Signed in silently for 365 days and was invited to the stage by the IG coach

Chapter 535 Chapter 536: Belonging to the Great Dragon

Chapter 535 Chapter 536: Belonging to the Great Dragon

Su Chen smiled: "Actually, if I were the jungler of either side, the outcome of this round would have been decided long ago."

When the time came to twenty minutes, UOL took down the third elemental dragon, the big dragon was refreshed, and both sides became nervous.

UOL kept looking to see if they could get one first, but PGG obviously thought the same way.

It was said that if you put it a little, it would explode, and the team battle started out of nowhere.

The PGG team was wiped out, and UOL had only one person left, and neither side could do anything to the other.

The remaining one had no choice but to count the troop lines, clear out the field of vision, and then go home to recover and update equipment.

After resurrection, the PGG machine goes straight to the dragon and has good vision.

"Are you going to have some fun? The advantage was so huge just now, and everyone from the other side ran over to send you off, and yet you were able to defeat them all?"

"Young man, I saw that you were in the lower ranks just now. Jiaoyue's second skill can control three people. It's already good to be able to play 5 for 4."

"Don't always make excuses for your lower rank. Why, your rank is so high that I can't express my opinion?"

"Don't make excuses from those in front. This wave of team battles is inexplicable. It depends on how the next wave of team battles are fought."

Now both sides have no vision in the Dalong Pit.

PGG's top laner was lining up in the Dalong Pit and suddenly saw the support on the red side on the opposite side.

Without saying a word, he went up to Q in hammer form, hoping to get Luo E down to cooperate with his teammates to kill him. This wave of dragons should be stable.

"Okay, you are the one who started the fight this time. It was explained that a Q can knock him down, but when Luo was hit by Q, he clicked on the explosive fruit and Jess also went down. In other words, Luo not only did not escape in this wave. Instead, it helped Jess too, he was a lifesaver!"

Rita was also startled: "If you, Poirot, die and the dragon is captured by PGG, you will be beaten that day!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, UOL quickly organized its players to go inside Longkong to replace at least one person on the opposite side. Otherwise, they would suffer too much in 4-on-5. Luo fired a big move in the dragon pit, but was stunned by PGG's auxiliary Japanese girl. He was helplessly focused and was reduced to half health in seconds. Luo wanted to use W to escape, but was controlled to death by the subsequent series of controls. .

The bear here at UOL jumped into the dragon pit and tried to save him, but it was too late. He was alone in there and was beheaded.

But at this time, a knife girl appeared behind PGG!

"Damn it, this team battle was so exciting. I hit three people during the Sword Girl!"

"UOL's Jiao Yue just used his ultimate move in the last wave, and the CD of his ultimate move is still more than 10 seconds away. Is UOL going to lose?"

But what everyone didn't expect was that after Dao Mei beat three people, she ran away without him.

Jiao Yue saw something bad and sold the remaining three or two teammates of Gou Xiong Command and himself, hoping to capture the little dragon soul.

Wheel Mom activates her ultimate move to accelerate.

PGG naturally knows what the opponent is thinking, but they feel that replacing the dragon soul with the big dragon does not seem to be a big loss, because there is also the dragon buff of the ancient dragon behind it.

UOL took the lead in getting the dragon soul, and then a dragon's scream spread throughout the canyon. The big dragon was successfully captured by PGG.

PGG won't show mercy to others! While UOL hasn't gone home yet, direct the entire team to rush to Xiaolongkeng.

But they were not fools. They had already scattered and escaped after defeating the dragon soul.

In the end, PGG caught and killed the red side's jungler Jiao Yue.

Then return to the city to replenish status update equipment.

"There was a huge mistake in this team fight. Luo was defeated first, and Xiong jumped down again to send him off."

(End of this chapter)

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