Global copy: I can choose my plug-in

Chapter 100: This poison won’t evaporate!

Chapter 100: This poison won’t evaporate!

After Harley came out, he jumped directly into the air, trying to grasp the artifact brought by the Nordic goddess.

Then he was stopped by Sophia's grandfather.

Harley fell to the ground: "What? Doesn't what your granddaughter said in front of the whole world count?"

The grandfather stroked his beard: "Of course it counts."

"Since it counts, why don't you give me the artifact?"

"Of course I won't hand over the artifact to you because you are not No. 1."

"How is it possible? The territory I conquered in the dungeon is bigger than the planet under our feet, and the generals under my command are as powerful as gods. How can there be anyone stronger than me?"

"That person is indeed stronger than you. Even you are far behind our goddess."

At this time, the rankings appeared on the big screen.

Lin Chen No.1.

Harley No.2.

The Nordic goddess is tied for last place with many others.

"Hahahaha, your goddess ranks last and you have the nerve to say she is far worse than me."

The goddess's grandfather stroked his beard again: "That's right, this world is divided into five levels from the inside to the outside. You just barely conquered a territory on the fourth level, while my daughter is on the fourth level. At three levels, we have built a huge empire."

"The territory is thousands of times larger than yours."

"It's just that those two countries were destroyed by Lin Chen, so when the final settlement was made, our Highness had no territory in his name."

"Your country is too remote and you haven't met Lin Chen. If you had met Lin Chen, you would also be one of the last."

The goddess's grandfather was not polite in his words, because he found that his granddaughter was even more talented.

There is really no need to be polite to the weak.

In fact, he was overthinking it.

Although the performance of Goddess Sophia in the dungeon is much better than Harley.

The main reason is that this copy was brought by Sophia, and it is one of the copies that is particularly suitable for Sophia.

Second, Sophia has entered this dungeon many times and has comprehensive and rich experience.

There are no previous unsatisfactory attempts or failed attempts.

Sophia cannot do what she is doing now.

In this copy, Sophia's performance is better than Harley's, but it doesn't mean that Sophia is really stronger.

After all, Harley is also No. 1 in Sam Country!
Talent and strength cannot be underestimated.

Who knows what percentage of Harley's talent was used in this copy?
Only a very small number of people will awaken the special abilities in the dungeon, which are called talents.

But these talents can only play an important role in some copies.

In some copies it may be completely useless.

For example, a person's ability is to see ghosts and communicate with ghosts.And can harm ghosts.

In some ghost dungeons and detective dungeons, being able to communicate with ghosts and harm them is a super ability.

But when this ability comes to this copy, it means it doesn’t exist.

It's a completely useless talent.

Therefore, when evaluating talents, the adaptability of talents is also included.

The reason why Goddess is an S-level talent is because she has ten abilities, which can be said to be super adaptable.

It performs well in all copies.

But even so, she also has preferences.

It will be stronger in some copies and weaker in some copies.

Even so, there is no doubt about the strength of the goddess.

There can never be a person whose talent is the best in all dungeons.

At this time, the people who came out of the dungeon were watching the selected replays. After seeing the goddess's excellent performance, Harley did not lose his fighting spirit!

Until Harley saw Lin Chen’s clip.

I saw a sword heading towards the starry sky.

I saw the world warship rising into the sky.

Seeing the four demon emperors who mobilized the power of heaven and earth being obliterated.

At that time, Harry also felt the spiritual energy flowing rapidly in the land, but he was too far away from the fighting place.

Little did I know, that earth-shattering stop.

After watching the edited version of Lin Chen’s video,
Harley also fell silent.

"Where's Lin Chen?"

"Yes, where is Lin Chen?"

"Why hasn't he come out of the copy yet?"

At this time, a sentence came out: "He won't still be receiving rewards in the dungeon, right?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Lin Chen is indeed still receiving rewards.

Because too much territory has been conquered.

The characteristics of each territory are one of Lin Chen's rewards.

So the reward list is ridiculously long!
But those rewards are basically useless.

It's tasteless to take, it's a pity to throw away.

It didn't help Lin Chen's body.

After all, he is now dressed in divine clothing.

But if all those rewards are sold, they can be exchanged for billions of universal coins.

Wildcoin is different from ordinary money in that it does not have online banking or accounts.

Because the universal coin can open up space through the bracelet.

All the universal coins can be placed directly in the space.

Then there is universal currency, which is not a credit currency.

Its own value is extremely high, and the use value of the universal coin itself is much higher than the products he can purchase.

It's just that there are a lot of them circulating in the market, so the purchasing power of the goods is only that much. One universal coin can only buy five or six kilograms of flour.

In addition to the messy props, Lin Chen directly obtained more than 3 million universal coins from the copy.

But not all of those rewards are useless.

One of the rewards made Lin Chen very interested.

Those are the four demon emperor cubs.

They are a scorpion, a panda, a fox and a seahorse.

In addition, the most valuable thing is the massive experience points.

Raised Lin Chen's level to level 75.

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to level up.

It also relies more on talent.

This is why there are so few middle-aged gods.

Most of the gods are old men.

Because it takes a lot of years to accumulate experience points.

Lin Chen just walked out of the copy.

A lot of gods came one after another.

Lin Chen didn't expect that so many gods would welcome him.

The grandfather of the Nordic goddess appeared in front of Lin Chen instantly as if teleporting.

"It's you who deceived my granddaughter's artifact!"

"Hand over those artifacts."

Lin Chen's expression was dull and he looked at him with confusion. : "Artifact, what kind of artifact? I don't know your daughter at all, how could I lie to her about the artifact?"

The grandfather of the Nordic goddess: "You are the only one who is the most qualified among the diamond experts in China, who else could it be if you weren't you?" Lin Chen: "It's Harley!

