Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers.

Chapter 197 Heading to the North Pole

He looked at the tiger in front of him who was the same as himself, but slightly bigger.

Lin Tianwei has a rather magical feeling.

This was the first time he had seen his body from this perspective.

Majestic, domineering, and powerful!

Move your new body around a bit.

Lin Tianwei found that his consciousness fit perfectly with No. [-]'s body, and he was completely able to control it like an arm.

It's as if No. [-]'s body is his own body, without any feeling of rejection at all.

This is understandable, after all, No. [-] itself is the product of Lin Tianwei cloning himself.

Through the link between the vampire's talent and spiritual power, he can even complete some actions that his body cannot.

Of course, these actions will cause a lot of damage to No. [-]'s body and should not be used lightly.

Although Lin Tianwei's consciousness was projected onto No. [-], it did not affect the main body's actions at all.

Rather, it is similar to a multitasking operation.

As long as the clone and the main body are not fighting at the same time, it will be too complicated.

This state does not affect Lin Tianwei's combat effectiveness at all, but instead gives him a strange feeling of dual perspectives.

Maybe it’s because I’m used to the 360-degree view of the field of view.

Lin Tianwei quickly got used to this strange perspective.

He began to control No. [-]'s body and began to move around the building, and soon he completely mastered the power of this body.


very weak!
After fully mastering the power of this body, Lin Tianwei came to the above conclusion and withdrew his consciousness.

Lin Tianwei was really not used to this feeling of being extremely weak.

Number [-] is not considered weak among the awakened beasts.

But that also depends on who you are comparing with.

Compared with Lin Tianwei, it's like heaven and earth.

The gap is so huge that it's terrifying.

No wonder he is disliked by Lin Tianwei.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Lin Tianwei obtains enough templates, he can use targeted transformation to strengthen No. [-].

Sooner or later, it will be strengthened into a powerful clone of its own.

Although Lin Tianwei could not completely use his own body as a template to transform No. [-].

But it doesn't matter, there are many powerful awakened beasts outside.

Compare their genes and extract the genes that represent powerful talents.

Lin Tianwei can easily give other creatures powerful talents through targeted transformation.

Not even limited to his own clones.

Even the creatures on the farm can.

In other words, the skill of directional transformation may also have quite terrifying lethality.

After all, transformation does not necessarily have to be in a good direction.

Transforming targets and causing their genes to collapse can also achieve the purpose of killing enemies quickly.

Thinking like this, Lin Tianwei felt that he had been a little narrow-minded before.

The talent of directional transformation is extremely powerful, and there is really a lot of potential that can be tapped.

No wonder the Karmic Fire Ant can become so powerful with this talent.

However, this talent is not completely without limitations.

Directed transformation requires a very large amount of energy.

Especially when the other party is very resistant, this kind of consumption is even more terrifying to the extreme.

In another case, targeted transformation also fails to take effect.

That is, the transformation target is too powerful and cannot be transformed.

The creature that made Lin Tianwei come to this conclusion was naturally himself.

He tried to use talent-oriented transformation on himself.

But he found that his body didn't change at all.

Or it could be said that a change occurred, but because not enough energy was invested, it did not take effect at all.

Conservative estimate.

If Lin Tianwei wants to use his directional transformation talent on himself, even the simplest transformation will require all the energy in his body.

This is completely worth the candle.

It seems that being too powerful is also a sin.

Lin Tianwei sighed and felt that the top priority should be to find some powerful awakened beasts.

Get the genes in their bodies that allow them to become so powerful.

Once he obtains enough powerful genes, Lin Tianwei can even use this talent to transform a powerful awakened beast with his bare hands.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked north.

There seems to be a very good target there who can provide himself with excellent transformation materials.
No one thought that this plan called "Driving Ants to Eat Tigers" would have such a serious chain reaction.

From the very beginning when a large number of karma fire ants were destroyed, the Tiger King proved his incomparable strength to everyone.

When the Yehuo Forest was destroyed, King Tiger showed his miraculous strength.

Then the tree spirit in the crazy forest showed its fangs and summoned a 400-meter-tall plant giant.

Trying to destroy the world.

But he didn't expect that as soon as it was born, it would provoke an opponent that he could never provoke.

In the end, he was disemboweled by Lin Tianwei, turned into awakening plants on the ground, and died completely.

No one could have imagined that things would not end here.

The giant tree spirit is dead, but not completely dead.

A being called the Nature Tree was born from the ruins left by the giant dryad.

There is no hostility towards humans, but there is no kindness either.

