But the panic didn't last long before a question appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[What is the outcome of saving Tingen City? ]

[1: Everyone is happy, everyone is alive and came down to defeat the evil god. ]
[2: Half of the city of Tingen was lost, and half of the night watchers died. ]
[3: Without much impact, the deaths of Captain Nighthawks and Klein resulted in a happy ending. ]
There are three choices for a question, but these three choices have silenced many people. It is difficult for everyone to decide for a while, how should they choose.

Of course they want to make everyone happy and save the entire city without any loss, but the latter two options are the most reasonable.

After all, that was the evil god. The power of the evil god was so powerful, how could it be easily neutralized? As for the last one, more people were silenced.

No one thought about the fact that Klein and Dunn would die. They all thought it was impossible that the Fool would die in this operation to save the city. This was a joke.

So the vast majority of people choose one or two, and choose one with some dreams in their hearts.

Those who feel the reality is cruel will choose the second one. As for those who choose the third, very few choose the third. Only one in [-] people choose the third.

In the world of the Lord of Mysteries, Alger chose two, but he also felt that three was impossible. Mr. Fool was so powerful, how could he die?This is definitely a scam.

So Alger firmly believed in his idea, but the wrong prompt made him almost fall off his seat. What happened?

It's definitely impossible, how can such a perfect ending be possible when an evil god comes.

In this world, extraordinary power also needs to be digested. For a being like Mr. Fool, even if he has strong power at the beginning, he still needs time to digest and adapt, otherwise he will not be so at a loss.

There is only one last possibility, which is that the Nighthawk Captain and Klein died in the battle against the Evil God. But how is this possible?

Could such a being actually die?In other words, he used his life to protect a city. No matter how you think about Alger, it feels unreasonable.

However, the fact was right in front of him, which made Alger have no choice but to believe it.

As for another Tarot Club member, Miss Audrey, she chose one.

She hoped that this story would have a happy ending, and she didn't want to see it, no matter it was the second or third one, but the wrong options that appeared in front of her still made Audrey's eyes a little sad.

"What will be the end of Mr. Fool? Please survive, but I don't want to see more people die."

Audrey prayed to the stars and prayed to the night, hoping that the goddess would bless the fool.

In another corner of the world, Amon, wearing a monocle, was looking at this question with interest, and then he chose three.

It's not that he can see the future, but after strict analysis, only three are the most suitable, and as for one, no one will die.

It is impossible for an evil god to descend in this situation, and it is not that easy to deal with, especially for ordinary people.

But like two, it is impossible for the entire city to lose half of its population because the goddess will not ignore it. That is on the territory of the true god.

As for three, although it seems a bit outrageous that Klein will die, in fact, the sequence that Klein is in is the Fool's sequence.

There is a miracle master in the Fool sequence. Resurrection from the dead is a miracle. Klein has also used this ability before.

Amon is familiar with every sequence, so Amon also knows that Miracle Master has the ability to resurrect several times.

Klein only used it once, and he will definitely come back to life after death.

However, there are always only a few people who know this, and there are too few who can choose the right one. This time, after Amon chose the right one, what appeared in front of him also stunned Amon. [Congratulations on your correct choice, you have obtained a unique copy of the door path. This copy will not be related to the original path, but has all the abilities of the original path.

Reminder: Replicas are free from contamination. ]
Amon's face showed a happy expression, and his laughter became louder. After having two uniquenesses, he is one step closer to the Lord of Mysteries. He will not even be contaminated by the Lord of Mysteries, which is great. .

The rewards obtained at the level of Amon are all unique, and the rewards obtained at the level of God will of course be even greater.

If you choose the wrong goddess of the night, what you get is of course a unique copy.

As for people in other worlds, they don't know much about this, but they rarely choose to stay on the mountain.

But when Su Yun appeared in front of everyone with the correct answer three, everyone was stunned and no one expected it.

How could it be three? Klein would actually die. Even Klein himself did not expect this ending.

He swallowed, feeling that he could not be so unlucky and die in this world.

The screen began to rotate, and then the cause of death of Dunn and Klein was played above.

The existence of the evil god affects the entire city. As professionals, both Dunn and Klein adhere to their beliefs and try their best to stop it, which is also shown well in the picture.

The arrival of the evil god that Dunn desperately tried to prevent in the end was so beautiful, and Klein still survived.

Everyone is even more puzzled. The evil god has been stopped, so why is answer three correct and why is Klein still dead?

"We saved Tingen"

Captain Dunn's words made the entire residents of Tingen City unable to hold back tears.

The same goes for Klein. This captain has given him so much and has always been protective. He didn't expect it to end in this way.

But Klein was even more confused. Even though he had solved all the problems, why did he die?

The next moment, a hand penetrated Klein directly.

A blond middle-aged man with a serious face appeared in front of everyone holding a quill.

Then the screen turned again, and from the perspective of Ince Zangwill, everyone was told what exactly was going on.

It turns out that all this was a game set up by this guy, and the purpose was to advance, so he created the evil god coming.

His real purpose is to obtain the sealed artifact and obtain the extraordinary material inside to change his profession.

In the end, he succeeded, and of course the two heroes who saved Tingen City became pawns.

Seeing Klein fall, everyone was stunned. Even at the end of the screen, Klein's funeral was played.

Both brother and sister cried at the funeral. They didn't expect that their brother would disappear like this. It was just an ordinary mission.

In the world of the Lord of Mysteries, Klein's two brothers and sisters also had tears in their eyes at this time. (End of chapter)

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