Chapter 127 Let me see my limit!

Exhaling a breath, Chen Cheng opened his eyes and felt the long-lasting curse lingering around his body. The talisman in his body suddenly lit up, and all the curses suddenly fell silent and dissipated.

Chen Cheng came to the cabinet full of drawers, opened the drawers one by one, and took out the corresponding medicinal materials or minerals.

After some cooking, Chen Cheng looked at the dark, viscous liquid in the pot and took out a seed with a strange pattern on the surface. It was a different species!
In the Ningjin formula deduced by Chen Cheng, if you want to have strong evolutionary ability, only alien species can provide such active vitality.

Generally speaking, alien species are either destroyed or remain intact and cannot be used as materials for Ningjin Fang.

But one thing will bring down another, and under the power of the wishing bottle, the alien species will be willing to lose.

When Chen Cheng held the alien species to his mouth, he used the power of the wishing bottle charm to modify the characteristics of the alien species, and then threw it into the pot.

The next second, the viscous liquid suddenly started rolling, and it was very violent. However, during the rolling process, the liquid at the bottom floated up with a hint of gold, and then more and more gold came up, and finally it was full. The liquid in the pot turned into a gold-like grease-like ointment.

"If you want to practice the Hundong Ji Zhen Tian Demon Kung Fu, you will need the corresponding Condensation Method. However, this technique is the only one I can practice."

"Including the alien species, the cost of this pot of medicine is simply 10 taels of silver."

The secret room was extremely empty at this time, and the original meat mountains and land turtle meat fields had disappeared.

As for where the Lushan turtle meat field went, we can tell from the mutant species that Chen Cheng took out.

After gaining the power of the Yin Mansion, Chen Chengcheng had the ability to copy demons and ghosts. Just now, he had a sudden thought, since he could use the Yin Mansion to clone demons and ghosts, if he defeated the demons and ghosts, would he create alien species?

Practice brings true knowledge, and soon, the meat field of this Lushan turtle pinched by Chen Cheng was exploded, and the alien species was revealed.

Looking at the golden ointment that came out, Chen Cheng took off his clothes and rubbed the ointment on his body with his hands, leaving no trace of the ointment on his body.

After rubbing the golden ointment away, it seemed as if a layer of golden paint had been attached to Chen Cheng.

The next second, a weak burning sensation came from all over the body. As time passed, the burning sensation became stronger and stronger. Chen Cheng felt that the qi and blood all over his body were aroused, and began to actively strengthen according to the power of the medicine. Body.

"Hundong Jizhen Tianmo Kung also incorporates the foundation of Hunyuan's gold-eating and evil-destroying technique. There will be no obstacles to converting. Seven days is enough."

Chen Chengcai has four levels of blood. Even if he switches to Hundong Jizhen Tianmo Kung, his strength will not change much, but the further he goes, the bigger the gap becomes.

Five days later, Chen Cheng transformed into a golden man, exuding a faint golden light, looking like a golden Arhat.

Suddenly, Chen Cheng opened his eyes, bursts of explosions erupted from his body, and the muscles on his body surged crazily. The muscles continued to pile up and swelled into a three-meter-tall demon with four arms and fangs, and a body covered in scales and bones.

The big mouth opened, and a strong suction force was generated from the mouth. The big piece of meat piled next to it immediately flew over, and was bitten by Chen Cheng. After chewing it a few times, he swallowed it, and his internal organs roared.

Seeing the mountain-like pile of meat descending rapidly, as the big meat was digested, intense high temperature emitted from the body that was like a mountain of meat.

After a long time, when several meat mountains in the secret room completely disappeared, Chen Cheng's bottomless pit-like mouth finally closed.

Chen Cheng opened his eyes, felt the power in his body, and exhaled a breath of hot air.

"The strength has not improved much, and even the speed has not changed."