It directly occupied Pent City and a large area of ​​land nearby, once again reducing the amount of land that still belonged to the United States.

Of course, MacArthur also sent people to communicate with the natural trees and ask them to give up encroaching on their land.

It's just that Natural Tree is not as easy to talk to everyone as it is to Lin Tianwei.

Just after a simple communication, both parties quickly entered the stage of mutual understanding.

This battle ended sooner than imagined.

Without him.

Ziranshu showed his almost crushing strength and directly persuaded the troops sent by MacArthur to retreat.

After enduring various blows one after another, the United States does not have much fighting power left.

Naturally, it is impossible to waste it on this natural tree in front of you that you know you can't beat.

Anyway, Pent City has been destroyed by the giant tree spirit.

Even if it is recaptured, there will not be many resources.

In addition, the strength of the natural tree is also extremely terrifying.

On the contrary, it is better to give up the attack directly and save the scarce resources of the entire United States.

In this series of events, Lin Tianwei showed shocking strength.

Shocked everyone's jaws.

The overwhelming strength really makes people doubt whether he is a creature on the Blue Star.

The last existence that frightened them so much was the terrifying behemoth from the distant universe.

Of course, Lin Tianwei's farm is listed as a restricted area for humans.

Although it ranks very low because it is not completely forbidden to enter by humans.

But it can be regarded as everyone's recognition of Lin Tianwei's strength.

One tiger is a restricted area!
At this point, the matter of driving away ants and devouring tigers can be considered completely over.

Of course, for the United States, this incident is not entirely a bad thing.

Although they lost at least one city, they did not gain anything at all.

The resources in the Karmic Fire Forest and the Crazy Forest are their biggest gains.

An extremely terrifying harvest!

Because Lin Tianwei hunted too many ants of Karma Fire, even a lot of them were devoured by the tree spirits.

A large part of it still remains.

The carapace of these Karma Fire Ants was nothing more than garbage in Lin Tianwei's eyes and was randomly discarded in the Karma Fire Forest.

It attracted the peeping glances of countless awakened creatures.

After all, the flesh and blood in these corpses means a lot of energy.

A huge energy that can awaken countless ethnic groups.

It was under this circumstance that a battle began over the ownership of these ants of karma.

After the flames of war and gunpowder, the final winner was the entire United States represented by MacArthur.

They got what they wanted and harvested a large number of Karma Fire Ant carapace.

Although it was quite rewarding, the feeling of being suppressed by Lin Tianwei and the natural trees was really frustrating.

MacArthur felt very uncomfortable.

When did the powerful United States fall to this point?

Even an awakened creature can press the dignity of America to the ground and rub it.


This is a disgrace to all of America!

Sense of shame and then courage.

Or he could sink completely into shame.

America's choice is undoubtedly the former.

While ensuring the execution of Plan B, another plan called Plan M also quietly began to be implemented.

It's just that the completion of these two plans requires a lot of time.

It is difficult to gain anything in a short period of time.

Although MacArthur was anxious, he could only wait patiently.

He believes that victory always belongs to him, the more patient hunter! ——
Just when MacArthur was about to get up and grow, Lin Tianwei also ushered in today's dinner.

Under his instructions, Euro made a little bit of preparations for today's dinner.

All kinds of livestock that are ready to be killed are quickly mutilated.

They were sorted according to different parts of the body, and then sent to the high-rise building where Lin Tianwei was located.

This arrangement was naturally for Lin Tianwei to experiment with the new talent he had just acquired: spiritual food (extraordinary).

Can you gain more mental power by eating special parts?
Lin Tianwei naturally wanted to experiment to find out which part was considered a special part.

Only by taking targeted food can you improve your mental strength faster.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at the food beside him.

Just plain cut, freshest food.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei directly lifted a cart of food, put it into his mouth and swallowed it.

Lin Tianwei's powerful digestion ability allows Lin Tianwei to swallow the food directly without chewing it and turn it into his own energy.

As the food was gradually digested, Lin Tianwei felt some energy flowing into his brain along his blood.

It's just that these energies are really pitiful.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for absorbing the mysterious energy, mental power +0.02 (0.01)."

An increase in mental power that is better than nothing.

After all calculations, Lin Tianwei's food intake throughout the day can only increase his mental power by about 0.5.

However, considering that this talent has no cost, as long as you eat normally.

In fact, it can be regarded as a very good talent.

After Lin Tianwei tried many things, he found that the mental power gained from eating flesh and blood was very little.

On the contrary, a lot of mental power is obtained when eating the brains of prey.There is probably a difference of about a hundred times.

