Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 462 463: You can lose the team battle, but Leopard Girl must die.

Chapter 462 463: You can lose the team battle, but Leopard Girl must die.

With TES losing one player, SC began to rush the baron.

And TES also came to gather above the big dragon pit, and this wave of big dragons was about to break out.

After opening the scan to remove the real eye with the SC inserted above, Zoe fired another QRQ and moved into the dragon pit to grab the baron, but unfortunately the damage was a little short. Instead, it helped the opponent make up for the wave of damage, while the crocodile I took the opportunity to go up from the dragon pit E, trying to stop Zoe's harassment.

"Master Chen, just fight the dragon, let us think of a solution!" Brother Shengqiang shouted.

When the baron had only its last 1000 health, Karsa's male gun E entered the dragon's pit to grab the dragon. However, his punishment was still 10 seconds short of being ready. After A hit the baron twice, his health reached the penalty level. Near the killing line, Su Chen made a quick decision and pressed the D button. A yellow light flashed and the big dragon was successfully snatched by Leopard Girl!

"Ah!" Karsa saw that the dragon he had finally obtained was snatched away. He was furious on the spot. He looked up to the sky and let out a thunderous roar. It was like a substantial flame spurting out from his mouth. It was a combination of his grief and anger. the expression of mood.

Since the flash of the male gun was still on CD, he had no means of escaping from the Dragon Pit under E, so he could only wait to die in vain. He was clicked twice by Yue Nan and received a critical hit with his sword. He died in less than two seconds. He fell to the ground and died unwillingly.

"Brother!" Zuo Zuo's mood was also infected by Karsa. He stared at Su Chen's Leopard Girl with red eyes. He could lose the team battle, but the Leopard Girl must die!

On the flank, Ah Shui calmly controlled Kai'Sa. He kept his eyes fixed on Jace and Thresh, who were still in low health. He hid in the grass and fired W Void Search to hit the enemy with more health. On Jace, "There is a chance!" Ah Shui's eyes lit up, R teleported over and A twice, first killed Thresh with only blood and skin left, and then used Q Icathia Heavy Rain to knock out Jace's fifth layer. Passively, Xiye died without treatment.

At this time, only Ma Ge's moon boy was left, but Aphelios really didn't have the capital to challenge Kai'Sa. When Ah Shui had already harvested two in a row, the two of them were fighting each other. Ah Shui dodged Leopard Girl's Q The personal output of Yue Nan successfully harvested three kills!

Kai'Sa, who killed three people in a row, was finally killed by Leopard Girl's WQE, ending her sinful life.

"Ah Shui is so powerful. Even when surrounded by four SCs, he was able to kill three of them. This operation was so good that it can be featured in the highlight reel!" Even remembering it, he couldn't help but admire it.

"If Baron had not been captured by SC, this wave of two-for-three would have declared SC's defeat." Zeyuan also analyzed rationally.

After everyone in SC was resurrected, they pushed the lane when they needed to and cleared the jungle when they needed to. The game entered a relatively peaceful development period.

At 28 minutes, Zhuo circled around to the grass in the river, rushed towards Yue Nan, and started to sigh, hugging Aphelios and throwing him in front of Kaisha. Ah Shui, who had already six heads out of the collector, gave him an unceremonious pass. Output, Yue Nan died suddenly on the spot. Thresh, who came from not far away, threw a lantern over to save Ma Ge, but unfortunately he was not in time.

Without AD, the support could not protect itself. The Collector's male gun E came over and hit A twice. Q was at the end of the road and dealt tons of damage. Thresh's head was also taken by the male gun.

The Leopard Girl who was standing with AD was also affected, and was killed instantly by four people except the male gunner. This wave of TES achieved a beautiful record of zero for three!

(End of this chapter)

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