"The real reward is that I finally mastered the Hundong Ji Zhen Tian Mo Kung Fu. From now on, I can practice multiple techniques at the same time, and I don't have to worry about not being able to fully exert my power."

"After you have mastered the Hundong Jizhen Tianmo Kung Fu, if you practice other techniques, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and this effect will probably exceed the imagination of others!"

Feeling the extremely active flesh and blood in his body, Chen Cheng had a feeling that if he practiced a four-blood martial art now, as long as he had enough flesh, he could complete it within a few days.

"Judging from my fight with Chang Gu Ke, compared with my strength, my speed and defense are far inferior."

"This scale armor on the body is just a result of swallowing too much metal, and then gathering it in the body and mutating it. The defense is very strong among the fourth-blood warriors, but against the ninth-blood warrior, it is as fragile as tofu. .”

"There is no way. The original defense was completely supported by the Wujin Moshan Kung Fu, a horizontal training method. No matter how strong the defense is, there is a limit."

"But now that I have mastered the Hundong Jizhen Tianmo Kung Fu, I can practice more horizontal training techniques. If one is not enough, I will use two. If two are not enough, I will practice ten!"

“If you stack up the numbers, you’ll be able to bear it in the end!”

Chen Cheng integrated the martial arts experience of many criminals and finally understood.

Practicing martial arts means constantly evolving!

Therefore, when he was deducing the Hun Dong Ji Zhen Tian Demon Kung, he had many directions, and finally chose to specialize in evolution.

Chen Cheng is looking forward to the astonishing effects of combining Hundong Jizhen Tianmo Kung with the Chun Fei Peng Talisman.

"Eating meat is too much trouble!"

Chen Cheng rubbed his chin.

In order to eat more meat, he specially unfolded the Jiuji Xuanjia.

But after swallowing tens of thousands of kilograms of meat in one go, his mouth felt sore even with his endurance.

"Now that it has been experimentally found that the ghosts copied from the Netherworld can also produce alien species, then the things we have been thinking about before can also be put on the agenda."

Before, Chen Chengcheng ate meat until his cheeks hurt. At that time, he was thinking that he would try to find high-quality, small meat fields in the future, copy it and swallow it directly in his stomach. In this way, he would have to digest it all the time. , you don’t have to open your mouth to eat.

Now that he discovered that the fabricated demons and ghosts could also produce alien species, Chen Cheng decided to take the initiative. Instead of sitting around and waiting to find other meat fields, he might as well create a meat field that met his own requirements.

"Regeneration will also be affected in meat fields that are transformed from plants, which are mindless organisms."

Chen Cheng thought of the Purple Jade Lotus Meat Field he had made before, which could only regenerate four kilograms of meat every day. If it hadn't had a special function and could be used to make wheel-turning pills, Chen Cheng would have exploded it and recycled the alien species.

"So we still need to use some kind of creature as a carrier, and then use the power of the underworld to copy it and deprive it of its thinking. In this way, it can become a perpetual motion machine that does not move or struggle, but only silently provides energy."

Chen Cheng's eyes lit up and he was extremely satisfied with his creativity.

"I was thinking about what to use, so I took the initiative to deliver it to my door." Chen Cheng's eyes lit up when he saw something.

He walked forward and picked up a slimy, soft creature from the corner.

A slug, also known as a slug.

Chen Cheng had no requirements for the meat field to be generated next. The only requirement was that it should not be too big when Chen Cheng integrated the alien species into the slug's body.

The slug expanded for a while, and finally expanded to the size of a fist.

Chen Cheng tried to crush half of the slug's body. The next second, the half of the body that was crushed regenerated.

The slug monster turned around and bit Chen Cheng's finger fiercely. Chen Cheng's face turned cold. After copying the information about the slug meat field, strength surged in his palm. The next second, the fist-sized slug exploded instantly.

After taking back the alien species, Chen Cheng used the ghost house to create a copy of the slug meat field he had just exploded.

