Chapter 457 458: This wave can defeat the dragon

Brother Ma's heart suddenly felt warm. He was deeply moved by the brothers' generosity, and Wannian Bingshan's expression showed signs of loosening.

The game time came to 16 minutes.

Su Chen stole another wave of Canyon Pioneers, placed the Pioneers in the middle, and knocked down a tower on his left hand. Then everyone in SC prepared to fight against the dragon group.

"369, the opponent is preparing to take Xiaolong. Are you ready to TP? If so, go to the opponent's jungle area and see if you can turn them around." Zhuo said.

"Okay, let me try!" 369 glanced at the mini map and found a real eye next to the second tower on the middle road opposite, so he directly TPed to the real eye at the spring water, and then drove the scan to go around to the stone man on the lower SC road. grass.

Kennan thought that he had not been noticed by the SC people throughout the whole process, and cleverly blocked his vision.

However, he didn't know that the real eye was deliberately not arranged by SC in order to deceive 369's TP. As early as when they were reviewing TES's past game videos, Su Chen discovered that 369 liked to have a back eye, so he explained The team members deliberately kept each other's true eyes open.

"369 has no T. This wave can beat the dragon." Su Chen said.

The five people walked around the entrance of Xiaolong's pit and started to rush Xiaolong.

"They are starting to fight dragons. Kenan, stop squatting and come over to join us!" Karsa saw 369 still squatting stupidly in the grass near the stone man in the second tower on the lower road. She couldn't help but get angry and shouted loudly.

"Oh, okay!" Kennan hurriedly walked to the triangular bushes and rushed to the front battlefield. However, due to the small number of people on the TES side, Karsa and the others never dared to go up and harass them. As a result, by the time Kenan arrived, the dragon had already been killed. Half blood.

"We can't delay it any longer, we have to fight!" said Zuo Zuo. Zoe found the right angle and used an E hypnotic bubble to sleep on the crocodile in front.

Karsa's eyes lit up, "We have it under control, we can fight!"

369 took the lead, using E to accelerate and R to dodge into the crowd of SC. The SC's middle and lower assistants were caught off guard and were instantly controlled. The rolling damage from the sky knocked out most of the three people's health in an instant.

Xiye made a decisive decision and opened Purification to release the control and broke free from the thunder. Brother Ma also flashed and moved away. Only Frog's Thresh had time to weaken Kennen, and he was instantly killed before he could use his ultimate move.

At this time, the crocodile also woke up from his slumber and fired RE into Kenan's face. Yue Nan, who had retreated to a safe distance, gave Kenan a R Qinghui Night Condensation. Jace also pressed QE and hit a double in a row. After firing the enhanced cannon, coupled with Crocodile's Red Fury W, Kennan was left with little health, and was finally taken over by Crocodile's Q, a close-fitting rotating axe.

Unfortunately, in the next second, Crocodile was also taken away by the male gun's R ultimate bomb.

Zhuo's wrist warrior sneaked into the battlefield from the side, and with the bonus of movement speed when approaching the enemy, R was so surprised that he picked up Su Chen's leopard girl and threw it to the ground, and then followed up with E's strong hand to crack Jace's skull. Heyue Nan was stunned, and the last W deliberately punched the two of them until their health was reduced.

The two of them looked at each other in shock, "Haha, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

Ah Shui's Kaisha teleported to the two of them with R. First he used Q to take away Yue Nan, and then he used W to seek enemies in the void and aimed at Jace. Unfortunately, Xiye turned and moved away to avoid him.

(End of this chapter)

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