Chapter 558 Chapter 559: Want to come again?

Rita and Doll are also sharing the situation.

Wawa: "It seems that the SC team wants to repeat the same trick, but the UOL team is very cautious. I saw your troops, and your mid laner Katarina is also missing. Our jungler and mid laner are on top, then I see you and me Just run."

Rita: "Actually, the UOL team is also looking for opportunities. They are now at a huge disadvantage. Only by letting Dao Mei rise and lead the rhythm can their UOL team operate in this game. Otherwise, they will have already lost, so they My tactic is to abandon the car to save the commander. I let the bottom lane be wretched first, give up some troops and experience points, fatten up the top lane first, and then fight against Chen Ye’s Katarina, because my sword girl and Katarina are almost the same development. , Sword Girl is not afraid of Catalina at all. So I will switch with you."

Wawa nodded: "But this strategy can only be used once. What about the next wave? Let me look forward to the UOL team's counterattack."


Su Chen's Katarina went home to do the Lich's Scourge and had two real eyes repaired. It happened that Holy Gun Brother's Obama was resurrected, so the two of them walked up the road together.

Dao Mei ate two layers of tart crusts and happily went home to replenish her equipment. He was about to reach level eight.

Su Chen's Catalina first placed a real ward in the regular position. When he saw that the opposite ward was there, he received 10 yuan and continued to arrange his vision.

The trio on the UOL team naturally saw Catalina.

Xin Zhao and the male sword had some hesitation and speculation.

Xin Zhao: "This Katarina has gone to the road to help the sword girl with vision. What should we do next? I want to hear your opinions and analysis." The sword girl was not dazzled by the joy: "They Katarina He is too fat. He has already killed Lich Bane and Canyon Maker. He also has an arm guard on his body, which is like a cheat. He crushes us too much and cannot fight him. Even the three of us may not be able to fight him. He, let alone Lucian, I don’t think we can fight him, so we need to stabilize him first.”

The male swordsman also nodded: "Let's go to the bottom lane. It can also help relieve the pressure on the bottom lane. Since Katarina is on the top lane, let's go to the bottom lane. Although we are relatively weak in development, there are defense towers. They If you dare to cross the tower, we will accept their bounty. Even if you change them, we won’t lose. They think that the team economy is higher than ours. Except for the dead Lucian, everyone has a bounty of at least 150 yuan."

Xin Zhao concluded that his teammates had similar thoughts to his own, so he nodded in agreement.

The UOL team's bottom lane duo naturally feels a little better, especially the ADC. He is under too much pressure now. The SC team has basically put all the pressure on the bottom lane. He can't even replenish a few troops now, and can only occasionally With some experience, if he does it a few more times, he will naturally jump.

Now that the teammates have discussed coming to the bottom lane, it is naturally the best, but he did not say anything. What if he doesn't win after a while, or only one of them is replaced? Then you can still find reasons to throw the blame.

Of course the support is also happy. He always pays attention to the opponent's direction. The pressure can be said to be greater than that of the ADC. If he makes a mistake and lets the opponent rush into the ADC's face, he will definitely take the blame.

Now that the decision has been made, it's strange that Xin Zhao doesn't farm anymore. The SC team's bottom lane duo has been pressing under the tower. He thinks that if he brings a male sword, if the opponent's troops are not there, can't he just use two?

So the male sword pushed a wave of lanes and then opened the scan and came to the bottom lane with Xin Zhao, the triangle grass.

So far, they haven't noticed them, so the two of them started to confuse the assistants.

(End of this chapter)

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