A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 138 Transformation in the Military Camp

Chapter 138 Transformation in the Military Camp
An hour passed, and the soldiers with the harvest strengthened their formation training according to the situation of their respective teams.

After the tacit understanding reaches a certain level, you can combine it with weapons to practice military formations.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after finishing dinner, the soldiers gathered together in twos and threes to chat and eat, discussing their experiences of the day with each other.

After chatting, those who are motivated can go to the library to learn various knowledge, including various basic martial arts in the martial arts.

After laying a solid material foundation, Lin Yao will prepare to popularize basic martial arts among the people and improve their overall physical fitness.

And all this starts with the army, and everything must be done step by step.

After the free time ended, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

The whole battalion began to learn military discipline, military skills, and political and ideological education, making them clear that they must unshakably obey Lin Yao's leadership and orders.

There must be a balance between what is received and what is given, and ideological education must be in place to control the army.

If soldiers receive less and pay more, they are prone to mutiny; if they receive more and pay less, they are prone to arrogance.Just like Ming Dynasty's Guan Ning cavalry.

As for the balance between remuneration and responsibilities, there will be a lack of sense of belonging for a long time.

Therefore, ideological education is indispensable. In the era of cold weapons, ideology is the strongest weapon for the army.

Even in the era of hot weapons, the army armed with ideas is invincible and shines with incomparable dazzling light.

If you punish the people and attack their crimes, the war will flourish; if your thoughts are stable, you will be invincible.

When all military-standard tasks are completed, it means that the day is about to come to an end.

With a squad as the basic unit, the squad leader and soldiers gather together to communicate and talk about anything, mainly to enhance mutual understanding.

But after the newly joined soldiers introduced themselves, they listened in surprise to the introductions of their squad leader and deputy squad leader.

For the first time, they learned that their bosses had also come from sharecropping backgrounds a year earlier.

Just like what Lin Yao knew about the glorious days in his previous life, when Yingjiang reporter went to Chang'an to interview those fighting troops, the scenes he saw truly reflected the situation at that time.

When reporters ask them what happened after joining the team, they can always talk non-stop.

If asked before joining the team, they would be silent.

Before that, no one regarded them as human beings, and they didn't like to recall that time.

After joining the team, they gained dignity and knowledge, and were full of hope for the future.

This is the reason why they can sweep all enemies. They respect each other and treat each other as equals in the team.

Everyone gradually becomes their own family and a closely connected whole.

Even if time and space are different, the landlords and gentry who make the common people work like cattle and horses are still the same kind of people, and the oppression and exploitation they bear are surprisingly similar.

Who can not be affected by emotions when faced with stories of selling children and wooing women but still not being able to have enough to eat, or even dying tragically?

In just one night, the same tragic experience made people in the entire military camp burst into tears.

This military camp is all from poor backgrounds, and it is especially easy for them to empathize with things similar to their own.

Let them realize that they are all of the same class and have a common enemy.

In a mood of empathy, the rebel army under Lin Yao ended their day's training.

Before the war begins, this model of officer training will continue.

With the daily supplement of meat, the color on the faces of these soldiers quickly faded, and there was a bit more rosy color, making them more like a human being than the black and skinny appearance before.These people can no longer eat chaff and turf, nor can they bear the fate of their next generation to be cows and horses.

The numbness no longer hangs on the face, and the eyes are a little clearer and more agile, no longer timid at the beginning.

Their eyes began to light up, and they no longer looked like the cheering spectators in "Awakening Literature".

How can anyone be born insensitive?After all, it is caused by the social environment. The cannibalistic society makes them as mechanical and numb as cattle and horses.

In Lin Yao's military camp, there were no officers beating or scolding the soldiers privately. There was warmth and mutual help inside.

Unity, tension, seriousness, liveliness.

During training, they abide by military laws meticulously, and during breaks, they gather together to talk and laugh.

For them, the treatment in the team is like a dream.

The entire military camp is like a big family with everyone hugging each other to stay warm under the "wind and snow" everywhere, relying on the body temperature to overcome the severe cold together.

"Stand up, don't kneel."

This is the core spirit emphasized by Lin Yao, and it is the necessary process for the transformation from cow to human.

In this atmosphere of standing up again and being human again, the newly joined soldiers also talked to each other and told their comrades about their experiences.

Even if their pasts were very unbearable, how could they resist opening up their hearts after having someone they recognized to talk to?
For example, there are old people at the top and small ones at the bottom. After working hard for a year, it is difficult to have enough food in the end.

Looking at their parents, wives, and children with hungry faces, why don't they feel heartbroken every day?
For example, the evil slaves of the master's family bully men and dominate women and run rampant in the countryside.And they can only swallow their anger and do nothing for the sake of their families.

The key point is to always be on guard. What should I do if these evil slaves bully my family?
The most fatal thing is that landlords increase the share of their land, making their already difficult lives even worse and unsustainable.

The world is so difficult that it makes my spine bend, but what can I do for the sake of food for my family?
I couldn't bear to swallow my anger, and I didn't even have a chance to eat a bite of food. Being beaten and scolded was nothing compared to being hungry.

More and more peasant soldiers began to express their innermost feelings, pouring out their past grievances and dissatisfaction bit by bit.

At the same time, their views on Lin Yao changed one after another.

When I first looked at Lin Yao's talent, I felt that I was not the same person as him.

Later, after witnessing Lin Yao's "Dragon Explosion" soaring into the sky, I thought he was a divine figure who came down to earth to play.

As a result, I unexpectedly discovered that Lin Yao cared about everything about them, and there was no sense of inaccessibility.

The training goals set by Lin Yao were very strict.If someone is lazy, military law will not tolerate it.

But during breaks, he often came to explain to them the beauty of the future. His words were very kind, and he was very concerned about whether they had any grievances in their life in the military camp.

There are also three meals a day prepared with all the effort, without any water, and each meal contains meat, so that they can eat as much as they want.

During evening ideological education classes, Lin Yao often came to the military camp and gathered with everyone.

Listen carefully to what they talked about in the past, and then analyze the root causes of why these things happened and how to prevent these tragedies in the future.

Over time, everyone felt that Lin Yao was a leader sent down by God who was dissatisfied with the suffering of the world, and was the hope for their group to stand up again.

They were all willing to obey his orders and go through fire and water without hesitation.

The cohesion of the army under Lin Yao gradually formed and developed in a very good direction.

(End of this chapter)

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