Go abroad to become a director and overturn Hollywood at the box office

Chapter 5 Dinosaur special effects, I have 3 shooting techniques

Chapter 5 Dinosaur special effects, I have three shooting techniques

Watching the excited movie seniors.

Qin Feng quickly held his hand and said with a smile: "Director, you are too polite. As a junior, I have so much to learn from you."

The two exchanged a few words, and Spielberg sat down again and looked at Qin Feng again with eyes full of praise and appreciation.

Kennedy continued: "Qin Feng is not only the chief screenwriter, he is also a director. The company decided that he will serve as an assistant director to assist Mr. Spielberg in completing the filming."

It is not uncommon for a Hollywood movie to have three or four assistant directors.

No one here had any objections.

"Then Qin Feng, you will have to worry more in the future." Spielberg said with a smile.

"It's my pleasure!"

Spielberg looked around and said, "Has everyone read the script? If you have any problems or difficulties, please tell me."


"The most difficult thing is probably the special effects of the dinosaurs. Isla Nublar and the buildings on the island are easy to shoot, and we can set up various scenes. But as for the dinosaurs, I have never shot them before, so it is still very difficult!"

"There are 10 kinds of dinosaurs appearing in the entire script, covering static and dynamic, close-up and long-range shots, which is quite difficult."

"I feel that with the current post-production department of our company, it is impossible to guarantee such a large workload in terms of time and quality."

Qin Feng listened and took notes.

Due to the small number and low quality of science fiction films, the special effects of movies in this world are slightly behind those of previous generations.

But as long as the number of science fiction films increases and the market scale is formed, film special effects will definitely catch up.

Spielberg lowered his hand.

"Precisely because we have never done it before, we are full of challenges. Precisely because we have never filmed it before, the audience will be full of novelty."

"We must always take the first brave step!"

"I believe that as long as "Jurassic Park" is exciting enough, the audience will fall in love with science fiction movies, and we will go further and further in the future!"

Everyone was silent for a while, and everyone understood that a science fiction film with a large investment must first be tested.

At this time, someone suggested: "If it doesn't work, we can still follow the path of the previous special effects film, or film it as a stop-motion animation."

Someone immediately objected: "No... After all, the dinosaur part is the highlight, and there are many interactive scenes. If the filming is too fake, the audience will easily be distracted."

Everyone frowned slightly, thinking about practical issues.

Most people don't have enough confidence.

Spielberg looked at Qin Feng, who had been silent.

"Qin Feng, you have been a director before, do you have any good ideas?"

All eyes were on him.

Qin Feng had already done his homework. At this time, he coughed and said slowly:

"As for the effect of dinosaurs, if we want to achieve the point where the fake ones look like real ones, we have to use at least three methods."

"Oh?" Spielberg's eyes lit up.

"Come and listen!"

"First, we need to make mechanical models that can cope with different close-ups. These models can be controlled remotely. They also have a name: electronic mechanical puppets."

"In addition, for the highlight of the game, the Tyrannosaurus rex, we also need to make a full-body mechanical model so that we can shoot from all angles."

"The second type requires a combination of real people and machines. For example, for the Velociraptor, a rubber shell is made and the action actor puts it on to imitate the movements of the Velociraptor, but its head movement still needs to be controlled by machinery."

Everyone listened and nodded.

The first two points are not difficult to understand, as some movies have been made this way before.

"The third key aspect is CGI technology and computer special effects. We need CGI to create dinosaurs in the medium and long range, and the kind that can be generated in large quantities."

"These three methods complement each other and need to be combined effectively. Even if there are flaws, as long as they are combined with the actors' performance and environmental sound effects, there will be no problem in convincing the audience!"

Everyone looked at each other and were shocked.

I didn't expect this young man from China to know so much.

"But..." someone else questioned, "Even for medium and long shots, our post-production department may not be able to support the current special effects needs."

"That's right." Qin Feng said, "Since we can't support it, we need to find the best team in the industry to work together." "Only ILM Industrial Light & Magic can achieve the most ideal dinosaur special effects."

Industrial Light and Magic is indeed famous in the special effects industry. Its founder is George Lucas, the director of the "Star Wars" series.

Due to the slump in science fiction films, Industrial Light and Magic's business did not develop smoothly, and layoffs were often laid off.

"So...which company should we look for for mechanical models?"

Kennedy smiled: "I know there is one, Stanley Special Effects Studio, and I know its founder Stanley Winston. They have done many cases of mechanical models before."

Now that the dinosaur part has a plan to do it.

The other parts just need to be shot normally.

This time, no one seemed to raise any objections.

"Everyone," Kennedy said, "the project must be put into operation immediately. All departments must move faster. Time can be compressed as much as possible. We strive to meet the audience as soon as possible."

"Okay, let me assign the tasks." Spielberg said immediately.

The first thing is to cooperate with Industrial Light and Magic and Stanley Special Effects Studio. The director takes the lead and then leaves it to colleagues in the post-production department.

The responsible actor from the Screen Actors Guild will contact the appropriate actor immediately.

The location selection department began to select suitable shooting locations on Isla Nublar, as well as the selection and construction of sound stages.

The service department began to research and prepare relevant props and costumes.

All personnel need to immediately engage in relevant work and strive to start the machine as soon as possible.

Finally, he looked at Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, your first task here is to find a dinosaur expert."

"We need the most professional first-hand information on dinosaurs."

Qin Feng nodded, "No problem."

Spielberg explained a few more words to everyone. The meeting ended and everyone got busy.


Qin Feng returned to his workstation, turned on his computer, and searched for the most professional paleontologist in America.

After searching for a while, the Internet was mixed, and the more people searched, the more people searched.

He closed his eyes and thought about it.

The scientific consultant in the previous life was Dr. Jack Orner, who worked in a dinosaur museum in Montana.

I searched online for a while and found the museum’s phone number and address.

By contacting the staff, I got the doctor's phone number.

Qin Feng hit him.

"Hello?" The voice of an old man seemed to be busy with something.

"Hello, are you Dr. Jack Orner?"

"I am, tell me if you have anything to say."

"Hello, doctor, I am Qin Feng, the deputy director of Universal Pictures. We are going to make a movie about dinosaurs recently, and we would like to ask you to be our scientific consultant..."

"I'm not free!" The other party's voice was crisp.

"...Well, think about it, Doctor, this movie has a lot of significance for the audience to understand and like dinosaurs."

"I told you I'm not free! I still have work to do!"

"Dr. Orna, listen to me..."

"I'll hang up first, that's it!"


Qin Feng picked up the phone and saw that the other party had hung up.

"Hiss~ We didn't succeed at the beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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