This discovery was completely within Lin Tianwei's expectation.

After all, the brain-eating worm itself is greedy for brains, and it can be regarded as having already given the answer to this skill.

It’s just that the brain is the core part of the body of most living things.

The quantity is pitifully small, and even if you want to use it in a targeted manner, it is very difficult.

It is better to eat a huge amount of flesh and blood.

After thinking about it, Lin Tianwei finally decided to eat normally.

A hundred times the trace amount was still a trace amount, which would not be of much help to Lin Tianwei at all.

Therefore, hunting a large number of farm creatures will not only earn the title of a brain-eating maniac, but also affect Lin Tianwei's glorious image.

It will also affect the ecological balance of the farm and undermine sustainable development.

In the end, the amount of spiritual power that could be added to Lin Tianwei was very little, and it was really not worth the loss.

If Lin Tianwei's guess is not wrong.

Perhaps the correct use of this talent should not be reflected in eating ordinary food.

And on top of eating those treasures that can increase spiritual power.

Greatly increase your own phagocytosis efficiency.

Under the same circumstances, add more mental power to yourself.

It was considered a fairly good talent, Lin Tianwei made a judgment in his mind.

After eating and drinking, it’s time to move your body for the hunt.

In the far north, the polar bear king Tasca is Lin Tianwei's next opponent.

The other party was able to grow into such a terrifying behemoth by virtue of his identity as an ordinary polar bear.

He must have the talent that Lin Tianwei wants: super doubling (extraordinary)!

The merely advanced super doubling talent had reached its limit at this time, making it impossible for Lin Tianwei to continue to grow.

Forcing yourself to grow will only put your body in danger of collapse.

Compared with directly using talent fragments to upgrade, it is obviously more cost-effective to go to the wild to hunt awakened beasts with corresponding talents.

After all, once the other person's talent overlaps with your own.

Even if you kill him, you can only get some talent fragments that are better than nothing.

Therefore, directly hunting the polar bear king Tasca is Lin Tianwei's best choice.

for example.

Lin Tianwei now has an advanced super multiplier talent, which requires 100 million talent fragments to upgrade.

He already possesses the extraordinary super multiplier talent, but he can only obtain 10,000+ talent fragments by hunting the polar bear king Tasca.

But if you choose to hunt the polar bear king Taska first, you can extract his extraordinary super multiplication talent.

This can save Lin Tianwei more than 80 talent fragments.

This is a sure way to make money without losing money.

What's more, Lin Tianwei urgently needs genes that can support the talent of super doubling.

Use it to cultivate your own avatar and let your avatar grow into a behemoth.

By then, the power he possesses will be even more terrifying.

The main body carries five equally powerful clones.

No matter where he goes, this is definitely an existence capable of destroying heaven and earth.

By then, perhaps the arrogant Lin Tianwei of Sakurajima will be able to make a comeback.

But before that, Lin Tianwei still needs to use the saved talent fragments to improve himself a little.

Talent fragments: 250 points!

Such a terrifying number of talent fragments can allow Lin Tianwei to upgrade two extraordinary talents.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei chose Talent: Water Combat Ability (Elementary) and Talent: Electricity Release (Advanced)!

Water combat ability is easy to understand, which is to improve Lin Tianwei's ability to fight underwater.

As an invincible warrior on land, no opponent on the ground can compete with him.

What I am thinking about now is naturally how to expand my territory.

Water combat ability is naturally the first choice.

Especially this time the goal is to get to the North Pole.

If Lin Tianwei doesn't want to take a long way around, swimming across the Arctic Ocean is the best option.

There are countless killers hidden in the ocean.

In addition, it is not Lin Tianwei's main battlefield, so his combat effectiveness and mobility will be greatly restricted.

At that time, you may become passive.

In this case, improving Lin Tianwei's water fighting ability is naturally a top priority.

As for the current release?

A versatile offensive skill, especially effective underwater.

It is not difficult to understand that Lin Tianwei will become Lin Tianwei's first choice for upgrade.

After determining the upgrade target, Lin Tianwei felt a warm current coming from the void, which was constantly nourishing his body.

As this warm current was completely absorbed by himself, Lin Tianwei's talent upgrade was completely completed.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's talent: Water Combat Ability (Elementary) being upgraded to Talent: Water Combat Ability (Extraordinary)."

"Ding, congratulations on the host's talent: Electricity Release (Advanced) being upgraded to Talent: Electricity Release (Extraordinary)."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading his talent. His strength has been significantly improved."

