Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 475 Chapter 476: Life or death depends on this last wave

Chapter 475 Chapter 476: Life or death depends on this last wave

Time passes minute by minute.

Under the strong attack of the artillery soldiers enchanted with the Baron BUFF, TES's last middle highland tower could not hold up and collapsed.

At this point, all TES's defense lines have been defeated, leaving only two incisor towers struggling to guard the last large crystal.

"If we don't open it, we will really lose!" Ah Shui shouted.

Zhuo opened the scoreboard, looked at the huge equipment gap between the two sides, and then looked at the advancing troops on the opposite side. He gritted his teeth and charged forward.

Life or death depends on this last wave!

Lao Niu took the lead, and the second WQ team went up and successfully pushed up the SC female tank standing at the front. Unfortunately, it was pinned in place by the backhand Q Dawn Blade and could not move.

When everyone in SC saw that Niu Tou actually dared to attack him, they immediately dealt a blow. The Niu Tou was so beaten that he couldn't take care of himself and almost died on the spot.

Seeing that the opponent's output was so high, Lao Niu quickly activated his ultimate move to reduce damage and escaped in a flash. Just when he was about to be ignited and scalded to death, Ah Shui gave him a mouthful of treatment, which saved his life and did not make a heroic sacrifice.

Seeing the bull head, the other four members of TES took the initiative to start a group. They had no reason to be OB on the side, so they all rushed forward. Jace switched to the cannon form and fired out. The male gun E went up and quickly drew the gun EAQWAQR , a set of combos were quickly executed, Victor released R Chaos Storm, and Jhin set up a big sniper from behind.

Not to mention, the combined output of the four of them was extremely effective, successfully impacting the SC's formation and killing the female tank with remaining health.

SC saw that their support was dead and had no intention of fighting. They dispersed in a hurry and returned to the city to replenish their supplies. TES did not dare to pursue it. After all, Gnar had TP and a large card. If they had to pursue it forcefully, He might have been robbed.

Everyone also returned to the high ground to clean up their troops, update their equipment, and wait for the next wave of battles.

The game time came to 33 minutes. The fifth dragon has been refreshed, it is a fire dragon. TES people moved over from the lower half of the wild area to get the dragon. They thought that the opponent would definitely stop them from getting the dragon, and they were even ready to form a group at the dragon pit.

The strange thing is that no one found any trace of SC along the way, as if they had completely disappeared.

Didn't they know they were here to get the dragon, or was it a deception to not come on purpose?

Everyone has doubts in their hearts, but no matter what, it is important to get the dragon. They must get as much resources as they can at this time, let alone a fire dragon.

Moreover, SC did not suddenly jump out during the dragon fight, indicating that this was probably not their ambush, which gradually made Taobo relax his vigilance.

Everyone successfully captured Xiaolong.

However, just as they were returning the same way, an accident happened.

"Master Chen's scheme is really too deep!" Zeyuan looked at the big screen and said in surprise: "Taobo is about to fall into the trap!"

From a God's perspective, SC didn't know that TES would come to take the dragon. On the contrary, they knew very well and even guessed that Taobo would pass through the wild area. Therefore, they all lurked in the bushes in hidden locations in the jungle, waiting for the right moment to strike and kill with one strike.

Everyone has a scanner on their body to ensure that they will not be discovered.

Like a hunter hiding in the dark, quietly waiting for his prey to take the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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