dad muttered a few strange syllables in his mouth.

The next second, the tight wire rope loosened automatically.


Lu Chuan was startled and a little panicked.

However, Dad did not mean to attack, but walked around the room with his hands behind his back.

Mouth chatter.

"After all, he is a character who lived many years ago. You have not seen him with your own eyes, but you have only heard of his legendary stories, so you are right to be cautious."

"Young man, you are very nice."

After saying that, the father stood in front of Lu Chuan with an air of dignity, as if waiting for something.

Three question marks popped up on Lu Chuan's head.

Seeing that he was so ignorant of etiquette, Dad was a little unhappy for a moment: "Young man, if you want to be Dad's disciple, you must not only be upright and kind, but also polite!"

"Do you understand it!"

This hint should be obvious, right?
This young man is kind, and Qi magic should be passed down by kind and upright people!
Lu Chuan stared at his father for a while, and suddenly, he had an idea.

No, I was so busy making up a story that I forgot to take on the role!
A young man who worships the great magician has resurrected the greatest magician, what else can he do?
Of course it’s a apprenticeship, stupid!
if not?Falling in love?

When he thought of this, Lu Chuan quickly bowed respectfully: "You are such a great mage, please allow me to learn from you."

"Of course it's fine!"

Finally got the hang of it!

Dad motioned for Lu Chuan to come over and said: ".(spell)" "Ah? What is this?" Lu Chuan didn't understand.

The old man said: "When you can recite this magic spell out loud, you will have begun to master and use Qi."

"Next time you meet young man, wait until you have completely mastered your Qi before you come back to see Dad."

"The dead should not interfere too much in the world of the living. Dad is just inheriting qi magic."

After saying that, Dad actually took off the rat talisman behind him and threw it at Lu Chuan's feet.

The next second, his entire body turned into a figure again.


Is this still possible?
The first time I used the rat charm, the effect was unexpectedly good.

Lu Chuan thought carefully about the curse in his heart, and it was hard to pronounce.

When I tried to read it out, I found that I couldn't succeed no matter what.

"That's right. Dad said that when I can recite it out loud, I will have mastered Qi!"

"Hey~ I can control Qi too!"

Although it's great to gain power directly, it's more satisfying to cultivate it yourself.

Lu Chuan is not like the protagonist in the novel, who has experienced many hardships and hatreds.

He received the favorable living conditions from his father, his tall and handsome appearance, and he himself is a sunny boy with a cheerful and humorous mind.

He loves sports, has a spirit of adventure and exploration, and is a rich second generation. He has been chased crazily by many girls since he was a child.

I never worried about money.

So much so that after getting the golden finger, Lu Chuan had all kinds of thoughts, except the thought of making money.

I didn’t even think about selling [Coke] in exchange for money, just like the old urban pretentious plot.

Invisibly influenced by his father, he always puts his own happiness first.

Based on this kind of character, Lu Chuan's arrival with Golden Finger was more about [exploring the wonderful world].

Rather than satisfying the revenge and ideals of suffering and hatred.

Closer to home, after gaining experience from his father, Lu Chuan once again set his sights on another figure.

Next, Lu Chuan followed suit and tied up Abao.

This time the binding was stronger.

Then, put the rat charm on Po's belly.

Click!The talisman absorbed it as usual, and then bloomed with light.

The next second, a cheap and naive voice sounded: "Hey~Dragon Hero Po~!"

"Hey, hey, the Dragon Warrior is actually tied up!"

"Haha, it seems that the enemy does not understand the power of Dragon Warrior~"

"My master taught me a bone-shrinking technique. I can shrink my bones to a size smaller than that of a child!"

"Look at my magical skills~ eh~ ah~ yo~"


Lu Chuan looked at the talkative Abao and was completely embarrassed: "Ahem, Dragon Warrior, right?"

"Who! Who is it!" Abao raised his head: "Wow, you are a giant, wait, what are you?"

"I'm not a thing. Bah, bah, bah, I'm a human! Human!"

A # character appeared on Lu Chuan's head.


Abao was completely stunned and looked at Lu Chuan seriously.

"Oh~ to be honest, when I first saw you, I thought I saw a golden monkey!"

"But you don't have furry skin, you don't have a long tail, uh. Well, you're good human."


Lu Chuan: This panda is a chatterbox!

PS; The book is not the earth. If there are deviations, such as the quilt has not been exposed yet, just treat it as a parallel world, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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