This replica slug meatfield curled up motionless in Chen Cheng's palm, like a plant monster.

Chen Cheng pinched the sticky slug meat, raised his head, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Lubricated by the slug's mucus, Chen Cheng swallowed the slug meat easily.

The internal organs were roaring, and the slug meat that was swallowed into the stomach was quickly digested. Chen Cheng's eyes lit up as he felt the endless energy in his body.

"At this speed, it can not only meet daily training needs, but also charge supernatural powers."

Chen Cheng is not practicing martial arts all the time. When he is not practicing martial arts, the energy obtained through digestion can be used to charge his supernatural powers. At this rate, it can be fully charged in about a month.

"I can finally free my mouth from the mountain of meat."

"I always eat a lot of meat. Chun Feipeng Talisman thought I had some special hobbies. After deliberately evolving, the corners of my mouth are extending further and further back, and the teeth are getting sharper and sharper."

Chen Cheng's appearance is not bad now, but after unfolding the Jiuji Xuanjia, it is exaggerated.

Chen Cheng selected a few Henglian martial arts books from his memory. These Henglian martial arts books were not the best. The reason why he chose them was because of the strength of these techniques. He happened to have collected them and could try them right away.

"I really want to try the effect of Hundong Ji Zhen Tian Mo Kung and Chun Fei Peng Talisman!"

Chen Cheng licked his lips, his face full of excitement and anticipation.

Soon, Chen Chengcheng prepared several prescriptions.

"The first is the Iron Lock Hengjiang Kung Fu."

Iron Lock Hengjiang Kung Fu requires swallowing a special prescription and then beating the body continuously with a stick.

Chen Cheng swallowed a potion, then with a thought in his heart, he pinched a daredevil and brought it out.

The bold man picked up the wooden stick next to him and beat Chen Cheng hard on the body. The wooden stick broke instantly and Chen Cheng frowned.

"Iron Lock Hengjiang Kung Fu was beaten with a wooden stick at the beginning, because by default, ordinary people practice it, and they can't bear it with an iron rod as soon as they start. However, the strength is not enough for me."

Chen Cheng immediately ordered the brave men to use iron rods.

The iron rod whirred as it was being swung, and it hit Chen Cheng's back hard.

"It works!"

Soon, under the brave man's swing, the solid iron rod was bent.

Chen Cheng could feel that in the place where he was hit, the power of the medicine he had just swallowed gathered rapidly, and then the energy and blood began to strengthen, and the speed of strengthening was very different from before!

It’s like going from pedaling a bicycle to riding a high-speed train!
After the strengthening began, Chen Cheng felt that the flesh, blood, and blood all over his body were stirring.

The next second, the areas that were not hit by the iron rod began to strengthen with the support of Qi and blood, even without the help of medicine.

"Is this one enhancement, all enhancements?"

Soon, the potion's power was exhausted, but the strengthening in the body did not stop.

"More than that! It's a once-for-life enhancement!"

"This means that I only need to use a pair of Ning Jin Fang. As long as I have enough strength, I can continue to strengthen it until it cannot be strengthened."

Chen Cheng had stopped practicing martial arts, but his meat field did not stop, and he spontaneously practiced the Iron Lock Hengjiang Kung Fu.

10. After [-] minutes, the first level of Iron Lock Hengjiang was completed!Get excited!

Chen Cheng had to prepare the medicine again, and soon another medicine was poured from his mouth.

Three 10 minutes later, the second level of blood!

Five and 10 minutes, third level, second blood!

Two hours later, the fourth floor, three blood!

The surface of Chen Cheng's body continued to harden, and his skin turned pale gray.

In the end, when the Iron Lock Hengjiang Kung Fu was strengthened to the fourth level, it stopped, because the Iron Lock Hengjiang Kung Fu only had four levels in total.

"I took seven days off, and now I have two days left."

"Go on! Show me my limits!"

(End of this chapter)

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