Chapter 501 Chapter 502: Dream Beginning

The loading screen ends and the game officially begins.

Both junglers chose to open blue, Olaf opened alone, and Panson opened with the help of the bottom lane team.

Kai'Sa and Wanhao came to the bottom lane early, while VN and Galio helped Panson finish blue and walked from the river to the bottom lane.

Wan Hao fought very hard at level one. When Galio came over, he was unprepared. He flashed his E and stun Galio. Kai'Sa took the opportunity to deal damage next to him.

Unfortunately, Kai'Sa's damage at level 1 was too low. This wave only knocked out half of Galio's health, and deceived VN's flash by the way.

But in general, using the auxiliary's dodge to deceive the AD's dodge, this wave of SC is not a loss.

The game time came to 4 minutes.

Frog's wrist squatted in the grass. Hextech flashed and wanted to stun VN with E. Unfortunately, the distance was too short and he was not stunned. Galio's backhand W next to him taunted him. E Justice punch followed Q Justice Gangfeng. Coupled with the extra damage and ignition of passive level A, Wan Hao's small amount of health instantly becomes disabled.

VN is AQA next to him, and then hits the E Demon Judgment to directly lock the wall. The explosive output of the three rings directly makes Wan Hao's health bottom out. Wan Hao dies without even opening his W shield.


This wave of Loken's VN got first blood.

Not long after, Panson saw that Kai'Sa was still moving forward even after the assist died, and he went one-on-two on the line, so he decisively went around behind and walked through the triangular bushes to catch Kai'Sa.

Seeing the jungler coming, VN crossed the line and took the initiative to approach Kai'Sa. When Kai'Sa saw how tough the opponent was, it was obvious that a jungler was coming, so she quickly retreated, but it was already too late.

Galio's E punched him with a punch of justice, and Marco was so frightened that he quickly flashed and ran away, but he was still pinned under the tower by Panson's W. AQA instantly dealt a set of burst damage, and Galio also flashed up with his Q Justice Gangfeng to supplement the wave. Despite the damage, VN still fell under his own tower. "JDGkanavi killed SCSmlz!"

At 7 minutes, Wan Hao was mocked by Galio for moving too far forward, and because he was next to the wall, he was blocked by VN's E Demon Trial. Pan Sen also jumped to the bottom lane and hit Pan Sen's face with W. , the continuous control made Wan Hao unable to move, and he was killed by Pan Sen on the spot.

It has been more than 7 minutes since the start, and JDG has already won three heads. It can be said to be a dream start.

Panson even wanted to kill Kai'Sa again and chased Kai'Sa to the second tower. If it weren't for Olaf seeing how arrogant he was, he couldn't bear it and came to the bottom lane, otherwise Pan Sen would probably have stayed in the bottom lane.

At 12 minutes, Olaf invaded the upper half of Pantheon's jungle area to steal six birds, but was discovered by Pantheon. W jumped in the face and was a crippling blow. Zoe and Galio also caught up from behind. Olaf He ran away in a panic, while the other side was chasing after him.

At this time, other teammates of SC also rushed over. Wanhao flashed E and stunned Galio and Zoe. R sighed and hugged Panson to the face of Olaf, who was still alive. Galio quickly activated his ultimate move, and Ornn also zoomed in. , "Here comes the sheep!"

Both sides launched their ultimate moves to join the chaotic team battle, and eventually the two sides played a two-for-two.

The economic gap between the two sides has reached 4k.

At 16 minutes, a team battle broke out between the two sides at the entrance of the vanguard pit.

This battle for the vanguard is very critical and is directly related to the outcome of the battle at the back, so both sides attach great importance to it.

(End of this chapter)

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