Chapter 440 441: VN finally appears!

At the same time, Brother Ma and Xiye also arrived.

The RNG people were not slow to respond. A beam of light lit up, and Ornn was TP.

Not far away, an excavator dug a hole into the site.

From the start of the group to the support from both sides, everything was completed in an instant.

At this moment, Lissandra's second stage position moved in front of VN, trying to freeze W.

VN made another tactical roll and entered the stealth state. Cryin could not find Su Chen's whereabouts for a while.

"Damn it, where did this guy go?" Cryin originally planned to use a combo to kill VN instantly, or at least cripple him, but unexpectedly he lost track of him.

He can't stay here for too long or the rest of the SC will be here soon.

After a second, VN finally appeared!

The Night Hunter raised the crossbow in her hand and ruthlessly fired the demon-breaking arrows at the Ice Girl.

"Damn it, why is this guy doing so much damage!" Seeing that VN quickly hit the three-ring passive, Lissandra's blood volume was rapidly declining. With her W empty, she wanted to freeze VN directly with R.

But Su Chen's distance was very good. He always kept the distance between A and Cryin without being hit by him, which made Lissandra very uncomfortable.

In just a few seconds, other people in SC were also moving closer.

"No way, no chance!" Cryin had no choice but to cast R on himself, hoping to regain health and drag his teammates over.

But what happened was counterproductive, EZ was already cool, and Ornn had no use in the team except to put a big one. The key point was that the big one was still empty, and he drew a beautiful figure 7 in the air, and the perfect big one reached the air.

As for the excavator, it was unable to protect itself after being attacked by Kalista and Syndra.

This wave of Cryin is causing the sky to be unresponsive and the earth to be ineffective.

"It's all your fault for canceling your account and giving blind orders!"

Cryin had a grim look on his face, and felt aggrieved when he saw that he was trapped in a trap and died while playing in a group.

What he originally meant was that his teammates had to kill VN first because they felt VN was a big threat.

Now it's fine, let's show off.

"It's so beautiful. Master Chen is so handsome." "This extreme reaction is simply inhumane."

I remember sighing: "Oh, it's such a pleasure to watch Master Chen's game. You think he is distracted, but in fact Master Chen has already figured out the opponent's tactics and is waiting for the opponent to come. This awareness is absolutely world-class. "

Zeyuan did not refute, although he could also see that his partner had completely become Chen Chui.

However, the facts are indeed before our eyes. In the previous waves and the current wave, Su Chen's performance was too dazzling.

The sight returned to the battle situation. Lissandra, one of the only well-developed double Cs, was killed in battle, and no one could deal damage anymore.

This SC lineup has no shortage of output, and both VN and Kalista can show off.

Ornn's development was bleak, and he encountered the tank killer VN again. The armor on his body was like paper, and his health dropped wildly after the third ring. Within a few seconds, the big tree died.

There was only a lonely Tahm on the opposite side. AD was dead. Xiye's E weak ones retreated and R poured out energy. A large number of black balls were stuffed into Tahm's body. The thin white shield couldn't stop the wind and rain. s attack.

This wave of SC played zero for five, and the big dragon and the little dragon took advantage of the situation and collected it together.

Zeyuan shook his head: "RNG is gone. The early and mid-term lineup gave SC such a huge advantage and there is no way to recover."

The situation was predicted well by the two of them. After getting the Baron BUFF, under the command of Su Chen, everyone in SC directly forced the team in the middle.

But the mentality of the people on RNG has long been shattered, who dares to fight.

In a state of half resistance, half submission.

SC pushed straight from the middle, completely knocking RNG to the ground and winning the game.

Looking at the word "Victory" on the screen, Su Chen supported the table and stood up weakly.

Even though he had won the game, why did he still feel so empty in his heart?

Alas, how lonely it is to be invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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