Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 30 030: A fierce showdown of life and death!An unprecedented level 1 group!

Chapter 30 030: A fierce showdown of life and death!An unprecedented first-level group!

Remember to nod, "It should be banned!"


The three ban positions in front of both sides are completed.

IG clicked Galio, Lulu, and Kai'Sa!
FPX has banned Camille, Leopard Girl, and Skateboard Shoes!

"The man's gun is still out there, do you want to snatch it from IG?"

Rite's eyes flashed with joy, "Everyone knows that Mr. Chen is famous for his male gun, but he has never seen him use a male gun in the professional arena. There is an opportunity today. Do they want to take it?"

"It seems not, IG chose Lucian!"

I remember looking at the selection interface, I couldn't help but smile and say, "Watch or go, let's see how FPX decides!"

"Little Phoenix immediately locked up Blind Monk and Pan Sen!"

Guan Zeyuan laughed loudly and said, "Here it comes, the long-awaited part to invite the gods!"

"IG also locked Jess and the policewoman in seconds!"

I remember my eyes lit up, "In this crucial decisive battle, both sides showed their unique skills. FPX directly chose the captain in the third hand!"

"Both sides selected players too quickly. It's not like a normal game at all. It's more like they have already identified that hero before the game starts. As long as they are not banned, they will definitely take it out!"

Rite said with surprise and joy, "The game has just entered the BP stage, and the smoke of a huge brawl is already filling the air. It is almost certain that this game will be the most intense fight in history!"

"FPX banned Tahm Kench! IG also banned Titan in seconds!"

"In the last ban position of FPX, do you want to give the male gunner? No! It's still the ban support, Luo!"

"And, for the fourth hand, I chose Wan Hao!"

"As for IG's fourth and fifth moves, they chose Niutou and Silas respectively!"

"FPX chose Jhin in the last move!"

The entire BP process, the two teams, progressed quickly and ended quickly at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine!

The three commentators didn’t even have time for analysis!
The entire BP was immediately over!

Incredibly fast!


In this decisive battle of life and death, from the beginning of BP, both sides have been desperate to survive!
Once the lineups on both sides are selected, anyone who has played League of Legends will know that this game is destined to be fought from beginning to end!
The substitutions on both sides ended quickly!
The lineup is confirmed!

IG blue side:
Top laner Jayce, jungler Silas, mid laner Lucian, bottom lane policewoman and tauren!
FPX red party:
Top laner Captain, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Pan Sen, bottom laner Jhin and Wanhao!
"The lineups on both sides are too strong, right?!"

"I don't plan to fight in the mid-to-late stage at all. Let's fight to the death in the early stage to determine the outcome!"

"Isn't this the true style of LPL?"

"I feel like IG has finally found its former self. This is the real IG!"

"If something can be solved by fighting, don't use other methods. If it can't be solved by fighting, then fight again!"

"Xiaotian champion skin blind monk, invincible and invincible!"


"Come on~!"

"Little Phoenix~!" "Come on~!"

The audience posted crazy comments to express their inner expectations and enthusiasm!


This is the true style of LPL!
The commentators also took advantage of the short loading time to quickly analyze the situation.

"IG's lineup, how can I put it, I am more optimistic about Little Phoenix's lineup!"

Guan Zeyuan did not hide or beat around the bush, he said directly, "Although the IG lineup is very strong online, it has too little control! Once a small-scale team battle breaks out, the FPX lineup will obviously take more control. Advantage!"


Even when I remember it, I nodded. "Pan Sen's W [Shield Leap] and Wanhao E [Strong Skull Crack] are very good controls in the early stage, and the output is high! Once someone controls someone, Able to connect and control, control until death!"

"That's true, but after all, we are just talking on paper."

Rite smiled like a silver bell, "In the end, it all depends on the performance of the players on the stage. I am very optimistic about IG's performance. You know, Chen, the player, used three different heroes in three games. Moreover, this In a situation where a male gun was involved, he chose Silas! One can imagine how confident he is in Silas, the hero!"

"That said, it seems to make sense!"

Guan Zeyuan was slightly taken aback, "Chen, the player, really made the game full of uncertainty and added a lot of expectations to everyone."

"I was just analyzing the lineup, and I almost forgot a key point——"

Rite added with a smile, "In this scene, except for the captain of Brother Gongzi who brought TP, no one else on both sides had TP! All the heroes of Panson's Arms brought Ignition! Lucian brought Purification! The ADCs on both sides are regular healing techniques!"

"here we go!"

I remember suddenly interjecting, "Are the two sides going to fight a first-level group?!"

But after the red and blue sides went out, all ten people rushed towards the middle river!
The two parties met and started fucking directly!
"The Bullhead flashed his Q, knocking four FPX people away!"

"Jace, Lucian, and the policewoman keep up with the output, and the damage is very high!"

"FPX did not choose to retreat. Panson immediately started W and immobilized Jace!"

"Wanhao flashed E, wow, three people were drawn!"

"The blind monk Q-hit Jace in the crowd!"

"Jess' blood, flash and pull away!"

"The blind monk was pulled by Silas! He instantly lost his health and escaped in a flash!"

"Jhin's damage, Lucian's remaining health, flash away!"

"Pan Sen still has some blood left!"

Remember, who is known for his fast speech, could not even explain it and almost ran out of oxygen!
A very fierce first-level group, directly handed over eight flashes!

There is only one captain and the policewoman left who have not exchanged flashes!
Ignition, healing, purification, all handed over!

"Although this wave of team battles didn't break out the first blood, blood was drawn from both sides!"

I remember saying with great excitement, "Not counting punishment on both sides, there are a total of [-] summoner skills, and [-] are played directly! Only brother Gongzi's teleportation and flash, and the policewoman's flash are left!"

"This first-level regiment, both sides fought too fiercely!"

Rite nodded and said, "This is more brutal than a burst of blood. It has a total of fifteen summoner skills, which is probably unprecedented in the game!".

(End of this chapter)

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