A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 238: The purge is over and we go to the fighting world

Chapter 238: The purge is over and we go to the fighting world
The only thing that comforted Lin Yao was that Chen Ye, director of the Supervision Branch in Raozhou, was not involved and stuck to his principles.

However, his abilities were limited and he could not defeat the interest group headed by Huang Yuanhai, so he was manipulated by others.

His deputy has an undercover agent who cooperates with Huang Yuanhai and others to hide the truth, falsify accounts, deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates. It can only be said that the old ones are the hot ones.

Chen Ye's deputy is called He Hong, who is from his hometown and is quite capable of being promoted by him. The two have a deep relationship.

But he doesn’t want to cooperate with outsiders for the sake of profit, forging false accounts to harm his friends.

So until his friend was found out, Chen Ye looked confused and obviously still didn't understand the situation.

Before Lin Yao arrived in Raozhou, the officials on the list had been captured by factory guards, and no one could escape by chance.

Then professional factory guards tortured them and quickly uncovered other accomplices.

Hundreds of corrupt officials, powerful landlords, and wealthy businessmen in Raozhou are all implicated, and almost no one is clean.

The local guards and active soldiers of the rebel army acted together to capture them all with lightning speed, and their families were also fully controlled.

Lin Yao arrived in Raozhou Fucheng on February [-]th. He was no longer interested in the reasons for the corruption of his officials. These were nothing more than human greed.

He is more concerned about whether they get the punishment they deserve.

Both Huang Yuanhai and He Hong were held accountable, their property confiscated, and their descendants had to repay the losses.

The same goes for the rest of the accomplices.

Lin Yao was in Raozhou to inspect anti-corruption operations. Soldiers, factory guards, and the Military Justice Department were all actively taking action.

Through a variety of torture methods, these people don't have any strong bones, and they readily reveal the information they know.

With the control of information and the military strength of the rebel army, the purge operations against relevant officials, landlords, and wealthy businessmen did not cause any trouble and went quite smoothly.

This time, what Lin Yao wanted was to eradicate them all. The rebel army's abundant talent reserves meant that he no longer needed to compromise and complete this clean and tidy purge.

Of course, these people are not NPCs in the mission. They just stay where they are and are captured.

Those who had no time to react immediately proposed a plan to confiscate their families and exterminate their families, while some who heard the news united to mount a fierce resistance.

For example, the Wu family, a large landowner in Xinzhou, was very cooperative before.

In the early days, he used disguise to escape the rebel army's first purge operation against large landowners with bad records.

Later, he made acquaintance with the newly appointed local county magistrate and joined Meng Liang's corrupt interest group through the county magistrate.

In the process of making white gloves, I made a lot of money and successfully entered the list of factory guards.

The Wu family has certain financial and military resources in the local area. They are a small and well-known landlord, but they are good at managing their own reputation.

By embezzling the interests of small landowners and farmers, it expanded step by step, but in the meantime built bridges and paved roads, using these reputations to cover up its bloody history of fortune.

But it can never cover up the shocking and appalling corpses buried under the road where the Wu family made their fortune.

When Jiangnan East Road changed rulers, the Wu family formed a private force to protect themselves.

Not only that, but also absorbed some of Song Ting's defeated troops.

These young men were attracted by the generous conditions of the Wu family and joined one after another in order to survive. The most important thing was to cover their whereabouts and avoid being attacked by the rebels.

Seizing this opportunity, the Wu family benefited from it. Their power increased instead of decreasing, and they became increasingly arrogant.

Taking advantage of the nearly year-long extensive management of Jiangnan East Road by the rebels, they accepted the influence of other large landowners who had been eradicated, and transformed from small and medium-sized landowners into quite powerful landlords.

At the same time, relying on his relationship with the new county magistrate, he became even more unscrupulous.

This also caused the Wu family to be confused about their own position and directly resisted in the face of the powerful anti-corruption team.

Arm your own men and take advantage of the terrain to fight to the death and seek a chance of survival.

He knew that his family had no way to survive under the rule of the rebel army, so he decided to take his family across the river and escape to Song Ting.

With the heritage that has been preserved, there is still a chance for a comeback.

But he underestimated the military strength of the rebels, which was far more terrifying than a year ago.

And even though his men had the regular Song Ting army that had fled before, they gradually lost their combat effectiveness due to neglect of training.

The rebel army came to arrest more than [-] soldiers. They were all soldiers who had undergone rigorous training and had also participated in the operation to eradicate banditry on the two Zhejiang roads.

Forming a military formation with one against a hundred is a bit exaggerated, but one against ten is more than enough.What's more, there were 500 local guards nearby. With the same number of people, they overwhelmingly wiped out the Wu family's resistance.

In the end, the new big landowner did not surrender. After seeing no hope, he chose to hang himself and ended his life.

