Go abroad to become a director and overturn Hollywood at the box office

Chapter 90 Entering the bay town and flying to St. Vincent

Chapter 90 Entering the bay town and flying to St. Vincent
Follow the shooting plan.

Jack and Will arrive at Tetuga.

Tetuga is a small town on the bay, and all the exterior scenes were specially built.

Here is chaos, disorder, a mixture of fish and dragons, and pirates.

"B011, scene 2, third shot! Get ready...Action!"

Medium shot, night scene.

Jack and Will came to the bay town.

Jack held the wine bottle and introduced:

"It is sad if a person has not experienced the colorfulness of Tetuga, understand? What do you think?"

Some of the people around were fighting, punching and kicking each other.

Some were so drunk that they collapsed on the ground and kept pouring wine into their mouths.

More than 100 extras came to the scene, and everyone performed freely and completely let go.

Will frowned and agreed: "It's not bad."

Jack: "If every town in the world looked like this, no one would feel lost anymore."

At this time, a woman in red saw Jack and walked towards him.

Jack also saw her and ran over happily, "Scarlet!"

Snapped! !

As soon as he ran up to the woman, she slapped him in the face.

Jack was a little confused by the slap, "Is this slap for me?"

Snapped! !

Another woman appeared and slapped him.

Camera switch.

in the pigsty.

A drunk middle-aged man leaned on the back of a pig and actually fell asleep.

His name is Gibbs and he is Jack's good friend.

Jack poured a bucket of water over him.

Gibbs woke up from his dream, instantly pulled out his gun and cursed: "Go to hell, you lazy, talkative woman!"

It took a long time to see who was coming.

"Oh God...Jack?...You should think clearly before waking someone up, it will bring bad luck."

Jack pulled him to his feet.

As soon as Gibbs regained his footing, Will poured another bucket of water over him.

He shouted: "What the hell! I'm already awake!"

Will: "It's to cleanse you of the smell."


Indoor shooting, inside the wine shop.

The chaotic scene was similar to that outside.

Many people shook their fists at each other, and they were already fighting.

Jack walked up to Will with a glass of wine and reminded him: "Stand right at the door and pay attention to what's going on around you."

In the back room, it's quieter here.

Close shot, Jack and Gibbs sitting at a table.

The camera switches back and forth between the two.

Gibbs: "Are you taking risks again?"

Jack: "I'm looking for the Black Pearl."

Upon hearing "Black Pearl", Gibbs coughed twice and looked around.

Jack: "I know where he's going to show up, so I'm going to get it back."

Gibbs shook his head: "Jack, this is what a fool did. You know more about the Black Pearl than I do."

Jack: "Actually I know Barbossa better... I just want a boatload of sailors."

Gibbs choked him: "What makes you think Barbossa will give you the ship back?"

Jack pointed at Will at the door with his chin and whispered:
"This is a mutual benefit, a transaction. That man, he is the son and only son of 'Shoelace King' Bill Turner, do you know?"

Will's father, Bill Turner, was also a pirate and the key to the story.

Gibbs suddenly realized and looked at Will at the door again, "My only son..."

He turned back and said, "Okay, I will help you find the crew. There must be someone as crazy as you."

Jack raised his glass, "As long as there is hope, we must do our best and use our lives."

Gibbs: "Make a bet!"

The two clinked glasses and drank.


"Very good, a few more."

Qin Feng said while holding the walkie-talkie.After the shooting.

Qin Feng left the person in charge for a meeting while the others called it a day.

There were more than a dozen people in charge at the scene.

He said: "According to the plan, we will go to the Caribbean to shoot outdoor scenes the day after tomorrow."

"Each department will start making preparations tomorrow. All personnel and equipment will be inventoried and detailed."

Assistant director Stavin said: "Okay, I have contacted the charter flight."

"What about the two big ships?"

"We have already arrived in St. Vincent and can start shooting at any time."

The person in charge of the location team said: "There are also outdoor locations such as the port, and they are all completed."

"OK, all right."

"In this case, please do your best to ensure safety and have backup plans."

"We'll finish shooting the exterior scenes first, and then we'll come back to shoot Studio 2 at the end."

"Okay, Director Qin."

"Okay, Director Qin."


Qin Feng has been highly concentrated these days. He often shoots night scenes and doesn't sleep well.

I called Scarlett the next morning.

He said that he has been very busy recently, and he has to go filming on location. I am afraid I will be away for more than ten days.

Scarlett asked him to pay more attention to rest and take care of himself.

During the day, the crew and actors were making preparations for the trip, and they took a half-day off in the afternoon.

Day three.

The crew came to the Los Angeles Airport, loaded all the supplies on the plane, and flew directly to St. Vincent.

Saint Vincent is located in Central America.

Composed of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, it is a small volcanic island country located in the eastern Caribbean Sea.

It has a tropical monsoon climate with an average annual temperature of 23~31℃.

The filming locations previously selected and built by the location selection department are located on several islands in the archipelago, one of which is a tourist resort and can provide accommodation for the crew.

After the plane lands at the local airport, it still needs a transport fleet and a tugboat to transport it to the location.

The whole trip took a busy day and a half.

Finally arriving at the location, I saw two large ships and a number of small boats docked at the pier.

Except for a few people, most people saw the "Black Pearl" and "Dreadnought" battleships for the first time.

The two ships were built according to the design drawings and were very realistic and domineering. Walking on the ship was an eye-opener for everyone.

Under the leadership of Qin Feng, everyone maintained a tacit understanding, and the work was organized and orderly, and it was finally relatively smooth.

After everything was sorted out, a night scene needed to be re-shot that night.

Filming "The Black Pearl".

The actors were all dressed up and boarded the Black Pearl with the crew.

A professional crew sailed the ship not far from the port.

"C001, scene 1, first shooting! Get ready...Action!"

The Black Pearl, with its sails raised and strange lights on, sailed on the sea.

In Elizabeth's guest room.

A crew member came holding a dress.

"Hey, you're going to have dinner with the captain and he asked you to wear this."

"Then tell the captain that I will not obey his orders."

"Humph, he said you would say that, and he also said that if you don't agree, then you will have dinner with the crew, naked."

Elizabeth's face turned pale and she snatched the dress.

Camera switch.

Captain's Room.

Close-up, the table is filled with delicious food and many candles are lit.

Elizabeth had been starved for two days and was already ravenous.

But she was wearing a dress, and she still elegantly picked up a piece of meat and chewed it slowly.

During filming, these foods are edible and are not props.

Captain Barbossa also wore a big hat indoors, and his voice was strange and hoarse:
"Ha, this is not a celebration dinner, and there is no need to consider others. You must be very hungry, so feel free to eat."

After hearing this, Elizabeth put down her knife and fork, picked up an oversized chicken leg with both hands, and started eating it.

Barbossa was left looking at her meaningfully.

The eyes are extremely complex.

(End of this chapter)

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