Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 217 Chapter 217: Everyone is evil!Everyone can't defend themselves against the attack o

Chapter 217 Chapter 217: Everyone is evil!Everyone can't defend themselves against the attack of a bright moon!

"Titan starts with R right away!"

"Ezreal quickly retreat to the second tower!"

Miller quickly said in the commentary box, "But Haoyue still has the E skill in his hand. ER follows up on the second tower and pulls EZ over. Titan's ultimate move explodes, Q hook accurately hooks over, and passively releases the imprisonment Effect"


The doll smiled and said, "Chovy also followed the male gunner and fell dead in battle!"

"The gap between the middle and jungle sides is getting wider and wider!"

Brother Ba smiled naively, "With a male gun and an EZ, no matter how hard you fight, you can't beat the Moon and the Titan."

"What's that expression Chovy?"

Looking at the special effects on the contestant's camera, Wawa couldn't help but smile, "Do you look like you are beyond love?"

"That's probably the expression."

Miller nodded and smiled.

After Su Chen got the EZ head, he took Titan directly to the Canyon Pioneer.

Before finishing the canyon pioneer, there was a wave of tower-crossing kills on the top lane.

Theshy's crocodile, like a god of war, climbed over the tower and killed Dolan's bear!


Su Chen smiled and said, "On the other side, Ueno and Ueno were all blown up."

“The bottom lane on the other side was also blown up.”

Rookie just finished speaking.

The sound of killings also came from the bottom lane. The two bottom lanes fought against each other and exchanged big moves. Finally, Puff finally stood up and killed Mr. Dai's aircraft in one go! !

The LPL audience was completely fired up this time!

"IG everyone takes off!"

"All villains!"

“I feel like DRX can’t stop IG’s rhythm at all!”

"Is it going to be three to zero?"

"I feel like the pilot was knocked unconscious. He can't even beat Puff in the lane!"

"I feel like Mr. Dai will retire completely after this battle. Master Chen is really a professional killer. He killed the talented players of the older generation and retired in various ways!"

"IG is invincible! Invincible!"

After Su Chen got the Canyon Pioneer, he went directly to the middle lane and released it, knocking the tower on the opposite middle lane to a low level of health.

The male gunner and EZ were forced to guard the tower together.


The game came to thirteen minutes and 13 seconds.

The two sides surrounded the second dragon and began to lay out eye positions.

DRX doesn’t seem to want to give up on this one thing.

"We can just slightly block the opponent's dragon-killing speed. There is no need to start a group."

The jungler gunman was the first to speak, "After all, the opponent can only get the wind dragon soul or the earth dragon soul in this battle, and there is no combat power blessing. We just need to disgust them when the opponent fights the dragon, and don't let them take it. It’s just as easy as arriving.”


Dolan's Bear has already reached the Xiaolong River Road on foot. "It's good to make the other side feel sick. If you have a chance, it's best to kill one or two people on the other side!"

"The water dragon is refreshed, let's poke the other side first."

Chaowei's mentality is pretty good. The lineup of DRX has a good poke ability. The damage of Ezreal and Airplane are quite good if they can poke everyone at IG.

"I feel like I can give it a try."

Mr. Dai turned out to be surprisingly brave, "I have an explosive pack, I can try to hit him."

At 13 minutes, the plane left with a new explosive bag on its back.

This is also the key factor why DRX dares to harass IG to fight Xiaolong.

"Jiaoyue's equipment is too good, we don't need to fight."

Chaowei reminded, "I was almost charged to death just now when my health was full."

"Bright moon."

When Mr. Dai Deft saw this man, he shuddered involuntarily, "We must stay away from him and not get too close. Even if we are in the front row, we should not get too close. Don't let him use it as a springboard to cut us in the back row." !”

"Let's keep a good distance."

Chaowei reminded, "The distance of Diana's E skill should be more than 800 yards. If he uses the last giant Q operation again, we will block the distance in the front row and let him dodge Q. If E is not far enough, he will I was dumbfounded.”


Su Chen's move just now flashed backwards, looking very handsome, and the giant Q moon energy beam had a great visual impact.

However, the practicality is not strong.

Because it is very likely that after flashing backwards, the distance of the E skill is not enough. When the distance is closed by walking, the moonlight mark may have disappeared, and then he will be fooled on the spot.

He is worthy of being a top professional player.

Everyone in DRX has already simulated in their minds how to deal with Su Chen Haoyue.

"Diana is coming!"

After everyone in DRX saw Su Chen appear, they all took a few steps back. The front row maintained a distance of seven to eight hundred yards, and the back row moved farther away. In short, even if Su Chen used the Q back-dodge move again , and it’s definitely not far enough for E to come over!


They still underestimated Jiaoyue's operating space!


The doll looked at the big screen and suddenly exclaimed, "This can also be a giant Q?!"

However, everyone in DRX has been stuck in the distance, moving forward or retreating, and the bright moon in front of them seems to have lost patience!

Just strike violently!

The bright moon raised the moon blade in her hand and slashed out a beam of moon energy, and a flash of light emerged forward!

But Q flashed forward!
However, that giant moonlight appeared again!
It's too late to say it!

The moment Bright Moon Q flashed, he directly crossed the two front rows of Niutou and Xiongxiong. E reached the male gunman standing in the middle opposite, and connected with a basic attack at the same time!
DRX's rear row reacted very quickly. The aircraft quickly used the enhanced version of W [Special Express], flew a crazy distance of [-] yards, and returned directly to the bottom of its own blue buff!

The male gunner and Ezreal moved to the side E almost at the same time, trying to distance themselves. However, they did not have the plane's explosive pack to increase the distance!
However, Haoyue used another E skill and landed on Ezreal. R [Moon's Arrival] was turned on. A huge attraction, like a black hole, instantly attracted the male gun and EZ to Haoyue!
The controlled male gun and EZ can't use any skills!
And the moon blade with the dazzling effect in Jiaoyue's hand slashed out again, and then activated the W skill [Pale Waterfall]. Three magic balls appeared, and the damage of the ultimate move also fell!

In an instant, EZ and the male gun were all out of health!

After the control ended, the male gun and EZ frantically exchanged skills to escape. But at this time, Jiaoyue, who had a super high attack speed, suddenly fired the third AOE basic attack with extra damage!


Wawa exclaimed, "Chaowei handed over a flash of death. Can you believe this? Brother! The top mid laner in the LCK actually handed in a flash of death in a panic!"

"The man's gun flashed with blood and he ran for his life!"

Miller took over the topic and continued to explain, "But Master Chen also has an E skill in his hand. He stabs in and gets a double kill!"

At the same time as the male gun reached the bottom, the heroic bombardier fired a missile and hit the bright moon -

Deft: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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