Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 151 Chapter 151: The final of the S8 Global Finals! ig battles fnc!

Chapter 151 Chapter 151: The final of the S8 Global Finals! ig battles fnc!

Never thought of it.

GEN was originally designated to qualify first in the group.

It turned out that after the fight with IG, all the members became autistic.

In the end, we lost to FNC in the second game! ! !


Still the kind of loser who gets completely crushed!

A few people from GEN even showed no resistance!


Really autistic!
There is no way to play the game!
Losing to FNC means that it may be difficult for them to even qualify!

The end of this game immediately aroused heated discussion across the Internet.

"IG used too much force in the last game, especially Mr. Chen, a little fish man with twenty kills at one hand. He completely knocked all Samsung members into autistic state!"

"FNC is also very strong. They are very good at seizing opportunities. They will take advantage of your illness and kill you. They don't give Samsung any chance to make a comeback!"

"I'm looking forward to the next IG game against FNC!"

"FNC is in such a hot state, I feel like I can give it a try!"

Although FNC lost to IG in the last round, judging from FNC's performance today, all members are in great shape and will definitely win a battle!
The audience here in the LCK has turned against them en masse!

"All five GEN members can retire!"

"You're such a loser. With this mentality, it's embarrassing for our LCK!"

"Retire quickly, don't be embarrassed here!"

"Chikui, BDD and Clid, you can consider retiring where you are. You don't have to play the next game and just swim back to Seoul!"

"Why would there be such a bad guy representing our LCK in the global finals?"

Almost all LCK trolls.

Fans of GEN in the past, at this moment, all turned into trolls and started trolling mercilessly.

Compared to the LPL audience, it’s even better!

But the viewers in the European Division were all excited!


Saw the light!
I saw the dawn of FNC being able to defeat IG!
"I hope FNC can defeat IG, so they are likely to win the championship they lost in S8!"

"Chen is the biggest stumbling block for us to defeat IG. If anyone can defeat Chen, I think our probability of defeating IG will increase to 70.00%!"

"God, send a general to defeat Chen! I want to see his painful expression when he fails!"

“But Chen, it’s not God’s business!”

at the same time.

FNC’s post-match interview is also out.

Those interviewed were their jungler and mid laner.

"I will become the strongest jungler in the world!"

Selfmade's voice was very firm, "Although we lost to IG in S8 and also lost to IG in the first round of this year's group stage, we still defeated GEN. I believe we can still beat IG!"

That's right!

It was FNC that lost to IG in S8 and missed the world championship!

The following games were called the 'S8 Champions and Runners-Up' and 'S8 Global Finals' by some viewers! !

"Time has proven what I said last year!"

Mid laner Nemesis said this in the interview at the end.

This sentence directly triggered heated discussions in the LPL division!
Many people may not be familiar with the ID of Nemesis, but when it comes to his nickname, many people are definitely familiar with it: Acid King!

last year.

This FNC mid laner directly mocked Doinb publicly for being the best mid laner in S9!
Who would have thought that FPX would adjust its status later, advance all the way, and win the world championship!The Sour Emperor, who was slapped in the face, did not dare to say anything more.

Who knew he would mention this matter again this year.

Obviously, Sour King is still very worried about last year!

"IG only has one strong jungler, which doesn't mean they are a strong team."

Before the interview ended, Selfmade, who vowed to become the best in the world, suddenly said this sentence, "A jungler who cannot turn his team into a strong team is destined to not be a good jungler!"

Good guy.

This was a way to gain some traction with Su Chen.

"See you on the field then."

Su Chen didn't care.

The happier the enemy dances, the more cruel he will be when he strikes!

The third game has begun!

IG vs. FNC! ! !

"The finals of the S8 Global Finals!"

The game that the audience has been looking forward to is finally here!

The war between China and Europe is about to break out!
"Welcome everyone to watch the 2020 League of Legends, Global Finals, the second round of the group stage, the third game of Group C, the game between IG and the European hegemon FNC!"

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Yutong!"

"Hello everyone, my name is Remember, remember!"

"I'm Guan Zeyuan!"

At the commentary table, the three commentators introduced themselves one by one.

"Wow, the game hasn't even started yet, and I feel like I can already smell a very strong smell of gunpowder smoke. FNC faces its old rival IG, and it feels like I'm suddenly back on the final stage of the S8 League of Legends Global Finals!"

I remember smiling and saying, "Both teams won three stars in the first two games, and all ten players were in very good shape!"


Guan Zeyuan smiled, "Moreover, just now, FNC's jungler Selfmade even bluntly said that he will become the world's number one jungler!"

"This is unbearable!" Yutong smiled, "He seems to have healed his scars and forgotten the pain. He has forgotten how I, Mr. Chen, educated him in the first round of the group stage."

"You can't say that, haha."

I remember smiling and smoothing things over, "Both teams and the ten players are all top-notch. Who will win this game? Who will win and who will lose? Let us follow the progress of the game and witness it together!"


Guan Zeyuan smiled and said, "We may need to pay most attention to the bottom lane. As a veteran with rich experience in the game, Rekkles still maintains a very hot touch. This is very scary!"

Rekkles, nicknamed Oucheng.

Highly educated in Europe.

The reason why he is called Ou Cheng is because in the year when Xiao Xiao dominated the bottom lane, he was the only ADC player who could play back and forth with Xiao Xiao!

Moreover, he used a red cross of endless EZ to help the team defeat WE. However, he then responded with a smile and also used a red cross of endless EZ to win the final victory for WE!

Since then, Rekkles has been nicknamed Ou Cheng!

It means that he has the strength of the world's top ADC!
At this time, the players on both sides have already entered the stage!

Because they lost the game in the last round, FNC has priority in selecting sides.

They directly chose the blue side!

No hesitation!

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Guan Zeyuan said, "The Ban/Pick phase for both parties has officially begun!"

(End of this chapter)

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