Chapter 231 Strike Operations
We are all in the same boat, but they also have certain concerns. The leaks that have exploded in official circles throughout the ages have something in common, that is, some loudmouths are not keeping secrets.

Wang Jinsheng has new ideas about this.

"We have to be prepared. Many people have dirty bottoms. Once the top takes action, it may affect Chiyu."

Wang Jinsheng emphasized this again and again. He Xinming thought about it and felt that it made sense.

After all, there are too many people trying to make money now. If some people are caught, everyone will suffer under interrogation.

He Xinming had no clue, so he looked at Wang Jinsheng.

"Discuss it in advance. After the incident, it is your own personal responsibility to bite him to death. Don't think about harming other people and exposing everyone.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens, others can secretly help take care of the family, otherwise it will be all in vain. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Jinsheng thought that such a consideration was reasonable. He looked at the people around him and nodded secretly in agreement.

These interest accomplices had not spoken out before and silently observed the exchange between Wang Jinsheng and He Xinming. They knew that the limelight was now tight and everyone must unite as one.

One person is found and the other resists. Anyone who bites randomly will definitely receive their own revenge. Don't say it is unforeseen.

Not only the local forces near Jiangning Mansion, the frequent movements of the rebel army also alarmed many insects in various places, and these people have come up with ways to deal with it.

Some vague leaders summoned everyone to collude in advance and determine the principles of doing things.

Those who dare to take the lead should not blame others for being cruel.

During this time, the original troublemakers also calmed down and hurriedly eliminated traces, striving to protect themselves at this critical moment.

At the same time, factory guards' actions in various places have made considerable progress.

The account books of some related coastal counties and districts were found to be fishy, ​​and the power departments were immediately controlled by factory guards, and professional personnel began to review them.

Under the influence of the Great Memory Restoration Technique and the expedited review of the account books, the relevant criminal groups were quickly uncovered.

Some are led by the top leaders, and some are hidden from the top leaders. Among them are students from the military-run universities of the rebel army.

Lin Yao looked at the data and found that just one county magistrate's actions cost Zhao Ting a year's tax revenue for a state capital.

He no longer had any hope for these scum, and immediately ordered the factory guards to act in an expedient manner, and the relevant county magistrates, county lieutenants, county magistrates, and the main responsible officials in the county were all executed.

Those who embezzle relatively small amounts are sentenced to ten years in prison, during which they must work to repay the debt.

County magistrates who have neglected their duties will be removed from office to serve the people and will never be hired.

As long as three generations of officials' families dare to raise their hands, they are not allowed to attend military-run universities for further study, and have no chance of serving in the uprising military office. They must also compensate the insurgents for their financial losses.

If the confiscated property is not enough, they must accept forced manual labor from the rebels, such as building bridges, paving roads, and mining ores.

Creating value to compensate for losses can only leave copper coins that can barely sustain life.

No matter how many years go by, as long as this debt is not repaid and the rebel regime is not overthrown, this generation will never end.

Until the repayment is completed or the descendants are cut off, no reason can be used to pardon this crime.Punishments were even harsher for students at rebel military-run universities, who had sworn corresponding oaths under the flag, a sacred act upon graduation.

But now that they have lost their faith, how bright their future was before, the punishment they receive now is so severe.

The treatment of these people's families will always leave a record, the debt must be repaid, and at the same time, they will never enter the rebel army system in the future.

Not only that, the factory guard got relevant information from their mouths, followed the clues, pulled out the radish and brought out the mud, and caught some big fish.

The corresponding engineering departments were involved, but it was just an individual act of these departments deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth from the superiors, and there was no connection between the superiors and the subordinates.

However, Lin Yao was a little shocked. A new regime like the Rebel Army had so many problems. If it ran for a few more years, wouldn't it mean that it would no longer have the surname Lin?

Having learned the lesson from this time, Lin Yao immediately increased investment in resources for the intelligence department, and Jin Yiwei, who was responsible for overseas affairs, also won and received more financial investment.

At the same time, we will strengthen the construction of local supervisory departments and judicial forces.

Moreover, Lin Yao keenly discovered that the rebels had placed too much emphasis on the quantity of members of the military-run university in recent years rather than on their quality, which resulted in the uneven quality of students in this top school, and some speculators entered the elegant hall.

You can be lenient, and people's thoughts can change with time. They should be given a chance to change.

But exports must be tightened. He does not want the phrase "the only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans never learn from history" to repeat itself.

The rebel army already has the power to completely take over the Liangzhe Road, Jiangnan East Road, and Fujian Road, and is fully capable of starting a top-to-bottom cleaning campaign.

Low-end corruption, making a sudden sum of money, only caring about yourself.High-end corruption, in cooperation with powerful landlords and wealthy businessmen, can reduce risks and achieve win-win cooperation.

Of course, before these mice were discovered, they were all hello, me, and everyone. After they were discovered, they were all neat and tidy, and now is the perfect time.

With Lin Yao's warrant, the factory guards mobilized escort teams from other areas, disarmed the relevant security forces in these counties, and then began to take action.

These armed forces cooperated with the factory guards to capture the relevant landlords and wealthy businessmen one after another. If there was resistance, they would be killed without mercy.

Many people had no time to react to this crackdown. During this period, some people had to resist stubbornly.

Seeing that the factory guards were about to cut them off with the butcher's knife, these former brave men immediately bought people's hearts with heavy sums of money and asked those families to guard the courtyard and protect them from the siege and fled to Song Ting, north of the Yangtze River.

According to the explanations of the survivors, they had a flexible bottom line. Since they could not find a way to survive in the territory of the rebel army, they reluctantly abandoned their family business and ran to Song Ting.

After regrouping, there is even a certain chance that he will follow the Song army to attack his ancestral homeland in a few years and avenge his past humiliation.

Regarding this matter, Lin Yao took it for fun and fled to Zhao Song. Even if he escaped the pursuit of the factory guards, these people would definitely have their bones and marrow sucked out.

The separation of more than a year was enough to create a certain gap between the powerful landlords of the two places, and the sight of a down-and-out guy with huge wealth, like a child holding gold in the busy city, made people salivate.

The forces may quietly divide the wealth of these people.

Of course, if you encounter people with "conscience", these places have already completed the division of territory and power, and will not allow external forces to intervene. These people can only sit back and eat.

Of course, they couldn't escape fast enough, and the local guards were led by professionals like factory guards, so it was easy to deal with these half-hearted people.

(End of this chapter)

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