"Ding, congratulations on the success of the host's talent: Water Fighting Ability (Extraordinary) Devouring Talent: Water Hiding (Intermediate), and gained more powerful power."

As several system prompts flashed by, Lin Tianwei felt that his body became stronger.

Especially the upgrade of the talent of Electricity Release, it is the most intuitive feeling.

Now Lin Tianwei, every cell in his body can release powerful electric current.

A more terrifying current than before.

The full burst is enough to kill a behemoth about the same size as himself in an instant.

Even a more powerful opponent will fall into a state of paralysis when faced with such a terrifying current.

Become the target of Lin Tianwei's mercy.

Either have strong current resistance or have a special structure.

Otherwise, the talent of Electricity Release will be very useful.

As for Mizugakure?

Lin Tianwei did not expect that this talent would be integrated into the water combat ability.

But then I thought about it, concealment is also a skill in fighting, and it is normal to reach the same goal through different paths.

After taking care of all this, it was almost time to set off.

The field of view opens.

Lin Tianwei had a panoramic view of the entire farm.

It's only been a few days, but the farm has already undergone tremendous changes.

The bodies of the Karmic Fire Ants have been basically cleaned up.

Except for the remaining carapace piled in the warehouse, the flesh and blood have long been turned into fertilizer for thorns.

This can be regarded as the reward that Thorns, as the farm's strongest line of defense, suffered heavy losses in the invasion of Karma Fire Ants.

It has to be said that the growth rate of thorns is very fast.

A new line of defense was quickly built around the farm.

Any enemy who tries to attack the farm will be mercilessly attacked by the Thorn clones at the first opportunity.

Those ruthless spikes are the thorns' best means of attack.

However, even for plants, the growth rate of thorns is too exaggerated.

Perhaps the ability it successfully awakened in the first place was one of rapid growth.

Strong consciousness and various offensive methods may be just changes brought about by the growth of attributes.

Of course, Awakening Bees and Awakening Potatoes also took a share of the pie.

However, since they are not the main fighting force of the farm, they are not treated as favorably as thorns.

The amount of flesh and blood obtained is still far behind.

However, their losses were not big, or basically no losses.

Overall, it is still booming.

And the little ant controlled by Lin Tianwei with the spiritual sword is also growing rapidly.

Maybe it's because of the same origin.

The conversion efficiency of the flesh and blood it eats from those karma fire ants is very high.

It soon grew into a big meat ball.

If it gets bigger, it can start laying eggs and display the greatest terror of the Karmic Fire Ant.

In addition, the farm itself is also well-equipped with strong soldiers and horses, and all the staff are superpowers.

The strength can be considered top among the major cities.

Lin Tianwei is not afraid of another sneak attack on his lair.

After all, the last person who dared to attack his lair, Eliseo, met an extremely miserable end.

Even if Lin Tianwei pressed her down and rubbed her repeatedly, there would be no problem at all.

It is absolutely impossible for someone to dare to attack their own farm after eating the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard.

This is also the reason why Lin Tianwei launched a thunderous attack on Las City before.

What America likes most is bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

If you really don't care, they might think that you are afraid of them, and then they will trick you even more.

Only by striking them with thunder and completely destroying their confidence can they protect their farm.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei no longer hesitated, stood up and walked out of his residence.

As Lin Tianwei's size continues to expand.

This building, which is tens of meters high, also seems to be a little stretched.

Plus there are five massive cloned tigers.

It happened that while Lin Tianwei was traveling, he asked Ouluo to expand it.

After I come back, I can live more comfortably.

Thinking like this, Lin Tianwei gave a direct order to Ou Luo.

This feeling that most things can be handled by my subordinates is really great.

And looking at Ouluo's ecstatic expression, it was obvious that he was also very happy to help Lin Tianwei.

How could Ou Luo not be willing to help Lin Tianwei?

This is a real god.

A god who never hesitates to bestow favors.

Not only does it protect the farm where it is located, but it also has the ability to grant immortality to humans.

The miracles experienced by Pavel and Nobbs are still vivid in their minds.

eternal life.

That is the ultimate pursuit in the eyes of countless people.

How could Euro not be greedy?

Of course, Ou Luo did not dare to ask for anything from Lin Tianwei, and would only do everything Lin Tianwei asked him to do.

Because Lin Tianwei had given him so many gifts that he would never be able to repay them in eternity.

The only thing he should do is to serve Lin Tianwei wholeheartedly.

I believe that the benevolent Tiger King will definitely send his gift at the right time.

After all, Lord Tiger King is always so kind.

Thinking of this, Euro became more motivated. (End of chapter)

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