Chapter 518 Chapter 519: Udyr’s doubts

The old thief Sima took advantage of the opponent's AD mentality problem, seized on a mistake, and attacked decisively. Only the auxiliary's remaining health escaped, but it didn't matter, he didn't dare to defend the tower skin.

However, even so, Udyr did not appear. If he was on the top lane and the bear just came up to fight, Gnar would definitely not use his e skill to hide.

Then Udyr can only be in the middle or jungle area, and at this point in time, even if there are wild monsters, they have just been refreshed, so Su Chen judged that Udyr was in the middle.

Seeing Su Chen's bright moon walking down, Brother Holy Spear hit him even harder. He wanted to make the other side think that Su Chen was still up.

The commentators also sighed: "Master Chen is Master Chen. How did he judge that Udyr was in the middle? Was he just seen by the river crab's vision?"

Rita smiled: "Actually, it's not difficult. The red side is dead in the bottom lane, and is too scared to go up in the top lane. There are no wild monsters in the jungle, so it can only be in the middle lane."

The doll thought for a moment: "It's true."

"Master Chen's idea is indeed very clear. I really hope that soon Master Chen will develop and block the spring water, and a set of skills will kill the air every second."

"Don't dream about the previous one. You still have to save some face for others. You can't abuse the spring."

"That's right. Although Mr. Chen is already the world champion, there are still strong teams this year. If you are too arrogant, you will be pushed down by thousands of people. Are you...a fan?"

The official League of Legends MSI event live broadcast can be seen on Channel 2.

Zhou Shuyi, dumbfounded, looked at some of the barrage on the screen: "There is no need for you to set the pace. Everyone knows what Su Chen is like."

"This woman is good at everything, so why does she have a mouth?"

"Yes, A, I'm sorry!"

"Sister Zhou, do you think there is any team in the group stage that can equal Chen Ye SC's team?"

The house manager reminded: "Please don't set the pace, or I will kill you!"

"Start the killing? Why can't I see you usually? Oh, start the killing now? Ah!?"

"The old Onmyoji in front." Zhou Shuyi shook her head and continued to explain: "Master Chen is waiting for Nightmare to reach six in the grass. When the lights are turned off, he can immediately take down Udyr with two against one, and then take down the Canyon Herald. , this will give you the victory.”

As time passed, the audience became quieter and quieter.

Xiye's nightmare and the opponent's mid lane card were upgraded at the same time, and Xiye upgraded his R skill every second.

"The dark night is also afraid of me~"

The screen suddenly went black, Card was startled, and the yellow card was cut instantly, but after waiting for a long time, Nightmare showed no sign of anyone.

Just as he was wondering, the voice of his teammates rang in his ears: "I'm the jungler on the opposite side! Oh! Oh my God! Nightmare flew to me!"

The card immediately opens to give support.

Su Chen WQ flashed E to execute the execution and put up punishment. Udyr was instantly left with only a trace of blood. He was so frightened that he immediately touched the bright moon in his bear form, and then dodged through the wall in turtle form and ran in the direction of the card. Unfortunately, The nightmare flew over and he died.

The card was given a yellow card, and Nightmare fainted on the spot. Su Chen's Bright Moon reached level six after Udyr's death, and used the refreshed E skill to fly in front of the card. The card a flicked and released a skill.

He was hit by the half-health Jiao Yue's big move and was attracted.

The card has no skills in Bright Moon Instant Noodles. At this time, a red swirling light effect appears in the grass next to it.

The card flashed there immediately.

The next second, a blue vortex light effect appeared on the soldier in the middle.

Xiye's nightmare got out of the dazed state and rushed over immediately. The Q skill hit the card, and the accelerating nightmare put W on the card.

Sticky cards.

but! Gnarl, enlarged and half as angry as he is, lands!

(End of this chapter)

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