Chapter 505 Chapter 506: Brother, I’m coming

The starting positions of both sides were the same long snake formation as usual, without making any small moves.

Su Chen is a red bloomer, while Xiaotian is a blue bloomer.

Neither side had a killing blow in the early stage, but there was a little friction when the junglers of both sides were at level three.

After Udyr finished brushing his lower half jungle and six birds, he did not choose to brush red. Instead, he invaded Su Chen's lower half jungle to steal his blue.

Because Udyr came around from the shadow behind the blue buff pit and blocked his vision, the men who were fighting the Three Wolves did not notice Udyr's invasion.

Xiaotian easily stole the blue, and was not discovered by the Centaur until he was about to leave. Jace and the Centaur wanted to keep Udyr, but because they had no control skills, they could only watch the accelerating Udyr leave straight away. .

The holy gun brother who was on the road was unable to take care of himself due to the pressure of nuguri. At three and a half minutes, the sword girl jumped over the tower and killed Jace by force and walked away.


Niu Bao got the first blood from Brother Holy Spear.

"Master Chen, help me catch a wave later. I can't beat him." Brother Holy Spear readily admitted the gap between his laning strength and Nuguri, so he called his jungler father for help. If he was killed by the sword girl again, Once, he, Jace, was basically useless.

"Okay, I'll help you catch a wave later." Su Chen replied happily.

He also knew that the gap between his top laner and his opponent was quite big, so when Jace came back online after his resurrection, he squatted in the river grass on the top lane and waited for the knife girl to come forward.

Perhaps out of confidence in his own strength, nuguri did not ward in the river, but continued to press the line aggressively. The Q soldiers were passive and then directly went up to fight with Jace for blood.

Jace accidentally moved and was controlled by Dao Girl's E-wing double sword. Dao Girl's Q hit Jace's face, and she added three more A-level hits, and Jace was instantly half-healthy.

"Master Chen, come and help me!" Jace, who didn't flash, was about to be beaten to death by the knife girl.

"Brother, I'm here!" The cavalry rushed up with E, aimed at the knife girl and kicked her, but Nuguri didn't care about the cavalry at all. He chased after the close A and hit Jace twice, and then added another shot to draw the A. Killed Jace in front of everyone.

"Sister Dao: Design designer, please listen to my quibbles, oh no, explain."

"Fuck you, Niu Bao!"

"666, so fierce!"

The game time is 5 and a half minutes.

The Titans moved from the bottom lane to the middle lane, staying in the grass in the river, hoping to cooperate with Ryze and the Centaur to catch a wave of doinB Victor.

Ryze flashed EW to immobilize Victor. Titan walked up and hit A to passively imprison him, and the troops rushed down with E from above.

Under the concentrated fire of the three people, Victor, who was already fragile, was instantly crippled. When the control time expired, he immediately flashed out and wanted to escape back to the tower, but the Titan was waiting for this moment.

When Titan, holding Q in his hand, saw Victor flash, he decisively flew the hook toward doinb, accurately hooked Victor, and set it on fire.

Doinb was beaten by this series of combos and was unable to fight back, and died tragically under the tower.

The head is taken by the Frog Titan.

"Nice!" Su Chen praised.

At this time, the female tank and Udyr also came to the middle. The female tank flashed E and pointed at Titan, then used Q to knock it out. She wanted to cooperate with Udyr to replace Titan, but Titan was in very good condition at this time, almost full health. , it was impossible to force the replacement with the harmless female tank and Udyr, so Liu Qingsong had no choice but to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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