Chapter 495 Chapter 496: It’s really wonderful

After the game with SN, a few days passed.

According to the schedule prediction, as long as SC wins against JDG and FPX, they will be able to securely win the spring championship trophy.

Therefore, Su Chen did not dare to slack off in the past few days and urged the team members to work overtime and train.

Time passed quickly, and it was the day of the competition again.

"Okay, dear viewers, welcome to the lpls11 Spring Split. The next one is the first matchup between SCVSJDG. I remember it."

"I'm Zeyuan."

"Everyone knows that the SC team, which was reorganized from the original OMG team, has achieved impressive results this season. As of today, they have won six consecutive victories. If it is still their victory in today's game against JDG, then It’s a miraculous seven-game winning streak!”

"Yes, then whether today will continue SC's undefeated legend, or whether JDG will break SC's winning streak, let's wait and see!"

The screen turned and came to the big screen.

Players on both sides are already in place, and BP will begin immediately.

This JDG is on the blue side, and SC is on the red side.

JDG took down Xayah, Leopard Girl and Samira in the first three hands, while SC took down Card, Zoe and Udyr in the first three hands.

"Both sides defeated the strong midfielder and lower jungler in this version. I have to say that this operation is really wonderful, wonderful." I remember exclaiming in admiration.

The BP of the whole game was very routine for both sides, and they were common heroes on the field, but Kanavi took out the spider that he had not used for a long time, which was considered a highlight of this game.

After several rounds of swaps and adjustments, the lineups on both sides were finalized. JDG’s lineup is:

Top laner Sword Demon, jungler Spider, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Kai'Sa and Wine Barrel.

SC’s lineup is:

Top laner Gnar, jungler Panson, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Yue Nan and Thresh.

"Spider's ranking is very strong in this version, but in this match's lineup, there are no points in the lane that can coordinate well with it." I remember commenting.

"Yes, it almost depends on whether the spider's E skill can hit someone first."

"Spider is exactly the same as the previous Rek'Sai. Once your gank success rate is low or no gank is successful, the hero Spider will be relatively weak in the middle and late stages." Zeyuan said.

"SC's lineup is still in good shape. It has everything it needs and is very stable."

"Well, the main thing is that this version of Pantheon is very versatile when released. You can give him anything in the middle, including a Clockwork to develop, or a Syndra or Zoe to roam with him."

"Spider is a hero who has to be pushed by the opponent when taking out the three lanes. Once the opponent pushes the lane, it will give the opponent some gank angles, but Spider also has no way to enter the jungle to get some good resources. When arranging the vision, It's also easy for the opponent to squat back." I remember analyzing.

"And this one can even let Panson find the spider's position. And once he reaches level 6, Panson is also a hero who is stronger than the spider gank in the early stage and is also stronger in the later stage."

"The main spider uses the E skill to fly in the early stage to avoid some fatal damage and skills. Its effect in team battles is indeed not as stable as Pantheon."

"The talent selection of the junglers on both sides is indeed quite interesting. Wolf-headed Panson and Power Attack Spider. The current situation is that although the little spider cannot trigger the power attack, his Q skill can."

(End of this chapter)

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