Chapter 101

"But..." Jasmine hesitated and said, "This village is the property left to you by the eldest lady. Are you willing to sell it?"

"The best thing my mother left for me is my life. Everything else is external to me. I can't take it with me in life, and I can't take it with me in death. There is nothing I would rather not part with. I'm tired, so you can go down." Yun Xi didn't want to Talk nonsense to her and send her out with a few words.Jasmine had no choice but to withdraw.

"Miss, what's going on with Jasmine?" Qingluan asked without knowing why.

"She was sent here by the Qin Mansion. She seemed to be the bed-warming maid in Qin Ruofei's house."

When Qingluan heard that she was from the Qin Mansion, his expression immediately changed: "No wonder she keeps talking for the madam and the housekeeper. It turns out that she is an undercover agent. Why did the young lady keep her here after she knew it earlier?"

"It's better to have more than one person working. Let her do all the dirty work in Osmanthus Hall, and you will be much more relaxed." Yun Xi said with a smile.

Qingluan also laughed, but she took away the tea that Yun Xi was about to drink: "But the food she brought is still not drinkable. Who knows if there is anything added in it, I will pour it out and bring new ones."

Looking at Qingluan leaving with the tea cup, Yun Xi smiled from ear to ear. Her little Qingluan had always learned from every experience.

After being kicked out by Yun Xi, Jasmine didn't go anywhere. She walked around the yard to make sure no one was watching, then she ran to Mrs. Qin's house.

"What? She still wants to sell it?" Mrs. Qin had just settled down after dealing with the builder.

She likes Longzhuang and comes here twice a year, usually during the Mid-Autumn Festival and Xiaonian. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, she comes to taste fresh longan and during the Xiaonian, she gathers with the workers.Every time I come here I stay for a few days, always staying in a house that is warm in winter and cool in summer. Before I could move in this time, Pan’s mother was occupied by the little bitch when she came to report. She was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger.

"Madam, the fifth lady said this. Since Zhuangzi is losing money, there is no need to keep it."

Mrs. Qin was about to scold Jasmine and scold her for being incompetent, but she was sent out by Xiao Yunyue who came in.

She sat next to Qin: "What worries does mother have?"

Mrs. Qin sighed: "We came here for a purpose. It is impossible to hand over Longzhuang to her, but she insists on selling it, so what can we do? Longzhuang is a profitable village. Although I married you, But after all, there are no official procedures. It's still under Lin Yuyao's name. The little bitch can make the decision. My uncle is currently in a prosperous career and needs money. Your husband's family is not generous. They count on you for everything. No. How can you help your husband's family without Longzhuang and the shop?"

"Mom is really thinking long-term. If the little bitch commits a crime and is caught and imprisoned, she will be in prison for the rest of her life. She can't take away this Zhuangzi. It doesn't matter whose name it is in. Although my brother and I were born to you, , but they are also called Lin's mother, and they are called her every time they pay homage, which means they are her children." There was a sinister look in Xiao Yunyue's eyes.A plan hatched in her mind.

"Isn't it? Every time I pay homage and hear you and Xuan'er calling Mrs. Lin's mother, my heart feels like being pricked by needles."

"Mother, it's not my daughter who is telling you that you always care too much about the immediate gains and losses, which is why you annoy your father. Take those things back in your hands. The Yushi Mansion and the Qin Mansion have relied on the Lin family's dowry to make things better. You should have everything go smoothly. I asked my father not to compete with him anymore, and to tell my younger brother to work hard and stop being idle all day long. And the part in my grandmother's hand is the big one. I have to find a way to get it. What does this little thing in your hand count? "

(End of this chapter)

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