Before he died, he also killed his wife and children, not wanting them to experience the pain of confiscating their home and exterminating their clan.

Coincidentally, there were also several large landowners in Raozhou who had a certain amount of military power and did not choose to sit back and wait for death.

These people united and formed a team of thousands of people to try to resist. They also sent spies to try to contact Song Ting on the other side of the river, preparing to take refuge there.

However, they all failed, and all those sent out were intercepted.

Compared with the powerful men who held the land, the wealthy businessmen did not have so many worries. They quickly made a decision, took some of their belongings and packed lightly, and fled north.

However, these situations were anticipated by the rebels and they were blocked in advance. Unless they could fly, they would never be able to escape the heavy encirclement and suppression by the rebels.

It was obvious that these people did not have the extraordinary power to fly, and they became prisoners one after another.

By early March, Jiangnan East Road in Jiangningfu, Xuanzhou, Huizhou, Xinzhou, Raozhou, Chizhou, and Taipingzhou had all been plowed by the rebels.

Thousands of corrupt officials were eliminated, hundreds of powerful landlords and wealthy businessmen were captured, and the corrupt power of Jiangnan East Road was wiped out.

Lin Yao not only cut off the hand that reached into the Jianghuai Project, but also raised his whole body.

This purge involving the most powerful person in the rebel army shocked Song Ting who was standing by. This had a more profound impact than the purges on the Liangzhe Road.

The first time can be said to be the purge of Zhao Song's influence, but the second time shows that the person who controls the rebel army is a madman, and he has truly become the enemy of the whole world.

The local forces on Huainan East Road, Huainan West Road, and Jiangnan West Road, which were close to the rebels, were in turmoil. Everyone was in danger, fearing that the rebels would break through the Song Army's defense line.

For a time, the supplies of the defense line troops were not being withheld, and it was rare for all supplies to be distributed.

Combined with the large-scale purges of Liangzhe Road and Jiangnan East Road, Lin Yao initially felt the foundation of Zhao and the scholar-bureaucrats sharing the same world, as well as the insatiable appetite.

For example, the Huang family, the landlords of Hangzhou's Liangzhe Road who were eradicated early, owned tens of thousands of acres of land and thousands of tenant households, with more people than a modern university.

Population is strength. With nearly [-] personnel, it is enough to support an armed force of thousands of people in a short period of time. It has the power to be on par with local governments.

According to the previous accounts left by Song Ting, the Huang family was just a small tycoon with several hundred acres of land and dozens of households of tenant farmers.

This operation prevented the court from truly counting their fields, and the taxes that needed to be paid were greatly reduced.

Other landlords and gentry also performed similar operations. They colluded with the interests of the local government, deceived the superiors and deceived the inferiors, and transferred all the tax revenue from the fields to the vast number of homesteaders and small landowners.

This was one of the local disasters caused by Zhao Ting's relaxation of land policy.

Because of the lack of management, these people were so fat that they were harvested by the rebels.

After the Great Purge, the money, food, population, and ordnance reserves accumulated by these powerful landlords over hundreds of years all became spoils of war for the rebels.

Preliminary estimates put the proceeds from the confiscation of homes in Xinzhou alone at nearly one billion dollars. The wealth of the family surprised Lin Yao.

After all, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Yangzhou were all famous and prosperous places before, and they only had a harvest of about 30 billion yuan. Unexpectedly, in an ordinary state capital, the powerful landlords could have 1/3 of the wealth of the prosperous places.

You know, the total investment in Lin Yao's Jianghuai management project is only 80 billion.

And the most important thing is that after taking into account the value of Lin Yao's investment in auxiliary materials such as cement and steel bars, the actual money used may be even lower.


After the purge operation was over, Lin Yao gave relevant instructions to Wang Yuyan, Wu Yazi, and Su Xinghe, asking them to solidify the foundation of the rule of the Three-way Rebel Army and resolutely crack down on all evil behaviors.

At the same time, you can try to expand your power to the four places of Huainan East Road, Huainan West Road, Jiangnan West Road, and Guangnan East Road. If necessary, launch small-scale operations, but do not rush into success.

He also ordered Tianshan Tonglao to lead the navy to try to establish several bases in Liuqiu on the opposite side of Fujian Road to avoid being stabbed in the butt by Song Ting and the Liuqiu royal family.

Then look at Dengzhou on Jingxi East Road and Qiongya on Guangnan West Road. These two places cooperate with Liuqiu to form a triangle, completely blocking the Song Dynasty's coastline, and slowly building up a naval force belonging to the rebel army.

Lin Yao believed that this force might become the basis for establishing his own power in the future, so he also put some energy into determining the development direction of the world.

After the dust settled, Lin Yao immediately opened the passage to the world of Dou Qi and went directly to this world that was well-known among the heavens.

Nowadays, his strength is still a small Karami in the world, and he still needs to continue to work hard.


(End of this chapter)

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