Chapter 531 Chapter 532: Post-match interview 1

At the same time, a certain fish channel 2 live broadcast room.

"Sister Zhou, what do you think of this?"

Zhou Shuyi: "Of course I sit and watch."

"Sister Zhou, why do you think Mr. Chen and his team are so awesome?"

Zhou Shuyi smiled helplessly: "If you ask me, who should I ask? This kind of thing usually depends on talent or hard work. In fact, there is no need for you to ask me, because where are Su Chen's previous game records? Still waiting."

But the audience was reluctant to give up, but Zhou Shuyi also received a signal from the director: "Don't leave in a hurry. Su Chen will come to our live broadcast room for Q&A later. If you have any questions, you can ask him directly." "

"Now there are post-match interviews in the group stage? Isn't this just the end of the game and not even the first round?"

"There's no way Master Chen is too popular. It's just for lunch. Don't shiver. Besides, don't you want to ask Master Chen questions directly?"

"You said you don't want to worry about affecting Master Chen's condition. I'll give you a warning soon!"

"Actually, I'm worried. What should I do if I'm really not in good condition for a while?"

"Well, it seems so!"

"What should I do?"

"Why don't we just chase Master Chen away before he comes?"


"You come up with bad ideas very quickly."

"What should we do? Can you give me an idea?"

"Can't you first care about Master Chen and then tell him your worries? What a bunch of fools!"

"Fool? Little sister! Add me as a friend! I will take you flying!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"That's right, why don't I add you as a friend? What's your rank? Are you higher than me? Miss, add me! I'm Yasuo Rogue 6!"

"Thief Six? E is a man who is always forward-looking and like a man of style, right?"

"You seem to be in a crooked building..."

"Please be more confident, it doesn't look like that, or it's just that the building is crooked. I think she is a young lady, and I can't help but reveal my true nature!"

"You fart, I just like her!" "I'm too embarrassed to point it out to you..."

"Is that what you call liking? You are just greedy for other people's bodies. You are despicable!"

"Oh? Aren't you greedy? You eunuch!"

"You don't even know if she's a boy or a girl, so you just lick her. Isn't that despicable?"

"Hey hey hey! Are we off topic? Why are we discussing this? Master Chen will be here later to see you guys bickering?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

"Rain Girl Wu Gua!"


Zhou Shuyi rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Can you barrages be more serious?"

"Okay, no more talking, Master Chen is here."

Su Chen walked into the room. Zhou Shuyi and another commentator explained that Su Chen didn't know him and he should be working part-time.

The male host stood up, shook hands with Su Chen and made a joke: "Hello Mr. Chen, I'm glad to have Mr. Chen after the game. In fact, after I just said you would come to the live broadcast room, fans are still discussing you endlessly. .”

Barrage is different.

"What the hell? I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"...Thickness seems to be a kind of talent."

Zhou Shuyi smiled and nodded at Su Chen. Su Chen smiled back and winked.

Zhou Shuyi found it funny for no reason.

The male host spread his cards and asked the first question: "Master Chen, the fans seem to know your evaluation of the PGG team. I wonder if you can explain it to your fans and viewers?"

"I didn't, I didn't know, I didn't ask, don't frame me!"

"This host is telling lies? When did we ask this?"

(End of this chapter)

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