"You!" The god who escorted Harley here stared wide-eyed: "You are the one who is really good at sowing dissension!"

"What evidence do you have that that person is from our country of Sam?"

Lin Chen turned to the Nordic goddess's grandfather and asked, "By the way, do you have evidence to prove that that person is from China?"

The grandfather of the Nordic goddess hesitated: "It seems that there is really no evidence?"

"Yes, don't just accuse someone without evidence. Think about it, how aggrieved the person who was wronged must feel?"

"Yes, he must be very aggrieved." Nordic goddess Sophia repeated.

"So what you have to do now is to continue the investigation and connect the clues through evidence to find the real culprit."

"Yes, continue the investigation." Nordic goddess Sophia repeated.

"Instead of doubting someone and questioning someone, the person who is suspected will be sad."

"It will be sad!"

"I learned it, and we will continue to investigate. Thank you."

Lin Chen nodded: "You're welcome. I also sincerely hope that you can investigate the truth. If you need help, just come to me."

The Nordic goddess looked at her grandfather and said: "Lin Chen is a good person. He definitely did not do this. If it was him, he would not be enthusiastic about helping us investigate."

The goddess's grandfather looked at his silly and sweet granddaughter and fell into silence: "I will make a mask after I go back, and then you can wander around Northern Europe with the mask for three years. In these three years, go and see more people." So many people and things.”

The goddess has been born with visions since birth, which determines her powerful talents.

Therefore, she has always been the hope of many Nordic countries.

The goddess has lived in the palace since her birth.

I rarely enter multi-player dungeons. Basically, I enter alone to clear dungeons.

The combination of these conditions makes the goddess look a little silly.

In fact, she is not stupid at all, she just lacks social experience.

A powerful computer cannot calculate without inputting a program.

The goddess' intelligence is this powerful computer, but her experience is undoubtedly lacking.

In public places, gods are very polite.

Their gangster side only comes out covertly.

Most people are humble and polite in front of the camera.

After leaving the camera, he will gradually show his domineering, rude, and predatory side.

After a polite and friendly exchange between the three gods.

Then they parted ways and left.

But after leaving, will he sneak back and search Lin Chen directly?

I don't know.

Lin Chen also felt that it was actually two gods guarding him.

In fact, Lin Chen was not panicked.

Because he has already accumulated a lot of faith power.

When necessary, you can use the power of the Three God Stones to kill the gods!

After returning home, Lin Chen took out the messy things.

After careful observation, Lin Chen discovered

It turns out that not all of those treasures are useless.

It's just that my vision is too high.

Because I have too many god-level items on my body.

When I see something that is not god-level, I always feel that it is useless.

But in fact, those things are very big when used.

For example, the prize after destroying the Persian Empire.

After taking dragon blood, you can obtain true dragon blood. During battle, dragon scales can be painted on the surface of the body, which greatly increases strength and defense. You can also master the power of the spirit of speech.

Lin Chen opened it immediately and drank it.

It felt like drinking a can of lava.

The whole body almost burned.

Fortunately, the level has reached level 75, and among the messy treasures, there happen to be ice-type treasures.

Only then did he survive this disaster without any danger.

Dragon's Blood is Lin Chen's third-ranked treasure.

The second ranked treasure is the Hundred Flowers Pill.

The Demon King is good at using poison, but poison and medicine are inseparable.

Similarly, there are two specialties of Baihua Country, namely Baihua Poison and Baihua Pill.

Taking Baihuadan can build a body that is invulnerable to all poisons.

Taking Baihua poison will cause your liver and intestines to break apart and turn into pollen. Humans who are touched by the pollen will still be poisoned, and then turn into pollen again. It is a highly contagious toxin.

Lin Chen did not get the Hundred Flowers Poison, but the Hundred Flowers Pill.

Even if he obtained Hundred Flowers Poison, Lin Chen did not dare to use it.

After all, Lin Chen didn't practice poison skills either.

You put poison but you can't control it.

What if the Blue Star becomes a dead ball?
After taking Baihua Dan, Lin Chen's body was as transparent as jade, exuding bursts of floral fragrance from the inside out.

Compared with taking dragon blood, taking Baihuadan tells me that there is no discomfort.

Taking dragon blood is indeed too painful.

Finally, Lin Chen took out the four demon emperor cubs and read the introduction.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Although the four demon emperors are just cubs, they have not yet transformed.

The level has reached level 99!
The most special thing is that the four demon emperors came with their skills.

Being able to become the four demon kings is partly due to their strong natural bloodline.

On the other hand, it is also the cultivation method that their ancestors have perfected from generation to generation, which is very powerful.

The third is their strong will and persistence in cultivation.

Each of the four major demon clans has millions or tens of millions of people.

But only the four of them became the strongest!
In other words, these four cubs under Lin Chen are just four cubs from the four major demon clans.

I want to train them to be the most powerful people.

They also need to hone their willpower.

Thinking about it, Lin Chen opened the search software and searched for how to hone his will.

At the same time, a god from the Kingdom of Sam had sneaked in secretly.

On the phone with home.

"Don't worry, my ability is to turn into a shadow. Even if a true god is guarding the villa, I can't be found."

"I just don't know if the poison you asked me to prepare can kill such a strong person."

People of different levels have different tolerances to poison.

Some poisons can kill mortals, but have no effect on professionals.

Some poisons can poison low-level professionals, but have no effect on high-level professionals.

A voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry, this is a reward obtained from a dungeon with poison as its core."

"The toxicity is so strong that even if you accidentally eat it, there is a high probability that you will be poisoned to death."

"Wait a minute, this poison won't evaporate, right?" The Shadow God looked at the poison bottle in his hand and couldn't help but feel worried.

(End of this chapter)

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