Destiny Card: Awakening God-Level Talents at the Start.

Chapter 166 The star road is established and the cocoon is formed

Chapter 166 The star road is established and the cocoon is formed

This is a star field that is both majestic and full of vitality.

The blue dragon is curled up on the left, the white tiger is fiercely occupying the right, the red bird is flying in front, and the tortoise is headed behind.

The ancient planets across the universe are connected end to end, forming a huge star map like a huge dragon with teeth and claws.

Chu Wang knew that he had found the right place.

Here is the mysterious place known as the Eastern Qinglong Constellation.

So, the first thing to bear the brunt is the pair of dragon horns at the front of this blue dragon.

"There is the Eastern Qisujiao Wood Dragon!"

The seven elements in the East include Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei and Ji.

However, Chu Wang did not study the knowledge related to the stars carefully in his previous life.

What surprised him was that there were two horned stars appearing in front of him at this moment.

Historical records of Tianguan Shu: "Left corner Li, right corner general." 』

Star Sutra: "The two horned stars are the gate of heaven." 』

It is also said: "The left corner is Tiantian, the right corner is Tianmen, and the middle is called Tianguan." 』

It is a pity that in this world, due to the advent of secret realms and the invasion of monsters, human culture has also experienced a break.

Although after hundreds of years of continuous excavation of ruins and some families with orderly inheritance, they have also contributed.

Humanity has almost completely inherited the culture of ancient China, and there is no barrier.

It is a pity that because the secret realm is across the sky, humans can no longer observe the starry sky above their heads. Therefore, this part of knowledge is regarded as useless and abandoned by the extremely pragmatic humans who were in urgent need of reconstruction at that time.

Therefore, Chu Wang could only rely on his own instinct to make a quick decision at this moment.

A huge pressure has come to these people. It seems that these people are still connected to the mother planet by umbilical cords. They just rushed out temporarily to take a look. Now the umbilical cord is too tight and will pull them back to their mother planet at any time. Among the stars.

"What are you dawdling about!" Qin Henshui's voice rang in his ears, seeming to be under tremendous pressure.

Chu Wang was shocked, knowing that even with his teacher's level of strength, leading him to break through numerous blockades and travel the universe was under tremendous pressure, leaving him no time to hesitate.

Feeling that this wave of waves was already like a tide, with a tendency to ebb, Chu Wang had no time to think, so he could only rely on instinct and pounce towards the dragon horn on the right.


A roar like a divine dragon instantly resounded throughout the star field.

From this solitary roar that echoed in the empty universe, Chu Wang could vaguely hear a hint of joy.

There was no way to regret it. In the scene, a drop of green blood separated from the green horn and fell on the destiny stone above the head.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of starlight shone from the Tianmen Point Star, following the path anchored by the Destiny Stone, heading straight towards the Blue Star.

Chu Wang turned around with some worry. He and the others broke through many obstacles to reach the Eastern Qisuo Star Territory, but it took a lot of twists and turns. It was all because the lord-level monster "Void" used his body as a transit point to barely arrive.

Can this seemingly illusory starlight pass through the desolate fog and reach the Blue Star?

Facts have proved that Chu Wang still underestimated the power of this Eastern God.

As if there is nothing in front of you, this seemingly hazy and illusory star road completely ignores the desolate and silent cosmic wasteland at the other end, as well as the various secret realms that overlap and block the blue star.

It seems like a moment, and it seems like an extremely long time ago.

This starlight has shone on the Divine Stone of Destiny without any deviation.Qingcang let out a cry of joy, as if a wave of comfort came from his soul, making him tremble slightly.

Star Road, built.

The next second, the few people who could no longer hold on quickly retreated into the blue star like the ebb of the sea water. The starry sky was filled with surprise and accompanied by a few people, spreading a dreamlike atmosphere in this magical star field. of star shower.

The boundless silver sand chases the ebbing tide.

Come slowly, go fast.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Wang found himself in a familiar room again, and in front of him, a familiar yet unfamiliar green dragon was frantically rubbing its head against his chest.

It was Qing Cang who could no longer suppress his imminent metamorphosis.

Qing Cang's eyes were different from the dull and cute eyes in the past. There was already a starlight hidden in them, which looked extremely mysterious.

However, this handsome green dragon showed a pleading expression at this moment, as if it were a child acting coquettishly with its parents.

A doting smile appeared on Chu Wang's face, and with a wave of his left hand, 36 platinum-level spiritual fruits were placed directly in front of Qing Cang.

"Eat sparingly, for a total of 36 days, just take one pill a day." Chu Wang nodded Qing Cang's head gently.

Then, with a wave of his right hand, Chu Wang took out the nine kinds of silk threads that had been prepared.

This is the nine silk threads that he specially selected with the highest grade, the best quality, and the most suitable for Qing Cang.

There are four kinds of threads from wood-type plants, four kinds of threads from insect-type monsters, and one is a kind of weird thread taken from a starry crystal, but it matches Qing Cang's attributes very well.

In preparing for the advancement of his monster, Chu Wang has always strived to achieve perfection. This is the case with the painstaking efforts to obtain the lord-level dragon blood, and the same with the care and attention when selecting silk threads.

Qing Cang couldn't wait for a long time. Now that everything was ready, he naturally swallowed the nine kinds of silk threads into his belly without hesitation.

Although he is more like a dragon at the moment, weaving threads and making cocoons is still like an instinct engraved in Qing Cang's bones.

Soon, the nine silk threads were transformed in his body. After Qing Cang glanced at Chu Wang, he opened his mouth to spin silk without hesitation. A huge silk thread was more than three meters high, mainly cyan, mixed with a little starry color. The cocoon slowly took shape in front of Chu Wang.

After carefully circling the cocoon three times, Chu Wang confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the cocoon weaved by Qing Cang for the first time, and that everything was fine with Qing Cang inside the cocoon.

Finally relieved, Chu Wang let out a long sigh of relief, feeling even more tired than when he advanced to a higher level.

Looking back, a relieved smile appeared on Chu Wang's face, "Teacher, thank you for your hard work. There shouldn't be any problems in these 36 days. I'll just keep an eye on it. You can go and rest first."

However, to Chu Wang's expectation, Qin Henshui did not leave. Instead, he took a step forward and took a closer look at Chu Wang's current state.

"Instead of me taking a rest, don't you think it would be better to take advantage of this time to seal your third monster, or seal the second monster of your second card?
In this great world, things may change suddenly every day, and the source world may stabilize and completely integrate with this world at any time.

Although you have done a good job and are ahead of the curve in everything, as your teacher, I still hope that you can make progress faster.

The sooner the better. Only in this way can we ensure that when troubled times come, you can survive even if I don't care about others. "

Qin Henshui's words brought Chu Wang, who had just been immersed in the joy of another huge promotion, back to his senses.

Yes, I am already a high-level card master. The first monster has just started to advance, the path to advance the second monster has not yet been determined, and the third monster has not yet been sealed.

There is obviously so much room for improvement, but I am still stuck on my laurels and become complacent just for the sake of small progress. I really shouldn't.

Thinking of this, Chu Wang looked ashamed and bowed gratefully to Qin Henshui.
"Teacher has so many things to do. He has just finished working for the students and is still thinking about the students' progress. Chu Wang is really ashamed."


"So, teacher, I want a space-based monster. Do you think you can get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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