Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 139 139: Tianxiu operation!Reverse r flash!Big ups and downs!

Chapter 139 139: Tianxiu operation!Reverse r flash!Big ups and downs!

Su Chen, who had little health, could only choose to return to the city.

"Master Chen started reading again!"

In the commentary box, Miller laughed and said, "It seems that after entering the global finals, only Chen Ye from our LPL has been insisting on studying. The other players don't seem to like studying very much."

"It's your fault!"

Wawa smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that FNC's jungler, our Selfmade player, and Leopard Girl were just studying in that game? King Cat, are you right?"

"Yes, and neither."

The Cat King pretended to be serious and corrected the mistake, "In the scene with Selfmade, the leopard girl took first blood and ended up jumping. We can only say that he has read the book!"

"Ah?" The doll groaned, and then he also reacted. He smiled and said, "Brother, you are murderous and heart-wrenching. I know what you mean by reading the book. Selfmade bought the murder book and beat him twice. The wave team battle, or the wordless bible, was forced to sell it in the end, right?"

"That's what I meant!"

The Cat King nodded and smiled.

"Wait a minute, a battle broke out in the middle!"

Just when Su Chen returned to the city to buy equipment and just walked out of the hot spring, Theshy took the initiative to catch him, and unexpectedly ran into Clid's leopard girl reverse squatting! ! !

Wawa exclaimed, "After a tug-of-war between the two sides, BDD, who was still alive, pretended to escape, and suddenly a wave of reverse R flashes, directly petrifying Rookie and Theshy!"

"This R flash is amazing!"

"Clid, who was counter-crouching, also took action at this time!"

"Lucian, who was petrified, was directly hit by the javelin. The damage from the longest distance was very considerable!"

The leopard girl transformed into the form of a jaguar and came directly to kill him!

The snake girl also had a clear goal. She placed a W directly at the feet of Jace and Lucian, and then turned on the spell machine gun mode, releasing EAEA infinitely!

After Lucian and Jace were petrified, they still had the ground-binding effect of Snake Girl's W under their feet, so they couldn't use displacement! !

"Rookie is dead!"

"It hurts so much! This wave!"

"Can Theshy replace this snake girl?!"

The three commentators became nervous!

After Rookie was killed in seconds, Theshy's Jace was one against two, and his operation was extremely extreme. However, just when he was about to kill the snake girl, a golden light fell from the sky!

It’s Bard’s ultimate move [Reconcile Destiny]!
After being resurrected, Bard actually used a 2500-yard, ultra-long-distance ultimate move on Snake! ! !
The snake girl enters the golden body state!
Unable to select!


The doll sighed, "This Bard, he is so annoying! At this time, why did he suddenly resurrect and come up with a big move?"

The early resurrection time was originally very short, but the snake girl in the middle took some time, which just gave Bard time to rush after his resurrection!

The key is Bard's ultimate move, the distance is too far!
Two thousand five hundred yards!
Five straight lines flash away!
The snake girl was killed, and Theshy's Jace was finally beheaded by the leopard girl!

Zero for two! ! !
"No one thought that at this time, GEN would be able to have another small climax!"

The doll let out a sullen breath, "This is so uncomfortable!"

"You can't blame Theshy for this wave. If Leopard Girl hadn't counter-crouched, even if Snake Girl reversed R for this wave, she would have been killed no matter how talented she was!"

Miller said, "It's a pity that a very good catch caused Clid's Leopard Girl to reverse the squat!"

“If we don’t have Bard’s ultimate move in the end, we can at least get a two-for-one!”

The doll said, "It's not such a loss!"

The Cat King said helplessly, "This reversal came too suddenly. I was just immersed in the joy of Master Chen's double kill in the bottom lane, and suddenly I couldn't be happy anymore."

"Wait a minute, I remember that Snake Girl's reverse R flash was not treated as a bug by Fist, and was it fixed?"

The Cat King who was talking suddenly remembered this matter and asked with some doubts. "I happened to watch a video of this a few days ago."

By coincidence, Miller happened to watch a video about how Snake could still use the reverse R flash operation after the repair.

He explained, "In the past, the Demon King's reverse R flash left a deep impression on the world. Later, Riot regarded this operation as a bug and fixed it. However, Snake Girl's reverse R flash can still be used. , but it used to be: R in the opposite direction, flash forward. Now this operation has been changed to: R forward, flash forward, but between R and flash, you need to turn your head backward, such an operation!"

"It's just that the operation is different. Whether it's the visual effect or the petrification effect, it's the same as before."

"Maybe I don't understand what I'm saying. You can try customizing it. You can actually flash R in reverse."

After Miller finished speaking, the Cat King nodded, "I understand!" He suddenly looked at the doll with a smile, "Baby Director, do you understand?"

"I understand too!"

The doll smiled and said, "As for me, I have a tough mouth and will never admit that I don't understand!"


Everyone never expected it.

Theshy rarely took the initiative to gank, but it became a mid-to-upper linkage, giving away one death and the other!
"I'm sorry everyone."

Theshy said very apologetically, "My, my, my."

"Do not blame you."

Rookie didn't mean to blame him. He consoled him, "I made a mistake by not avoiding the petrification of Snake Girl's ultimate move. Otherwise, Leopard Girl couldn't target me. At least we would have exchanged one for one at the limit!"

Rookie is right.

If they had predicted in advance that Snake Girl was going to reverse R, with their strength, they could completely avoid it.


The key point is that they didn't expect that there was a leopard girl behind them, and they certainly didn't expect that the snake girl would perform a reverse R flash operation.

"My mine."

Theshy is still very sorry. He found that this season, he is getting more and more easily taken advantage of.

No matter it is S8 or S9, it is not so easy to get hooked.

Maybe it was because of this year’s competition that we lost too much, too unfairly, and too quickly.

have to change!

Theshy secretly made up his mind to get rid of some low-confidence impulses!
“You still have to do what you need to do!”

Su Chen didn't mean to blame his teammates at all. He continued, "If we don't dare to fight and don't dare to fight, what do you think our probability of winning is based on operations alone?"


Theshy nodded!

If you can't win the championship, even if you coax a runner-up, there is no meaning at all!

Because of e-sports, only people will remember the champion!
No one even remembers who the runner-up was!
Only the championship is meaningful!
Under the champion, everyone is a rookie!
GEN is very resilient.

Su Chen had already prepared for this.

The Samsung team is far more able to find opportunities than other teams.

"The other side should be fighting Canyon Pioneer!"

Sure enough, as Su Chen thought, this wave of IG Zhongshang was killed, BDD's mid laner returned to the city, and GEN's Uenosuke all went to Dalong Pit!
They want to take down the Rift Herald!
In this way, expand your advantages! ! !
And win the game!
"If this Canyon Pioneer is taken by the opponent, all IG's early advantages will be lost!"

Miller spoke, and he became worried, "Moreover, once IG's middle defense tower is breached, the visual disadvantage will put IG into a complete disadvantage!"

"Another point is that with LCK's always strong operational capabilities, GEN is very likely to take this opportunity to directly enter the snowball mode!"

Wawa also said, "This is a chain reaction! It is indeed GEN's revenge battle. The resilience they showed today amazed us!"

(End of this chapter)

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