Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 242 Chapter 242: Please hurry up and grab the blue buff!Send 1 blood!

Chapter 242 Chapter 242: Please hurry up and grab the blue buff!Give me blood!

"Master Chen is awesome, he really dares to bring the clown to the world stage!"

"Saco is invincible!"

"I miss the Sun Flame God Sect in the past!"

"How long has it been since I saw the Joker on the World Championship stage?"

"Probably since the LCK dominated the World Championship, only heroes with strong versions have been left on the competition stage, and all the fun has been discarded!"

"I hope the LPL can win three consecutive championships. I don't want to see the LCK dominate the World Championship. An unentertaining division will make the whole world drowsy!"

"Come on Master Chen!"

The LPL audience expressed their feelings one after another.

There are many old players who, although they have not played League of Legends for many years, still pay attention to the game.

Seeing Su Chen take out the clown at this time, it was like returning to the happy scene of the second grade.

And opposite.

Within the G2 team.

When they saw Su Chen confirmed the clown Sacco, they were all overjoyed.

"I just want to shout 666!"

"Hahaha~!~Chen is really good at playing!"

"Sako dares to come out to play. Is this looking down on me, Jankos?"

"With this lineup, we should definitely win this game, right?"

"I would also like to know, what talent and equipment will Chen choose for Shaco in this match? Is it AP?"

"LPL viewers call us the Optimistic Family. I think IG is the Optimistic Family, and Chen is the patriarch of the Optimistic Family!"


Everyone in G2 laughed happily.

This group of European players from the West seems to have a characteristic -

The scar is healed and the pain is forgotten.


This hero is actually not weak in rank. Why is no one using it in the game?

Because of the heroic nature of the Joker, he is not suitable for competition.

In the game, everyone has two real eyes. In the middle and late stages when the screen is full of real eyes, what use can the clown be?

"In this scene, let us work together, under the watchful eyes of audiences around the world, to turn Chen into a clown who can be laughed at!"

Jankos became more confident and said with a smile.

"That must be!"

Caps also laughed, "Chen volunteered to become a clown, we should help others!"

"There is a saying in China, which is called sending Buddha to the West. Let's just be good guys for once and let Chen get his wish and become a clown in front of the world's audience!"

Perkz said with a smile, "I hope he can always remember this game so that he will never dare to touch the hero Joker again in his life."

Everyone in G2 is very optimistic.

very confident.

Obviously, they have not really healed the scars and forgotten the pain.

But to pay back all the humiliation suffered in the last game!

They want to be ashamed!
The European audiences, who had been so excited before, also became active after Su Chen chose the clown.

No matter how you lost in the last game.

At least in this game, G2 can't lose again.

"God, let the arrogant and ignorant Easterners feel the unilateral crushing of our supreme Western power!"

"I hope Jankos can teach Chen a lesson! Choosing heroes at will is not a good habit!"

"I'm afraid Jesus can't bear to see Chen being so willful. In this case, he will pay for his willfulness!"

"It seems that no one likes the hero Shaco very much. Why is that? I think it is quite strong! (Limited to Bronze and Silver games)"



in laughter.

The lineup of the two sides has been determined.

IG blue side: top laner Crocodile, jungler Clown, mid laner Jess, and policewoman Gallo on the bottom lane.

G2 red side: top laner Monkey, jungler Lancer, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner is Wheel Mom and Titan.

"IG~~~Come on!" "Master Chen is invincible!"

"Little IG, rush the duck, rush the duck!"

"No matter what hero Chen chooses, we fans will support him to the end!"

"Come on Master Chen!"

With the cheering support of the LPL audience, the game officially began.

Within the G2 team.

"The clown is very likely to counter my red buff, so I want to use the blue buff this time, and I can't use the normal jungle method."

Under normal circumstances, regardless of the red side or the blue side, the male gun will always have a red buff.

Jankos plans to do the opposite this time.

To avoid being attacked by clowns.

"Don't worry, we will help you get the blue buff before leaving."

Ah P said this, "As long as the clown dares to come, let him give blood."


In the IG team, Su Chen was the first to speak.

"Baolan and Rookie bring the scanner, let's go to the blue buff opposite."


"no problem!"

Everyone bought their equipment and immediately rushed to the red, square and blue buff jungle area.

Ever since Su Chen had six kills in a first-level team, no team would be stupid enough to think that IG wouldn't dare to play a first-level team.

After G2 saw the invasion of IG, they left their jewelry eyes early and their personnel retreated.

"Sapphire scan."

"it is good."

Sapphire's Luo started scanning and eliminated the first eye that G2 put down, giving everyone a little experience.

Then, IG continued to invade, and G2 continued to look ahead, trying to capture IG's movements at once.

Unexpectedly, IG followed the same pattern and eliminated three eyes of G2 with just three scans.

"The other side is deliberately using the scanner to interfere with our field of view and experience!"

G2 already knows IG's intentions, and this is completely a way of playing to eliminate eyes and gain experience.

but it does not matter.

G2 has five people, the jungler is scanning, the other four are all jewelry eyes, and the last jewelry eye is left in his own blue buff.

"Let me see, what are you looking for?"

Everyone in G2 doesn't care about this experience and economy.

And IG seemed quite helpless. All members invaded, and after a long circle around the G2 blue buff jungle area, they retreated in despair.

No change to jungle area!
There is no force to grab the blue!

Only three eyes were lined up!
"Haha, you were so arrogant during the invasion. In the end, you had to put your tail between your legs and leave in despair."

The blue buff was refreshed, and Jankos couldn't help but smile when he saw the top players in IG appearing online.


The audience from God's perspective are all extremely anxious!
"Everyone retreated, why did Mr. Chen stay alone in the grass?!"

"Master Chen is going to cause trouble again?!"

"I feel like a level one clown is of no use!"

"As a ten-year old fan of Master Chen, I just want to tell you one thing. Everyone here just needs to wait patiently. Master Chen will never let us down!"

The LPL audience is eagerly waiting.

The audience in the European Division was nervous and excited.

Because they could see clearly that the blue buff grass on the blue side did not have IG's field of vision. From this, Su Chen was sure that Su Chen didn't know that the G2 bottom lane duo had been helping the male gunner to defeat the blue buff until the blue buff's HP was left. I didn’t even leave until I took off the last little bit!

and so.

European audiences were excited.

Am looking forward to.

"Please hurry up and grab the blue buff, hahaha, just go and get some blood!"

"Why isn't Chen still moving? If he doesn't move, the blue buff will be knocked out!"

"Please, hurry up and go counterattack! The three Perkz people have been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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